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JA Doetsch
40/M/St. Louis, MO    Pretending to be a writer in my spare time. DFTBA
MaryJane Doe
Colorado    Hello Hello I like to rhyme You'll find a lot of that in my poetry Born and raised on green eggs and ham I am …
Marialenn Langendoen
Oosterhout NBr    Marialenn Langendoen Born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, now living in Oosterhout Nbr. Writing is for me like ‘painting my deepest feelings with words’. I traveled …
Jane Doe
29    This is my diary, I'm letting strangers read it. All rights reserved.
I have another account on here, but have a very specific style I write in. I also have some friends that follow that account. So …
Joan Doe
I write most of these past midnight, sleepy and dazed as hell. I'm not expecting you to understand them if you don't, nor am I …
Lana Leandoer
indigo soul, artistic abilities
jane doe
John Doe
20/In my bed    Just the green eyed devil
South Africa   
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Im just gonna post lyrics to wildly, fantastically,poetically, magically, underrated songs, in a world where dumstep is the norm. As well as poems from yet …
Violet Moradoe
Virginia    Dearest darling I am sorry for my wrong doings.
lacie doe
Texas    Some times i'm inspired Other times I search For inspiration For a life that meets death as a friend Outside my soul Within my self …
Frodoey Xanders
Florida    I have always love poetry. It gives me a feeling of fullness. Fills my imgination. Inspires me to move on, laughing.
Angela Doe
Mehville    I might not be much, but this is just the beginning.
Max Doe
Incarcerated    Hi everyone, Max is currently doing some time in prison and has given me permission to post his poetry. It would mean a lot to …

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