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Niki Elizabeth  Sep 2017
Niki Elizabeth Sep 2017
I live my life on the phone,
listening to the never ending ringing
and a pre-recorded voicemail
asking me to leave a message.
it's not even your voice,
which is all I've been longing for
the twang in it,
the way you say your name,
the way you say mine.
I miss you,
I love you.
my body craves your touch
but my soul,
it craves your sound
and the way it makes me feel.
five years ago it started
and since then I've spent it waiting,
always waiting,
waiting for you to love me
like I have always loved you.

For years I stayed through his ****,
a compulsive liar, selfish, demanding, always too serious.
But i loved him all the same.
Now I stand alone,
left in the cruelest way possible.
Ruined before,
now ruined even more.
The drugs,
they won him over
and now the drugs,
they help me cope.
I was lost with a road map,
But now even that's been burned
and I can't see which way is up.
I guess I'll just keep staying,
waiting on forever.

It just *****.
That's what I tell everyone when they ask me how I'm doing
And don't take my half hearted okay for the ******* answer it is.
It just ***** ya know?
He went barreling out the this world
just as suddenly as he came stumbling into mine.
Amber Belford Jul 2011
my lips form the words
the three simple words
that seem so freeing in that moment
swirling around my tongue
the aftertaste sweet
but bitter in its root
for it is impossible to quantify
these feelings bursting with each syllable
feelings that burn my very soul
my eyes open with your eyes
seeing beauty in a world that
knows nothing but pain
my heart beats with each breath
that escapes those precious lips
pulsing your name through my veins
my skin tingles with each word
your sigh wraps around my ears
pushing me over the edge of everything
my smile shines with each thought
that you encompass and create
my brain your playground
these three words
8 letters
bring such joy to my heart
hope springs from my eyes
creating timelines down my cheek
our future pooling at my chin
counting the seconds
until I hear your voice
see your smile
hold you in my arms
create a memory
within a memory
sinking slowly
into each other
until we are one
these 3 words
say more than they
could ever express
in words alone.
Adasyev  Oct 2016
Adasyev Oct 2016
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že by mělo přijít ještě něco dalšího.

— The End —