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Jul 2022 · 206
Sean Hastings Jul 2022
I'm a Miller light after work
You are a sweet glass of wine at dinner
I'm a old pair of jeans
You are a sundress

I'm a beat up flannel seen deep in the woods
You are sweet tea on a sunny day
I'm a beat up hat on this old head
You are heart sunglasses looking just right

I'm a pair of square toes and working with my hands
You are a pair of scrubs helping this world heal

We may look like opposites like bourbon and tequila

But much like ying and yang
Comedy and drama
Popcorn and m&Ms
Ice tea and lemonade
Bonfires and beer on a summer Saturday night

We were made for each other just right for one another
Jan 2022 · 318
Going out into the woods
Sean Hastings Jan 2022
I'm going out into the woods

For a couple weeks, for a couple nights

Out into the cold, out into the snow

I'll be out in the woods

Freezing, shivering and feeling frostbit

I'll be out in the woods, only warmth

Coming from a old jacket and you

You will be on my mind while out in the woods

While you are sipping wine and under the blankets

I'll be going out into the woods

Forever? No! Only a few nights

Soon it'll be over, soon I'll be coming home,

I'll be out of the woods

And back into your arms where I belong


Going out into the woods
Nov 2021 · 358
Montero was right
Sean Hastings Nov 2021
I'm just a late bloomer
I didn't peak in highschool

Looking back 7 years ago
The skinny kid scared
For the future, leaving home
Fresh off a breakup

In those 7 years I've done a lot
Landed a great job finally
Couple awards and promotions
In my military service

Navigating single life once again
But enjoying the dates
Flirting and getting to know
New people and learning about myself

Not all of it has been roses and sunshine
Dealing with some ****** up ****
In my head and my body


I haven't hit my peak yet so enjoy the climb with me
Nov 2021 · 344
I can see where
Sean Hastings Nov 2021
Silver tongued devil comes from
After dressing like him
On my God complex villain arc
Letting his vibe take over

Silver tongue talking but the words
Came out sweeter than honey
And melted hearts as if chocolate
Left out in the sun

Charming, disarming with a touch
Of a rebellious side
Close to the verge of trouble

I can see where it came from
And on this arc

I'm going to be using my silver tongue
Nov 2021 · 263
Should I stress
Sean Hastings Nov 2021
About my looks this week?

Or my job, or one I'm trying to get?

The friendships that are strained?

The bills that keep coming in?

Or that I have one beer left?

What should I stress about this week?

Any of these?

Of course not because I still have another beer and friends who say hey
Nov 2021 · 252
If I'm too much
Sean Hastings Nov 2021
Then go find less
And that's a ******* vibe

It's a vibe that I'm bringing
To my life for now on
I can be a lot and I'm a mess
I lean on people so much

But I give that energy back
I'm there for my friends
When they need me to be
But in the meantime

I can be too much a lot
With my anxiety, depression
And the trauma in my life
But I still wear my heart

On my sleeve and not afraid
To give my love out to those
Who deserve it in my life
Those who dont think that

I'm too much, but if I am
Then go find less

That's the ******* vibe
Oct 2021 · 648
I'm just taking it
Sean Hastings Oct 2021
One day at a time
Each friendship, possible relationship
Each new addition or subtraction
We may talk everyday or barely at all

I'm just doing me
Not that I know what that is anymore
I'm just trying to find peace
Wether that's alone or with someone

I'm not going to stay in the past
Or **** myself thinking about the future
I'm just going to do me in the present
Good or bad we shall see

Wether someone is out there or no one

I'm just going to take it one day at a time
Oct 2021 · 209
I wonder
Sean Hastings Oct 2021
How many peoples minds I live rent free?
Ex girlfriends, ex friends, those I thought
Were family at the time

Sitting in the back of their mind
Or in the closet with the skeletons

Wondering how I am doing
Thinking that I'm doing worse than their ****** lives at the moment
I'll just keep my head down and do me

But I still wonder where I live rent free
Oct 2021 · 200
Sean Hastings Oct 2021
I wish I could write and make you see
The beauty in your smile
The way sunsets and sunrises don't compare
To the gorgeous soul you have

I wish I could write and help you see
What you bring to this world
It take a special person to look at the world
Smiling and working to change it one step at a time

I wish I didn't have to hide behind a screen
To tell you how I feel and what to say
I wish I had the confidence that comes out with these poems
And not the social anxiety that i deal with everyday

