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vircapio gale Apr 2013
oli  alolalia, alloilaalia llia
my voice complies to echo
distant emblems of a theory of all fate,
destined  with a syntax  of a mainly nonsense  pedantry
..paling.. beside a string of random words--
whether nature's bare effect,
or some intentional array--
ailololalieae, aellolalia la aolilolalia, allollia allali lllla, alloalia alllaia, allolalia*
--bearing ologies of whim and isms without ambit,
a farce within a sham in a sham in a sham
waiting there atop an abstract, ancient hill
gloriously stale, and always having been to be
what only poor Laplace could see.
the comely resignation siren sings,
her hair of timely strands agleam
and waving as she wails before a wall of necessary moans
aelloliaolia llali, alilaolaloiaa. Lllaa oali, aallolalia, lli ll ol, llolalia lllalia, aallaoloaloia
in dagger tongues of old and new, even divination ends--
anti-grammar soothsaid by the stars,
pointless thanks for all respite
and fortunes womb to womb
in tones of equal portions,
loving and malicious lies
invested blindly in a causalistic chain
compelling freely all to learn
another hyle verse refraining on,
"sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet tea."
allolalia of the soul, for certain.
of what is romanticized as soul. the Incy would know,                         
chosen in fantastic leaps a chorus strips
to vocal altivolant cries
rebounding buttress heights
with savored dionysian sin
the gods descended to revise--
listen, in abandon, an amatorculist's ictus speaks:
allolalia a allaia. Alloolalia allolalia alaloolaleioa
resounding deep beneath the waters, ecstatic envelope of tides
in which the stars reflect the spiral of my inner gaze
chiaster noemes tipping pleasure over domes,
verdant crotches rooted by ephemera of lights
and hazes floated over eyelash swoons
from piercings into satisfaction's desert end,
where sternums drip with scoured lusts
and wide-eyed recollections of the moment's selfhood sight
betray the freedom in the heart, and sacral pride.
***** imagined ease of future tropes
conjoined with inner plights to balance
what the furrowed brow concerns,
and widened visions offer further depths
to penetrate the interweavement of all times--
alone i'm here again, recognizant of wills
familiar as the flaming star i contour shadows from
to reminisce on mentor's sayings,
"exact description of inner and outer reality"
Alelaoolaliai alololialiia, aallolaleia
experiment of worlds, archer of the proper noun
allolalia... beloved allolalia...

"Susie Asado" is a poem by Gertrude Stein, with "Sweet... tea" as its opening line.

n. - form of aphasia in which words are spoken at random.
or Any speech defect, esp. one caused by a cerebral disorder.

word mutations are taken from
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
December 25 - 28, 2010

Stuck in Miami, Florida, because of bad weather in NYC.
Composed after reading the poetry of Campbell McGrath, who lives in Miami.
electric pinpricks of
unfamiliar red and green lights,
bedroom traffic guidance
courtesy of a stranger's
tv and cable box,
an emblematic totem tonight,
of my physical dislocation,
reminders that I'm enslaved
by weather machinations.

I lay, resting uneasy,
in a strange bed,
one night too many,
snow storming in my head
snow storming up north aplenty,
a blizzard of ruminations are
my white coverlet,
while stuck in Miami.

faraway drifts have
force fed and freed
an imprisoned restlessness,
a multipurposed, slashing.

Miami midnight incision has
let out the bad humors,
let in an unfamiliar odor -
lechón asado,
which texts my Pharisee nostrils
in Cubano,
words muy ironico,
a single waking thought,
"who ya kidding?"

Everglades rain
imported from California,
recycles on rooftops,
thrumming a heart beating,
syncopated, watery refrain,
a regifted heavenly present.

the sound waves mark
as a barely undulating wave,
inside this super soaked brain,
that transforms wine into water
and scan lines into these letters,
"who ya kidding?"

all this exponential signage
of this NYC boy grousing, are his
defrocked muses annoying,
with a serenading blizzard
of one trick pony repetitions,
coronets trumpet his unmasking,
this essay, a revelation,
a product of their
harmonious discordancy.

a single note crowns his head
as he weeps whole food
organic, non-recyclable tears,
products of his new inquistional,
a self-inflicted interogatorial,
"who ya kidding?"

compiler of an
occasional talented catch phrase,
strung'em together like
cheap pearls,
pretensions of literary acumen
once populated his Id,
articles of spilled word *****,
but Florida rain has cleansed
his Northern haughty pretensions,
with an injection of truth serum,
a pharmaceutical wonder of
a local poison labeled,
"who ya kidding?"

