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30/F/Oklahoma    Writer of Ramblings, Trauma Survivor, Hopeful Romantic, authentic adventurer, poet and Photographer
California    Whorish Tendencies.
Nicest Psycho. Edge lord of Shit mountain.



The brush of satin

the sting of leather

the kiss of lace

the cut of steel

the breath of silk

the abrasion of rope

the caress of a rose

the ***** of a thorn

the whisper of lips

the betrayal of words

the touch of love

the destruction in lies

the blush of skin

the pain of anger

the serenity of peace

the anguish of despair

the love of the game

the hate of being played

the crave of knowledge

the betrayal of truth

the happiness of freedom

the heartache of desolation

the fulfillment of knowing truth

the devastation of being silent

The imagery complete

as emotions compete

Written by Niyahlove all rights reserved
including penname Niyahlove
Being A Nonpartisan Author

One path of literary renown striving
     to craft belles lettres
     versus another aim
ming to inject castigation,

     fulmination, and intimidation
     (unlike tours truly) into
     hers/his epistemological dogmatic claim,
would exemplify the twofold tactic,

     I matter of factly exclaim
as an aspiring August author
     (foremost poet emeritus - ha),
     downplaying fortune and fame

     aye attempt to tread within
     figurative noncontroversial guidelines,
     yet nonetheless game
increased readership remaining

     safely shy of steering
     clear away NOT deliberately inflame
ming the moral majority, and/or
     being soak halled politically incorrect,

yet absolutely aware trite neutral,
     tis well nigh impossible
     towing thru tranquil waters
     subsequently inadvertently pitching

     smoldering embers sparking acquiring
     (even accidentally)
     fiery Machiavellian jobname
though methinks expressing

     notions, opinions, perspectives,
     would contradict advocating viewpoints
     incumbent within
     creative arts whereat lame

duck role would essentially be
     antithetical to general rubric maim
ming necessity to stoke thought
     provoking oeuvre of work name
lee poetry and/or prose sans,

     this scrivener to (dirt) poor
     to afford a penname
aspiring all the same
to experience even pocket change
     keeping my liberal
     minded material tame.
Raven Feels Dec 2023
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, with her-----

with her mind
with her flower I walk towards
the everydayness
the destination
not knowing
this time that
the words on my mouth
are to be stolen by some
penname syndrome inclination

see the rage
the rage I see
with her mind
taking a hold
demanding a toll on me
for the vision I've closed my eyes upon
became the vision I've come to become
for it to become me
swallowing me
in that place
the so called place
where everything is possible

who is she?
I asked the oranges
the **** clementines
the neon ones twinkling
flickering in the back of her mind
showing a glimpse of her unbeknownst self
the self of all but nothing of rhymes

she drank herself out
figuratively of course
& danced till 12:23 PM
on an afternoon
awake awoke awoken
she walks
withering flower
the withering one I walk
holding it for life's sake
afraid the mind would be
searching for the once word
'withering' to insert in a sentence

                                                       ­                                 ------ravenfeels