I wish I could help you understand that in this ******* up head
When you ask me if I'm doing ok and make sure I am
It brightens my day more than you can know
If i can only transfer my feelings from this poem to the words i speak

Maybe we both could be happy together
But these feelings won't leave this poem and these words will go unspoken
Sean Hastings Oct 2021
Or back of my mind depending on
How you perceive it
It's taking a back seat for now
There's a new personality coming out

Call it confidence, call it anger
Call it the realest Sean out there
There's a new one fronting, putting
The heartbreak and sad stories away

Letting everything out now, whether you like it or not but let's see
You wanted a peak into this mind
Now you get to see everything in it

There's going to be a lot more anger
Frustrations and yelling at the world
That need to be expressed in my mind
So buckle up and enjoy the ride

Call it whatever you want but I'm here to stay regardless
Oct 2021 · 192
Don't tell me
Sean Hastings Oct 2021
Don't tell me you are going through stuff
That's why you don't talk much
Don't tell me it's been ******* you
When you make everything seem fine

Don't tell me that we fell off because
I didn't want to take anymore
Don't tell me that **** isn't about me
When it could be taken that way

Don't try to gaslight me into thinking
That I'm the problem, that it's your
Problems that are what matters
And I'm the one that pushed you away

When I struggle, when I cry when I'm
Going through **** and my **** ups
My circle knows about it
My circle talks to me

I reach out and say i need a line before
I sink beneath the waves coming up to
The chin as I struggle to breath

My circle stands around me and lifts me up so I'm not falling
My circle is small and close once I realized that not everyone cares

My circle knows everything about me

So don't gaslight me saying I'm the problem

When you aren't in the circle and don't want me there
Oct 2021 · 200
I chose a new life motto
Sean Hastings Oct 2021
I'm alive another day and
I'm going to make it everyone's problem
I'm going to give energy back
That I received from people

I know some won't like it
Sean being combative back?
Sean barely responding?
Sean calling me on my *******?

If you are thinking these about me
Then it's warranted, because it's about you

I'm not going to be walked on anymore
I'm finding my identity,
Reforming myself into my best self
So if you think I'm being combative?
Or barely responding?

It's because I'm being a problem
Oct 2021 · 195
Finding yourself
Sean Hastings Oct 2021
I never thought finding myself
Would lead me to this point
Love yourself before someone else?
Still not quite there yet

But I've made progress
I've moved closer to it each day
With every sunrise breaking dawn
With every moonlight shining

I've come out like a bass drop
Unexpected, unimagined
Everyone taken by surprise
Except me

Because I'm finding myself
And the only person it matters to
Is me and myself
I'll March to the drum of my own heart

I'm finding myself

Care to join the adventure?
Oct 2021 · 199
Is it bad?
Sean Hastings Oct 2021
Is it bad i didn't taste the alcohol all night?
That the smoke felt like fresh air coming into my lungs?

Is it bad I was chugging drinks all day?
Trying not to feel throughout the day
Is it bad I was hesitant about saying hi
Because I didn't know who's side they taken

Is it bad my drinks have a little more Jim,
My smokes a little more Jane?
Trying to numb the anxiety to try to enjoy myself
Is it bad I hid behind a screen?
Instead of asking you for a dance?

Is it bad that I walk the narrow line?
Between self destruction and self fulfillment?

Is it bad? Or am I the bad?
Oct 2021 · 159
Sean Hastings Oct 2021
I wish she could she herself as I do
Dancing on the floor without a care
A smile genuine and full of joy
Bringing energy that can't be matched

A striking beauty with a heart of gold
Looking through the lens off a camera
When the lens should of been aiming
At the masterpiece behind the camera

I wish she could see how amazing she is
How better she makes the world
How beautiful she is both inside and out

I wish I could tell her how I feel
But I couldn't bring myself to take her
Out of her perfect zone on the dance floor
Sean Hastings Sep 2021
The sweatshirt you left in my truck
When I worked in buffalo
You saying you can't have your wedding
Without me next to you as the man of honor

When you randomly check in on me
And ask how I'm doing
When I opened up to you and you
Supported and believed me i needed someone

When I dissociated and freaking out
And you rubbed my arm and told me to focus on the cold