A day laborer, nothing more,
rise up at five, brown bagged,
a client of Mammon's *****,
soul sagged, life hagged,
a sum of cultural cliches,
a cell phoned baby boomer,
a would be millennial,
constructed of paper mache,
who on occasion,
has been known to say,
"Let's play poetry today."

the poseur chokes
on this new poison,
delivered by unhappy stance
by the arrows of his
current misfortune
for he now suffers from
the deadly disease of
"compare and contrast."

a slim book of poems
of Campbell McGrath's
(his phraseology,
a veritable theology)
shoos the blues traveler,
over to a funhouse
where an honest magic mirror
cuts him down to size.

his poetic aspirations,
a residue of self-infatuation,
are summarily dismissed by
the truly gritty, quick justice
of a master poet's
"who ya kidding?"

so watch how a would-be
poet disappears,
in a barrage of bullets marked,
his dignity, more than hobbled,
his cheek, gone, gobbled,
his juice, a currency unaccepted,
his holiday present,
a ceasefire of conjugation,
a cornucopia of declinations

dare I ever write again?
who indeed, am I kidding,
other than myself?

I am an addict, not a poet.
Jedd Ong  Mar 2015
Jedd Ong Mar 2015
Muelle de Binondo Street,
Barangay San Nicolas,
Old Manila.

My dad's fate
Will always be muddled
With nostalgia:

The mid-afternoon
Traffic of fruit vendors,

The toothless strains
Of my grandfather's voice,
Bouncing off
The warehouse walls
Like folding cardboard,

The ceramic gallops of horse-
Drawn kalesas taking him
From school to
My grandfather's offices,
Every day and back,

Up and down
The cardboard box river
To Tondo. There, he hurriedly
Buys ten
Asado buns
From a stall across the
Street from their
School - a voracious
Forever late for class, forever

Putting on basketball jerseys
Too wide for him,
Basketball shorts too
Short; body
Always too gangly,
Too long-limbed, wide eyed
And fleet footed
For his dreams to catch.

He once could dunk.

He is still a baby boomer -
Scared of firecrackers,
Weird penchant
For popped collar shirts,
Pointed shoes, and
Sequins - he, was an avid

Lover of stars - his old
Dust-strewn bed posts
Giving way, I imagine,
To iron bars caging
The luminous starry night,
Floating high above
The sewage
And the freight trucks
That weigh him so.

They sang to him.

In the tune of
My mother's voice -
The only album
He ever possessed.

Song set from
His favorite band.

"Apo Hiking Society."

His favorite word,
Was "leap."

A disciple
Of MJ, Dr. J,
And Magic,
Samboy, and Jawo,

Icarus on hardwood
And leaping
From the free throw line.

"Son," he once told me,
"You gotta leap
"If you wanna live."

He was always afraid of heights.

It wasn't until 41 that
We made him ride a roller-coaster,
That he had even seen a roller-coaster.

"You gotta leap
"If you wanna live."

I think my favorite
Memory of my dad
Is still him wringing my fingers
At Space Mountain with
Eyes so tightly shut
That we forgot
Our fears,
And screamed instead:


Is how the stars look like
When unbolted
By folding cardboard,
And iron bars.
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
People come in and out
Some to never be seen again  
Asado rojo
People come in and out
Asking if their food is done
Yelling at you because the wanted cheese
Some are nice
Other are greedy
Not always leaving a tip
People come in and out
Some to never be seen again
Time goes by and food keeps coming out
Here so many difrent people
Who come and go
Just leaving their face engraved in your mind
To some night be seen again in your dreams
La calle
se llenó de tomates,
la luz
se parte
en dos
de tomate,
por las calles
el jugo.
En diciembre
se desata
el tomate,
las cocinas,
entra por los almuerzos,
se sienta
en los aparadores,
entre los vasos,
las mantequilleras,
los saleros azules.
luz propia,
majestad benigna.
Debemos, por desgracia,
se hunde
el cuchillo
en su pulpa viviente,
es una roja
un sol
llena las ensaladas
de Chile,
se casa alegremente
con la clara cebolla,
y para celebrarlo
se deja
esencial del olivo,
sobre sus hemisferios entreabiertos,
la pimienta
su fragancia,
la sal su magnetismo:
son las bodas
del día,
el perejil
las papas
hierven vigorosamente,
el asado
con su aroma
en la puerta,
es hora!
y sobre
la mesa, en la cintura
del verano,
el tomate,
astro de tierra,
y fecunda,
nos muestra
sus circunvoluciones,
sus canales,
la insigne plenitud
y la abundancia
sin hueso,
sin coraza,
sin escamas ni espinas,
nos entrega
el regalo
de su color fogoso
y la totalidad de su frescura.
johnny petsum lloraba por las tardes
en el w.c. de la "Coronation Inc Corp"
pero poco lloraba
atento al gran señor de la cadena

el gran señor no era
el capataz o dueño o accionista montado en un burro de fuego
el gran señor era un sonido hosco duro vivo patrón
en la cadena que andaba y andaba

mientras uno ponía el tornillo otro la tuerca y todos
el alma el cuerpo la memoria el horror
de olvidar
el día -no la noche- en que los bellos muchachos servían
sus amores

y tres aves chiquitas cantaban
por el amor por dolor por la ceguera
¡ah johnny petsum! habrá navío que te lleve a dormir
alzó las velas para volver a la ciudad

