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26/F    Words are all I have to explain the tumult in my brain- when I'm happy, or otherwise. Ultimately, I'm just a girl wanting to pave …


You were welcomed into my house at 23, like a baby
you came in expecting us to flush the *****.
A 23 year old man whose not so classy at all, even my
9 year old knows to clean her nose if it's snotty.

She's 9 and I don't have to go ask her to clean up her room.
But here you are a grown a$$ man with your mother having
to call and telling us to close the door to keep us from seeing
how ***** and nasty that you kept your room.

My 9 year old granddaughter don't sleep in the bed all day and
on weekends to keep from doing anything around the house.
She didn't wait until 11:00 p.m. while we were sleeping to go into
our kitchen scrounging for food just like a little mouse.

You're a 23 year old man using our car to get to work daily while my
wife,(your aunt) is out in the rain catching the bus.
You didn't have a problem using anything we offered you for free,
problems only came when we ask you to come and help us.

You expected my wife to cut the yard while you go hide in your
room pretending to be in the bed.
You weren't going to disrespect my household and I don't care what
anybody said.

I had to tell you when to clean up your room and at 23 you still
couldn't comprehend on just how to do that.
The problem is you're a nasty, ***** punk, a spoil and selfish brat
at the age of 23 and that's the only and honest fact.

You weren't paying any bills at our house but you'd get mad when
we'd ask you to help cut the grass.
When you weren't using our car you'll run in the room and turn out the lights and claim to be asleep so fast.

If the girls you were dating only knew that you wouldn't clean the bathtub before and after you took a bath.
They would probably push you away if they knew that you covered
and drown yourself with half a perfume flask.

You are lazy and that's just the way you are and it's just a matter of
time before you lose your job.
Written up for being late 35 times and you're blaming Lowe's as if
they are doing you wrong like the claims you make about us.

We didn't do you wrong because we talked to you about it but now I see why your mother and dad wanted you gone.
You're slow minded and think you know it all but you can't figure it out, a sorry momma's boy and you're never be on your on.

I know the difference between you and my 9 year old granddaughter
and that difference is what I call the IQ.
You can't figure your way out of an old wet paper bag, you're 23 years
old and disrespectful and that's all you have going for you.

Oh! by the way we didn't ask you for any money we just ask that you clean your room and to help cut the grass.
Your money was for you to save and buy yourself a car but "Jordan's"
were more important to you because you wanted to take us fast.

I see what your parents probably seen in you but they won't and refuse to tell you like I will.
You're sorry, spoiled, and lazy and expected me to treat you like a baby
but us raising a 23 year old man just isn't my kind of deal.

You're bad mouthing us and Lowe's employees as if others really want to hear what's coming from your mouth.
If you want them to know a good story why not start by telling them
the reasons why I had to truly put you out.