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How can I possibly resist you?
Just a stare, I’m already lost without a clue.
Who wouldn't be tempted with your angelic voice?
A sound like that can make everyone rejoice.

Are you not my soul mate?
Or just another one of my friends?
Are you not a goddess?
By which leaves me tone deaf and speechless?

But who am I to judge you?
Yes, I’m just the type of guy who has nothing’ to do.
And yet still tempted
By the sound of the innocent.

How much longer will it take?
For you to finally appreciate
That these actions I do
Is a way of saying I LOVE YOU!
The Storm
Do you know
Do you know a storm?
A storm may rush , rush to shore
The shore of your heart.
Don't give up though, every storm will move on.
The clouds will break leaving behind sun rays of hope.
On the mend will be your heart too, if you are will to let go of the hurt.
Tears may fall , the salt of your tears proves  your spirit.
 Oct 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
you hide them
under tattoos, sleeves, belligerence
as if i wouldn't see
them anyway
as if i wouldn't love
you anyway

let me be your sutures and i will
kiss your scars until they are healed
Mexican Skeletons
dance for the sun
on my pink tapestry

Do they do it for fun
Do they do it for free

Can the black holes in their heads
even see

Does the length of their vision only reach to the seems

Or can they enter 3D, leap off my wall, out of my window
and on to the tree

Oh I see
never mind, this can't be
the 3D skeletons will cost me a fee.

A bit of blood and mental functioning,
But I don't mind, because my mind is alone

Wherever you trip
Must be your home
I saw you
in my dream last night

we were sitting one seat away
from the end of the row
I carefully sat next to you
I looked at your book
I complimented you ,
the book was in german

you smiled at me
your short black hair
and bits of stubble around your jawline

that was all
but I loved it
and I want you back
It may not really be a "poem" persay but i need a place to put my dreams
my brain feels different.
not just today
i think every day....
some days i dont hear the buzzing.
so much.
other days it;s like
it wont stop SCREAMING.
i see words fly past my eyes
half finished thoughts
just whip right by...
i reach for them
you know, id love to finish what
i started
but they just slip from my fingers
and dive back
below the surface. my thoughts, they like
to torment me.
i know what you;re thinking..
why dont you just dip your hand in the water and
grab the silvery fish?
i would but
the water scares me.
it's so dark underneath the glassy surface..
i feel like when i retract
my hand it will
be dripping ice cold sticky blood. tar.
so you see, that;s why
i just let them go. the fish,
they know how to survive down there. in the darkness.
i certainly do not.
wait, but why am i talking about fish now?
one thing to the next. so fast.
do you think my brain is different today?
The knots of twisted trees
Seem to haunt my waking dreams
With mouths opened wide in fear

Wide awake yet dreaming
They are silent yet Screaming
No longer knowing what is real

Whispering winds still chew
Until they bite clear through
the bitter trees of my Imaginings

I cannot laugh, or scream, or cry
Until they take their last breath and die
Trapped behind the stench of fear
While voices in my mind leer
I will be a face behind a lie
 Oct 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
Searching for perfection is a mad man's game
be prepared to lose it all

trying to ****** a muse into my brain
when inspiration stalls

my thoughts are running free
they often overwhelm me
all I can hear's my own self critique
and it's starting a mutiny
and now...

It's Anarchy between my ears
Fighting for control by I am overcome with fear
Joyous sadness, well-composed madness, I hold my sorrows dear
'cause it's Anarchy between my ears

Now you're at the stake and the mob is going wild
you realize that you're alone

You did this to yourself- its in your head you crazy child
only you can cut the rope

my thoughts are running free
they often overwhelm me
all I can hear's my own self critique
and its starting a mutiny
and now....

It's anarchy between my ears
Looking for some answers but I know I won't find them here
sleepless nights, pointless fights, I don't think I  can steer
because its Anarchy between my ears

It's anarchy between my ears
hanging by a thread and yes I know the end is near
I won't let go, I refuse to take 'no' it's been this way for years...

It's Anarchy Between My Ears
This is a song I wrote called "Anarchy" I have a youtube channel where I hopefully will be putting up the full song soon. I will provide the link when available!
i've been thinking about
you and me,
love and life,
and i think i like
me and life better.
the night sky seems to be changing
no longer an impenetrable cloak of black
but a deep purple
purple like your innocent, clean veins
and the stars seem to be fading as well
beacons of hope have fled
and I long their light more and more each night
(not they’ll ever return to me)
their brightness has faded like mine
I miss them (me)
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