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Michael Alvino Jan 2013
gazing off heady rooftops

at pincushion skies,

buttoned with clouds,

and pierced by Gotham's spires

at the sAw-ToOtH horizon.

oh, on clearer nights,

you blazed through the city,

lighting the stars on fire,

and sowing wild oats

while the moon's gleam dizzied itself,

dancing circles in the beautiful

disarray of your golden curls.

with every bounding step

carpe-ing the whole of the diem,

only to oblige yourself

to the whim of the noctem.

you were my ******(e).

oh, on warmer days,

you took in life at every breath,

then gave back to the world,

expiring something equally elemental-

"air well spent," i'd think,

neither matter nor soul

created or lost, rather,

each enriched by simply

having known the other.
A Machele  Aug 2012
Act I
A Machele Aug 2012
'07:* girl meets boy, senses shocked—
life as she knew it forever swayed by his rash and carefree decisions
she grows, leaving the world she knew behind
metamorphosing rapidly, shedding the comfort of her caccoon..
sprouting wings where legs once grew

'08: time passes yet their feelings have not come to fruition
another man enters the picture, bringing new hope to love
squashing all ideas of it before it even has a chance to flourish
gone, never to be heard from again; back to the drawing table..
her flight path altered slightly, regaining composition—slowly but surely

'09: her light shines bright now, thru numerous trials and tribulations
enter: a new boy; his style & grace caresses her to the core
his soul intertwines with hers, pouring brightness over the dark times
little does she know the darkest are yet to come..

'10: their obsession grows, littered with dishonesty & mistrust
an obvious love affair; tainted relationships append a broken start..
the girl—confused, lost in remorse—negates the power she knows exists in their love
he fights for her & she pushes him away, hopelessly overwhelmed by her guilt

'11: a new year; old habits—the glow of their love almost completely diminished
hearts broken, new relationships envelop their mistrust; loss, gain, loss gain
guilt finally replaced by regret, she realizes what she knew all along..
slightly shaken, she mends her heart & bandages her bruised ego
—in honor of the child now growing inside of her

'12: a beautiful boy brought into their world; blinded happiness—
a sudden change of heart from the boy, torn apart by his own insecurities and emotions
a bitter & resentful girl, grasping at the wind; no reciprication
finally—a break in the void.. hopeful at last, she is hesitant to be too greedy..
should she fight for him as he did her? or will their destinies choose themselves?

'13:* a twisted plot: boy #1 re-enters the scene; lost, desparate, & reminiscent of the past
tear-streaked and beautiful, the girl—now a mother—makes the decision she knew would never make itself..
squashing all traces of lingering hope in her now-adamant beau, she takes their son & leaves behind the life they knew; it is her turn to be greedy
dreams as fragile as rose-petals are crushed beneath the eyes of the friends she once called family
slate cleared; it is over before it began.. homeward bound—to the family she calls nothing

to be continued
Jamesb  Aug 2023
I Love You
Jamesb Aug 2023
I love you with every shred of me,
But I do so from the desert fastness,
Where the sun boils away sentiment,
Where softness is a dried crust
And silica blows rounding off
The edges of loving intent,

I love you from a high mountain peak,
Where oxygen is scarce to be found,
Where blizzard driven snow suffocates loving intention,
And an avalanche will ****
Any motion towards a heart
No matter how much love there is behind,

I love you from the deep ocean,
Far from the warmth of any sun,
Where stygian darkness rules,
Where unimaginable pressure squeezes
The joy and vibrancy from every cell
Even as it sinks slowly to oblivion,

And I shall love you,
From beneath a marble slab,
Below the mown turf of the burial yard,
From the sanctity of a closed casket,
Held closed by screws and
The earth's embrace,

And I love you from these locations
Because therein you arent,
You are absent from these places,
From receipt of my love,
From reciprication
And here I remain,

Because you have placed me there.
Captures the futility of.loving someone who just does not, or cannit, or will not, love back
Why am I lonely in a crowd?

The crowds are so loud.

When I speak

my knowledge they don't seek.

Am I not seen

in the crowds I've been?

I makes me feel depressed

to be so repressed.

Listen to me, I'm talking to you!

Where is reciprication from you?

Do my words just float in space?

Can't you keep up the pace?

Is arrogance your flaw?

Is that why you don't let me talk?

— The End —