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22/F    Poet, notorious bibliophile, proud nerd, future neuroscientist, musician, Autistic Self Advocate
Julia Plante
i love.
I burn plant matter to ease my hatred. I am learning how to be fearless. I am not a human But I come from this …
P E Kaplan
Belfast, Maine    A contemplative, a leery decision maker, a curious bystander ready for connection. Still working on self-acceptance, self-awareness and self-love. The writing, yes, the writing, allows …
Vanessa Abplanalp
Indianapolis    You've left moon dust on my pillow and lavender on my tongue.
27/F/Malaysia    black ink on a dark page
So many judgemental people who don't want to be judged.
16/M    Songwriter, not a poet Came here to widen my knowledge on what are good and what pop lyrics.
Adelaide, Australia    "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like the ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not …
Banraplang B Tron
22/M/Shillong    "I'll see you in black & white!"
Joseph Esplana
Montreal Canada, rep it.    i like stuff. i like marijuana. i dont like alcohol or tobacco, ew. I pretty much made this account to keep up to date with …
20/M/Brooklyn, NY    Hello! I'm very new to poetry but I've fallen in love with writing. It's given me a way to get my thoughts out that are …
Jenny Kaplan
Clarisse Zaplan
The Void    This is a new start

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