allí johnny petsum mató
al carcelero del rosal
al que envenena las pechugas de ave
al que ensuciaba boca a boca los aires del río

antes de irse a la muera escribió carta
"¿de qué llorás niña blanca?" decía y es cierto
nunca supo de qué
con la ceguera de johnny petsum hicieron un asado

con su amor y dolor hicieron un asado
la niña blanca lloraba debajo de sus besos no dados justamente
de los que un día nacieron altos brillos
ya tarde johnny oh

menos para las aves chiquitas
menos para las aves menos mal
que cantaban cantaban
ya ciegas mucho ciegas
Pasea con el luto de viuda de sí misma,
payasa, miliciana,
entre los arces plateados de New Jersey
(o tal vez sean pinos, encinas, jaras y retamas
de Chozas de Sierra... Yo ya no sé).
La navaja del río corta pan y tomate
de la tarde que se evapora.

Don Gil, Jilguero de las calzas verdes,
asado con madera del cajón de la portería,
miraba compasivo
cómo acunan tus brazos esqueléticos,
mientras dan de mamar a la guerra de nunca,
teta arrugada, guerra guerreada,
y todo lo demás.
Y todo blanco y *****. Y desvaído.
Un hombre levantaba su cabeza de ortiga
en el menesteroso anochecer.
Mendigos con fusiles (que yo los vi pasar
porque tú los mirabas).
Y niños muertos que esquivabas para no pisarlos
en la calle de Atocha
(nunca los vi ni quise verlos),
y aquel puente estrechísimo que no es el más con
de Nueva York, sino de nieve y de cellisca,
(yo lo he visto, y lo veo, y seguiré viéndolo,
con las mujeres de ébano y marfil arrugado,
porque era entonces todo blanco y *****).
Y ahora vuelve sin Filis, cabalgando su cáncer,
¡hasta mañana, Filis!

Más tarde, en tu memoria cristalizaban sombras,
entre los rascacielos de acero y miel:
sombras de mondas de patatas
que has olvidadoo, pues no quieres morir,
no queremos morir,
y fachadas de catedrales bordadas de palomas,
y que mañana no será otro día,
y otra sombra resbalando sobre una lágrima,
enhebrando una aguja, zurciendo una bufanda
a la sombra de una lenteja.
Irate Watcher Jun 2017
I reminisce and wish to get back to her.
She was free time, carefree, kind of gypsy-like.
Just one, two, three, four years ago...

I left her to search for purpose,
to build an edifice to lay
my wispy hair upon,
outside the window of a cathedral,
outside the window of a
tumbling Bolivian bus,
outside the window of a
Medellin teleferico,
outside the windows of
the crumbling concrete houses
outside the window of
a drunken car; blurred cobblestone streets,
cooking asado with
my friend Jeriff,
cooking plataños alone
in a cast-iron skillet.
starting a small fire,
cooking tortillas,
spreading dulce de leche.

hearing sea turtles breathe.

pushing a motorcycle up a hill,
in the rain, for some lazy Colombian.
losing sleep under stars,
drowning in a waterfall,
drowning in the Peruvian swells,
running from a belligerent coke dealer,
escaping the shaman with drunken red eyes,
emerging from silver mines unscathed,
traversing 100km in four days,
escaping an Austrian love triangle,
leaving a loyal stray behind.

I don't have wispy hair anymore.
I left, led a boring life,
built an edifice, and watched it crumble before me.
Where is the girl I left behind?
Ay sí, recuerdo,
ay tus ojos cerrados
como llenos por dentro de luz negra,
todo tu cuerpo como una mano abierta,
como un racimo blanco de la luna,
y el éxtasis,
cuando nos mata un rayo,
cuando un puñal nos hiere en las raíces
y nos rompe una luz la cabellera,
y cuando
vamos de nuevo
volviendo a la vida,
como si del océano saliéramos,
como si del naufragio
volviéramos heridos
entre las piedras y las algas rojas.

hay otros recuerdos,
no sólo flores del incendio,
sino pequeños brotes
que aparecen de pronto
cuando voy en los trenes
o en las calles.

Te veo
lavando mis pañuelos,
colgando en la ventana
mis calcetines rotos,
tu figura en que todo,
todo el placer como una llamarada
cayó sin destruirte,
de nuevo,
de cada día,
de nuevo ser humano,
humildemente humano,
soberbiamente pobre,
como tienes que ser para que seas
no la rápida rosa
que la ceniza del amor deshace,
sino toda la vida,
toda la vida con jabón y agujas,
con el aroma que amo
de la cocina que tal vez no tendremos
y en que tu mano entre las papas fritas
y tu boca cantando en invierno
mientras llega el asado
serían para mi la permanencia
de la felicidad sobre la tierra.

Ay vida mía,
no sólo el fuego entre nosotros arde,
sino toda la vida,
la simple historia,
el simple amor
de una mujer y un hombre
parecidos a todos.

— The End —