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Adya Jha  Oct 2017
Rick and Morty
Adya Jha Oct 2017
I want to unscrew the window grill and crawl out
To the vastness of the world
I want to throw stones at your window
And tag you along on an adventure
Make a space ship in the garage
Travel to parallel universes
Shoot the weird *** aliens
Even if it's all just the aftereffects of marijuana,
I'd like to smoke some with you
What do you say?
Will you be the Rick to my Morty?
A  Mar 2018
A Mar 2018
"You don't miss me, you just missed the person that loved you so much you didn't have to love them back"
this line got me
Starry  Sep 2019
Love letter
Starry Sep 2019
Dearest darling Hill Morty
I am writing this told tell you them I wasn't able to talk to you my love. Our loving conversations  that which we have keep me sane. I cannot til we me and have that first real kiss. I can just feel it now.

Your lover
This is my love letters to my boyfriend.