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It is a privlige to love someone.
Whether it works or not.
Whether it's reciprocated or not.
It is a devine privlige to inhabit someones soul.
It is a privlige to strike up a conversation between your finger tips and their body.
It is a privlige for their name to be enscipted on your broken heart not because they were worthy but because loving someone is evidence - that you're innately capable of living boldly.
That you are not oblivious to one of the greatest gifts that life has to offer - love.
Neon Robinson Nov 2016
We have all lived these lies before.
But fortunately for you
The ungodly mystics
Have come to blur the logistics.

~Jamais vu reducing you to presque vu~
Normal adults with abnormal hearts
Bodley sensations
Perceived as memories.
Is this all consciousness seems to be?

Accept it
& venture on.
Nature lover wildflower

I am mine.
Before I am anyone else's.

Sendoff the catharsis of psychopomps
Abandon ship
Engage in privet talks with Psychonautes
Denounce the war in my mind
Between who I am and want to be.
For it’s a privlige to be a kaleidoscope
Forever changing color
Ambitious zeal
Misguided hope
Artistic creation

Elegance in a nonfigurative sense,
Perceptual flashes of internal concepts
Decomposition on the Hawaiian Island
Lose of whits somewhere past the horizon.
Island fever.
jamais vu -  "never seen", involves a sense of eeriness and the observer's impression of seeing the situation for the first time, despite rationally knowing that he or she has been in the situation before.

Presque vu - is the tip of the tongue phenomenon, in which you know that you know something, but can't quite recall it.

Psychopomps - are creatures, spirits, angels, or deities in many religions whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife.
Elyse Hyland  Feb 2018
Elyse Hyland Feb 2018
I wanted to spread messages of hope,
To inspire life inside people's hearts,
Fires larger than snowy mountains
And tornados carving their place in the world.
The results would be deep chasms,
And ashes nourishing life a thousand time brighter than before.
The results would be human.
As bright as the sun and willing to burn you if you got to close
Because they'd learned that they weren't yours to touch.
Their light was a gift not a privlige
And they'd learned to stop chasing the moon because love means to live for someone.
Not die.
And they'd be deep as the sea,
Coral reef skin and raw emotion because the salt had flooded them head to toe to throats to heart.
Beneath the kelp forests and kissed fish would be their darkness,
Their loneliest place built for their loneliest self and I'd swim down.
I wouldn't be scared of this darkness,
I couldn't be because this darkness was you.
You'd learn that you could let the sun through a little deeper,
That happiness was for you to feel, not a show to put on for other people.
I'd swim down to you but you were always strong enough to swim back without help.
I wanted to help people.
But as times passed those hopeful messages have died.
And sometimes I feel so numb it's like I'm drowning at the bottom of the sea,
Buried beneath the pressure,
Struggling to breath and there's no light, no nothing it's just black and empty and I'm scared, I'm scared of this darkness because these aren't your demons anymore,
These are mine.
I wanted to help people remember they're good enough,
That they're worth saving,
But as time goes by,
I can't even save myself.

— The End —