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Dante Rocío
Agender/Польша    Poet/Linguist/Polyglot/Translator/Poetry Reviewer/Blooming Philosopher, Artist & Revolutionist/Existentialist/Romantic/Oddity "Gotta do more, gotta be more" - Dead Poets Society, Charlie D. Twitter: @AleramoGillio
M/Out there somewhere   
Born into a world of nothing really going on, and currently living out the rest of his days in a melancholy haze occasionally broken by …
Sir Douz Dante
kenya    Divergent being
Matthew Dante Cosentino
Merrick, NY    Hello All! I dislike trying to fit myself in this box but I will try my best at giving u a shallow idea of who …
Afro Dante
I would describe myself as a content guy, who next to his studies likes to watercolor, write, dance, run or read to relax. Right now, …
I hate context and my mind hurts from time to tim.
25/M/Philadelphia    I am the Lovesmith. Curator of hearts and explorer of worlds. With a heart of gold, I traverse the stars with the purpose of spreading …
Kahla Mercadante
Dante Stansbury
Poetry is art, created by an artist with a passion for words and giving people a vision of what they speak. Everyone is a poet …
Dante Crepuscule
28/M/Belguim    Life is a story that has to read
M/US    Yeah, it's a pseudonym. What about it?
Dante Consentino
20/M    I'm just a man trying to figure my own life out for the first time. On my own.
Dante DelVecchio
18/M/United States   
Corvaughn Dante Henson

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