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autumn colours
Toronto    You’ll write a beautiful melody, If it’s truly from the heart.


Colours, bright and blazing
Colours, dark and drab
Colours all around us
Colours we can grab
Wear your colours proudly
In almost all you do
But, be careful with your colours
Others have colours too

Black and White
Red and Blue
Orange, Green as well
Blue and Grey
Dark or Light
Colours show and tell

Your colours tell us lots of things
Like which team you support
But, wear your colours carefully
Or you'll end up in court

Colours can cause skirmishes
Colours can cause wars
Colours can cause arguements
Colours break down doors

Wear your colours proudly
No matter what they be
But, A White Hood worn in Harlem
And you'll be hanging from a tree

Colours are religion
Colours are your soul
Colours show your preference
Colours make you whole

I don't know what your colour is
In fact I just don't care
I only know your colours
Let others know you're there

Black and White
Red and Blue
Orange, Green as well
Blue and Grey
Dark or Light
Colours show and tell

Colours push the envelope
Colours blur the lines
Colours make a challenge
Colours show whats mine
Colours make us happy
Colours take away
Colours help us know ourselves
Colours make our day

Wear your colours proudly
Be it red, or black or pink
Yellow, Green or Orange
No matter what folks think
But, wear your colours safely
Wear them and be proud that you are seen
But, be careful what they say because
Remember just what colours mean
This is not written as a warning
I just want you to be proud
Of what colours signify you
Wear them out and wear them loud

Black and White
Red and Blue
Orange, Green as well
Blue and Grey
Dark or Light
Colours show and tell
Delores Wiltse Oct 2010
I see your true colours shining through
When you're making dinner, like you love to do

I see your true colours when walking the dog
Enjoying the time of releasing the daily bog

I see your true colours when quilts you're making
All the colors and patterns you're mixing and matching

I see your true colours when you're helping someone
Connecting to another even after you're done

I see your true colours when you're singing your song
Seeing the joy you're having, as I hum along

I see your true colours as you communicate
And the smile you get when you interrelate

I see your true colours while you **** the garden
Connecting with nature, your heart does open

I see your true colours while you sort the laundry
As you love to nurture and take care of your family

I see your true colours as you write a poem
Feeling the appreciation from your inner home

I see your true colours as you tidy the house
Being present allows spirit to grow in us

I see your true colours as you share time with others
Giving attention to them is all that matters
~©Delores Wiltse June 2010~

October Submission to

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