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Once a great love cut my life in two.
The first part goes on twisting
at some other place like a snake cut in two.

The passing years have calmed me
and brought healing to my heart and rest to my eyes.

And I'm like someone standing in the Judean desert, looking at a sign:
"Sea Level"
He cannot see the sea, but he knows.

Thus I remember your face everywhere
at your "face Level."
I have been educated to a new extent
My eyes are seeing the world differently, but I still feel the same.
Emotions seem to still wrap around my heart and stomach just like a boa constrictor
How much more do I need to feel?
And I learned its okay to cry, because in the end no one remembers anything.
Sometimes I hardly remember myself.
Things seem to fall apart when I wander away
And all I was trying to do is be tired so I can love you
Honestly, I don’t think you’d understand.
So put this in your memory, I truly care about you, but I’d **** if something got between us.
I never ever want this to happen, because you’re all I've got.
Put last.
Soothing as the wind can be,
Embracing calmly trees of change,
Blowing through their leaves of tea
It bends the branches rather strange,

Flying birds shoot to the sky,
Aiming for the gentle clouds
To be smothered way up high
Far away from vile grounds,

Bathed within the warmth of days,
All that blossoms in the sun
Goes to sleep as darkness lays
A pitch veil you can't outrun,

Waves of foamy salty oceans,
Kiss the shores of golden sand,
Mighty currents are in motion,
Spreading life across the land,

Snowy peaks of rocky mountains,
Stand immortal in cold winds,
Icy rivers blast like fountains
Flowing down the forest's wings,

Fiery lakes of molten rocks,
Hidden from the naked eye,
Rise above like building blocks,
Gravity they must defy,

Rain starts falling from the skies,
Hurtling down towards the ground,
Soil and the clouds it ties
With loose threads that float around,

Stand outside and interweave
With the strings of liquid cloud,
Feel the rain drops and believe
In love and life, and have no doubt.
Thou metamorphic god!
Who mak'st the straight Olympus thy abode,
Hermes to subtle laughter moving,
Apollo with serener loving,
Thou demi-god also!
Who dost all the powers of healing know;
Thou hero who dost wield
The golden sword and shield,--
Shield of a comprehensive mind,
And sword to wound the foes of human kind;

Thou man of noble mould!
Whose metal grows not cold
Beneath the hammer of the hurrying years;
A fiery breath doth blow
Across its fervid glow,
And still its resonance delights our ears;

Loved of thy brilliant mates,
Relinquished to the fates,
Whose spirit music used to chime with thine,
Transfigured in our sight,
Not quenched in death's dark night,
They hold thee in companionship divine.

O autocratic muse!
Soul-rainbow of all hues,
Packed full of service are thy bygone years;
Thy winged steed doth fly
Across the starry sky,
Bearing the lowly burthens of thy tears.

I try this little leap,
Wishing that from the deep,
I might some pearl of song adventurous bring.
Despairing, here I stop,
And my poor offering drop,--
Why stammer I when thou art here to sing?
Like an onion, I had layers.
And you peeled me away, one at a time.

One layer off.
You saw my favorites.
The food and drinks I crave for.
The wall paint I wanted for my room.
The perky dresses, nail polish, knee-high boots.
And the spot I always prefer to be- on the front seat.

One layer off.
You saw my hobbies.
The words I stitched together.
The stars that formed our zodiac sign.
The wallclimbing, badminton, volleyball.
And the guitar strings that strum our lullaby.

One layer off.
You saw my dreams.
The plane ticket to Paris.
The thrill of a bungee jump.
The candlelit dinner, fireworks, dancing fountain.
And the license as a medical physician.

One layer off.
You saw my strengths.
The smile behind the false judgements.
The tears I fought back with pride.
The temperance, confidence, adjustments.
And the self-love I have strongly magnified.

One layer off.
You saw my insecurities.
The missing dimple on my left cheek.
The pimples on my forehead.
The bitchface, fierce stare, strict walk.
And this prominently thin-but-tall body figure.

One layer off.
You saw my regrets.
The kisses I could have refused.
The friends I thought were true.
The false assumptions, unmet expectations.
And the trust I gave to the wrong person.

One layer off.
You saw my secrets.
The punches I had to take.
The bruises I covered with my sleeves.
The lies, frustrations, disappointments.
And the brokenness suppressed in my memory.

The last layer, off.
You saw through me.
The anxiousness escalating slowly.
The exposure feeling uneasy.
I felt stripped, explored, unguarded.
And in my nakedness - you had to choose:

To love or to leave me,
For who I really am.
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