When I needed comfort you were there for me even when not next to me

Thank you
Sep 2021 · 199
Sean Hastings Sep 2021
From a early age we told about consent
Boys you need to get consent before ***
Girls if you don't give consent than it's

Everywhere we are taught that getting
Consent is the most crucial thing
But only when it comes to girls
And not when it comes to boys

Society doesn't care if the boy doesn't
Give consent or doesn't want to do it
And females don't care about you only
That they want it in the moment

Society doesn't care about the boy
What he goes through after this
Society tells him he's weak or he must of
Enjoyed it so it's not the same

Society has twisted it all to focus on one
With her walking around thinking of the One Night Stand, on her way to the next
Without me as a second thought

I'm laying here dealing with the
Depression, anxiety and PTSD
Of the one night she doesn't remember
Trying to become whole again after

Being *****
Sep 2021 · 150
Sean Hastings Sep 2021

I've been listening to sad songs lately
I thought it was because I had to leave
You back where you were without me
Trying to say I'll see you again

But here I am days later
Seen snaps and unanswered ones
Despite seeing you wear my shirt
In all the stories you share

Getting my hopes up trying to get better
You told me you cared about me
And wanted to see me get better
I've felt my energy drain

With you to blame
Sean Hastings Sep 2021
Write day and night like you're running out of time?
How do you write like tomorrow won't arrive?
How do you write like you need it to survive?
How do you write every second you're alive?

These sentences and beats flow
Through my ears, into my heart
Why do I do this?
Why do I constantly write?

So that someone may read it?
Is it keeping me alive?
Will tomorrow actually arrive?

I don't have these answers
But I wish I did
Until I have the answers though

I will write like it's my last source of

Sep 2021 · 153
Sean Hastings Sep 2021
Two figures walked towards me
One bathed in a peaceful calming aura
The other, a intense heat and sense of sin
The Lord of Heaven, and Gatekeeper of Hell

They stand before me puzzled
Neutral? How can he be neutral?
There has never been someone
With equal sin and holyness

It is true though, I am Neutral
For ages as wars wagered
Natural disasters stuck
Sickness and old age took lives

I have been the carrier of the people

I've held grandmothers and newborns
Soldiers barely a adult, those running into danger
Conflict and strife and evil on the world
I have been there every time to gather the souls

What they do not realize is why I am here

For I am Death

And I am here to collect the two who caused me
To collect these souls for millennium

Now it is there turn
Sep 2021 · 382
There is a Rose on my arm
Sean Hastings Sep 2021
Taking up my entire forearm
As a reminder to myself
The little girl growing up so fast
That I'll see again soon

It not only is the image of her name
And symbolizing my love for her

But as a reminder to myself
To live for her
To make it to a point in life
Where she will remember me

To be proud of me

I put the Rose on my arm as a reminder
Aug 2021 · 153
I feel blah
Sean Hastings Aug 2021
I feel blah
It wasn't until going to get
My hair cut this morning
That I didn't eat for 24 hours

I feel blah
It wasn't until after that
I realized I didn't smile
Yet this day

I feel blah
I did my laundry today
But laid in bed most
Of the day

I feel blah
My class is going out to
Grab drinks and have fun
But I'm hiding in my room

I feel blah

When I just want to feel
Aug 2021 · 154
I'll keep writing
Sean Hastings Aug 2021
I'll keep writing till the end
Wether it's therapy or not
Wether it's helping
Or making me go mad

I'll write

I'll put my mind on display
Let you see into the darkness
And maybe just maybe
You will see the light

The light that has been hidden
For so long, that shrunk
Over the years and trauma
It's still there I hope

I'll keep writing until I find
The light again to warm me

Until that day I invite you
To take this journey through
The darkness in my mind
Aug 2021 · 509
Sean Hastings Aug 2021
With every break up
I went to my friends
Talking, hanging out
Getting me out of my funk

I started to feel like I was
Taking to much out of
The friendships I had
Then last month happened

And I broke

Now Everytime I go to them
In the mists of my panic attacks
When I barely move out of bed
Or cry reading posts that hit way to hard

I feel like a burden they didn't sign up for
And put myself right back down
Hiding from my problems
So I don't become to much of a burden
Aug 2021 · 253
Yesterday was a bad day
Sean Hastings Aug 2021
I spiraled during the day hard
First writing, then reading
Then talking to mama bear

Feeling down after writing
Bringing on fight or flight first
Thing in the morning
Finally breaking down crying

Trying to keep my head over the waves
But with only a small light in the dark
It's hard to see the future but with
Yesterday and the days before

How do I unstuck from that moment?
Aug 2021 · 458
Sean Hastings Aug 2021
This fatigue is drowning me
Everyday I try to start the day
Physically mentally emotionally
Drained when I open my eyes

It's slowly pulling me down
Sinking into the water
I try to swim to reach the edge
Caffeine, writing, nicotine

Nothing seems to work
All I see is the dark depths
Surrounding me

Can I reach the top?

