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Brad French
Clarksville, TN    -Poet at heart- English student at Austin Peay University of Clarksville, Tennessee. Minoring in Creative Writing. (In Progress) :) Reading and writing is my passion. …
Pittsburgh, PA   
Chief Speak-a-little-French
41/M/Harare, Zimbabwe    Chief Speak-a-little-French (Makanaka), US Soldier. Proudly Native American. Vietnam, Africa, Native America
Michael French
Ontario    Canadian
Katrina French
Amanda French
“You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.” ― Jonathan Safran Foer
27/Cisgender Male/Where ever    I've been writing for just about 12 years and I finally feel like I'm getting pretty good. Poetry is the nicest way I've made my …
Mia French
***This poetry is written and dedicated to the survivors. ***

— The End —