this is when
we keep on keeping on
our fingers laced and kinked
to some incited cold
gives us no unction – i leave
you with irreparable harm
trudges across flame, guesses
the assailant of aches.
when these crosses straighten
within the whelm of your mouth
i will curl them again in sweet,
successive manners of graceless joust
and then when you come before i,
or is it i before you — whichever,
this music is never a notice of
ease — only rescue without warning
or attendance, seeping underneath
pallid floor work, lips puckered
pursed to attenuated form of bow
and mine eyes arrow through
your triple deeds arraying
and i can never ignore how immense
the moon is in the river of the same vein
riverrun, away, wayward—
lisps of white and red
and soon obliterated when both our
avenues close and we walk
home, hands separately yearning.