Or will I sink to the bottom?
Aug 2021 · 579
Sean Hastings Aug 2021
It's been hard.
I've always been on the other end supporting my friends
Being there for them
Now i feel broke

I've been having panic attacks at the mention of certain things
My heads a mess
I keep being told it's not my fault


Everytime i hear it
I say it in my head
I break down
trying not to lose it crying

They say it's normal
This isn't normal for me

So what am I now?
Word ***** on what I've been dealing with recently
Aug 2021 · 291
It's not my fault
Sean Hastings Aug 2021
I keep being told this
But everytime I hear it
I go into flight panic attack

Everytime I think it
I break down on the inside and out

I feel broken on the inside
I feel weak and broken spirited
I can't see the future
I'm trapped in the past

Anxious and depressed
Can't sleep can't eat
Feeling overwhelmed

How do I stop sinking

Into this darkness?
Aug 2021 · 151
Sean Hastings Aug 2021
I look in the mirror and hate what I see
A broken shell where 3 months before everything
Was finally working out
Own place, happy relationship career taking off

Now I look and see a empty apartment
All alone, career on pause
Stand still in the moment
Looking at the mirror disgusted by my body

I can barely look at it
Barely want to be touched
Afraid to be again

Sinking once again
Trying to fix my mental
But then that night happened
And now i dropped, hard and fast

Hard to love yourself when you feel broken
Aug 2021 · 120
Sean Hastings Aug 2021
I used to be the friend who people went to
When they were scared, afraid
I was there to protect and shelter them
No one hurt them with me standing by their side

But when I'm on that end

What happens when you feel broke
When you feel scared and vulnerable
Like it's my fault I'm the problem
When happens when I can't look myself in the mirror without crying?
What happens now

What happens when the protector becomes broken?
Aug 2021 · 133
The bottle touches my lips
Sean Hastings Aug 2021
Once again minutes after coming home
I tell myself it's been a long day
Tell myself it's just a drink
But the bottom is deep as a well

Will this be the one that pushes me over
The edge that is narrower than a line

Will I spiral completely out of control,
Will I still have a relationship with my kids
Or will I become a distant memory
Of a parent who couldn't be there

I stare into the bottle two sides waging
A war over my future but which one will become mine?
Alcoholism is a serious issue, if you or a loved one is struggling call 1-800-662-4357 or if you are struggling I'll be here to help any way I can❤️
Jul 2021 · 139
Life lessons
Sean Hastings Jul 2021
Don't ever underuse I love you
Especially to your friends who need it
Don't ever go to bed angry at someone
Work it out before so you both are on the same page the next day

When you look at life in rose colored glasses
The red flags sometimes look like flags
When one friend doesn't like someone
Out of everyone you know, listen
They may see something you don't

And the biggest life lesson of all?
Protect your heart over anyone else's
You only get one and your happiness
Is the must important
Just some lessons I've learned and still trying to live up to
Jul 2021 · 158
This feeling I got
Sean Hastings Jul 2021
Made me giddy when we just made plans
I had to get ready, shower, outfit change
Get out the door and get there early

I was nervous as hell as we sat talking
Hoping she couldn't see the nervousness
As I got lost in her smile and eyes

This feeling I haven't felt before
Nervous like I'm back in school
Asking a girl out for the first time

It excites and scares me whatever this
Feeling is
Jul 2021 · 414
It's hard to love yourself
Sean Hastings Jul 2021
I struggle everyday with it
I'm not close to loving myself yet
But I'm seeing changes
I'm more confident than before

Talking to new people from places and sites where before it would go 1, 2
Then never hearing from them again

I'm making new friends now
Because I'm more confident in myself
Talking to people, feeling myself

I still have a long way to loving myself
But I'm making progress at least
Jul 2021 · 739
Follow me
Sean Hastings Jul 2021
Follow me down this twisted road
Through the dark, through the turns
Follow me down this path
That leads through my mind

