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21/M/USA    All I want is to be understood and to understand myself.
Max Jonas
Istanbul    Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. ― Mark Twain
Jonas Gonçalves
Brazil    Sou um homem de poucas palavras; quase um Leminski twitter: @jonasgoncalos
I won't give up on finding my thoughts their lost in my head but it seems like their dead
Addison Jonas
Alex Jonas
36/Cisgender/Restless in USA    I hope you're having a better day than you were
Jonas Vange Heinzl
Denmark    18 year old and sleep deprived guy. Like tattoos and deathcore.
D.C.    I like the outdoors and lots of crazy other stuff.
Jonas Garcia
20/M/Philippines    Poetically Frustrated

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