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 Nov 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
The snap-crackle-pop of the Medi-Cali T.H.C.
left me wheezing.
Then dragons and cerebral effigies
come at me with their teasing.

It’s pleasing to say the least,
I’m the man from which came the beast.
Rocking and trolling the northern hemisphere
peeping for a mortal feast.

And peeking through the one sided mirror
was a man who we would never know.
The time that we all lost it
would be the only time that he would ever show.
And you and I.
Well for you and I, it’s safe to say
that the terms are all we know.

A pedigree of me to me
and synonyms for charity.
What a tragic spell I’m barfing on,
next time I'll try the cherry tree.
Something silly and gross and stupuud
And sputtering
On a wrangled wreckage
Of my long, lasting train of thoughts
I have found no faith
Since no faiths been found in me
I've been hung by time

Anorexic love
I'm slowly starving to death
Just a mere whisper

Deprived happiness
A bleak landscape; a happy
Overdose of pills

I've become my god
a wild schizophrenic
Each voice shoots me down

All wrapped up in chains
I am a screaming mirage
Fade from existence

This is a story
Just lines of black, useless words
Scrawled across blank walls
Physical entropy
Degenerating mentally
Blistering coldness
Completely divided
Minute attentions
Diverse dreams
   Of crowned suns
Sidestepping death
Reframing life
Unopened borders
   Enclose the
   Pedestrians within
Open minds
   And closed mouths
Closed fists
   And open eyes
   By an uneducated
Let introspection be always open
to the vermilion sunrise
for that is where you
will see mind expansion.
there is a silence,yes,
also beauty in the drinking of it,
but there is so much to listen for.
Translucent truths
are difficult to glimpse
when they're obscured
The ignorance I've observed
is astonishing in its fatuity.
The obviosities
are abnormally
perceived by
amaurotic minds.
Please don't call me that
It makes me uncomfortable
It hurts my feelings.
Please stop saying that word.
You know I'm not,
I cant even type it.
I hide myself, just so people wont call me that.
I'm sorry I was born this way
Just stop
Don't call me that.
End of story.
Something we all search for
In a world full of confinement
We search for freedom.
We’ve fought for freedom.
To be able to say,
I am free.

I am me
My own person
No one owns me

But, after years and years of fighting
I still don’t think we’re free
We just follow
We follow
And we think we’re free

But the blatant truth is
We are: “a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.”
We are,
Am I pretty?
I try really hard
To be what they call pretty

Pretty is:
Skinny, But not anorexic
Makeup, But not to much
****, But not a ****

I do it to be accepted
So I'm not alone
I just want to fit in

I want to be pretty
I'm no model
People forget, there's no Photoshop in real life

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