You might get scared you might want to hide
But don't worry you'll get out in time
Away from this mind that is mine

Follow me though my mind
Read these poems and these lines
And tell me do you still want to be mine?
Jul 2021 · 280
Every sad song
Sean Hastings Jul 2021
On the radio makes me think of you
Every couple I see makes me think of what we had
Every ding of my phone makes me run
Thinking it's you
Every memory from Snapchat making
Me miss our adventures
I keep getting reminders about us like a calendar
Is it the same for you? Or am I just a torn out chapter in your life
Jul 2021 · 183
The story of
Sean Hastings Jul 2021
Of a shy little girl named G
Shy and quiet she worked in the dark
As time went on she earned her title
Queen of Fixing hearts
She used her heart to mend those who
Did not deserve to be fixed

But there was a catch
These hearts she tried fixing were poisoned
Slowly hurting her heart as she tried fixing others

Heartbreak and pain time after time
Until finally someone caught her eye
A shining light in the darkness
Now it was her hearts time to be fixed

After so many heartbreaks and darkness
The Queen lost her title of Fixing hearts
Now she is the Queen to her King
The happiest of endings to the most deserving
Jul 2021 · 307
The crown
Sean Hastings Jul 2021
The crown sat in the shadows for years
Hidden away thought to have disappeared
But you knew where it was
It always calls to you
Because no matter what, you never change
The king of broken hearts
Forever wearing the heavy crown
Of alone and heartbreak
Jul 2021 · 140
How do you tell
Sean Hastings Jul 2021
Someone you want to get to know them more
When you tried once already?
When you saw their shy smile from afar
When you tried to talk to them just as you are now?
But once it died out what's to change now?
You wished for her happiness and now she's fallen low
How do you you tell her you just want hang out watch a movie and hold her in your arms and show her everything will be ok?
How do you tell someone you've liked them when they probably don't care?
Jun 2021 · 170
Awkward Friends
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
How do you stay friends?
After the breakup when hearts are destroyed
And dated most of of the time knowing each other?
I want to be friends I do
But everytime we talk a tiny chip comes loose
I don't want to let you loose but how do you lose the awkwardness?
Jun 2021 · 170
They say to love yourself
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
But can't tell you how to do it
It's the hardest thing to do
Especially after a heartbreak
How do you love yourself?
I wish I knew
Jun 2021 · 320
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
Usually when it happens I'm upset
I fall apart and I'm crushed for a bit
Not after this time though

I just feel numb when I'm alone
Not really caring about anything much
Less myself

It's scary but I don't know what to do to get rid of this

Jun 2021 · 132
1:48 pm June 18th 2021
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
The pin dropped
The glass heart shattered
If you thought there was a happy ending
You haven't been paying attention
Jun 2021 · 299
It's not always
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
The fights that are the worst
Right before a break up
Knowing that it might not
Be able to save the relationship

The worst thing is the



Jun 2021 · 117
I wish I could tell
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
When the good times were ending

When the love was getting cold

When friends were getting ready to leave

I wish I could tell when my happy days

Were becoming the past
Jun 2021 · 825
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
The pin is standing on point

Right on the edge

Finally quiet enough

Waiting for the fall

That will shatter the glass heart
Jun 2021 · 388
Do you regret
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
Telling me you loved me?
Because I made you my world
Do you regret our friendship?
Because you were my day one best friend in college
Do you regret trying to get to know me?
Because I shared my traumas with you
Do you regret adding me?
Because I annoy you with messages
Do you regret reading this poem?
Because I wasted your time like many others
A open poem to those who left my life and those still in it
Jun 2021 · 328
All my favorite
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
Songs are sad
Due to my past?
Maybe just how my heart is?
All my poems have a tinge of
Or just the remnants of this old heart
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
But why do I still write about you?
You hacked and slashed me into pieces,
Taking a quick exit when you could
Leaving me alone in the aftermath

You haven't been apart of my life in years
But why does my head still tell me how
You are going to slither back into it to
Destroy me again

You don't have power over my life anymore but why do I still feel powerless
Jun 2021 · 268
I put my feelings on here
Sean Hastings Jun 2021
Because it doesn't seem real
I can write and no one can tell which relationship it's about
Current or the past
I write about my feelings because if I say them out loud then they become

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