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You and Me
You and I
Doesn’t exist.
Just Maybe.
In another life.
In a perfect world
I would have you
I would be pretty
I would be smart
I would be perfect
But perfect doesn’t exist
So instead I go unnoticed
I’m not pretty, no matter how much I put makeup on
I’m failing my classes
This is a cold world
It's far from perfect
Young girl
Dumb girl
How many times are you going to think he’s the right one
How many times are you willing to get hurt
Be careful
You’ll get a bad reputation
I know you
You pretend to be strong
But you’re weak so weak
How many times will you allow him to break you down
You’re to young
I want to protect you
But I’m no better than you
I fall just as hard
And as fast
Im impulsive
And weak
But I want to change that
I want to help you
But what could I do
What if this time he’s the right one
What if he’s just like the others
All the broken promises
All the heartbreak
We’ll never truly know
Until it’s to late
Why must we bare the burden of young love
They think its dumb
And it is
They say it wont last
And it probably wont
But we still look for it
That maybe
Just maybe it’s him
That he’ll be able to fix all the hurt
Always saying
Maybe next time
Maybe next time?
How many next times will there until you know
Is it even worth it?
I guess we’ll just have to wait
We’ll find out together
We’ll go through the pain together
We’ll do it all together.
Maybe next time we wont be so young and dumb.
Poor courage,
break down pleasantly.
Feed the nameless
with siren calls.
Feed them all!
Their hungry bellies can have myth.
Feed them all
splinters of health in your absence.
Be a doll and let them feast.
Behold! You're tragic
after all.

After all drips have fallen
from the auto-feeder,
believing so much in -- no!
Run right back to mother hope,
covered in wire.
Metal bones frame our warm lit home.
Covered in wire.

Stares hurt too
much to remedy.
Breathe the pain in
your oxygen.
Breathe to mend
old bite marks on which critters gnaw.
Breathe to mend!
But breathe instead, poison
cutting coughs.
Begin orbit, notice your throat bleed.
Behold! Your answer
to their call:

Silence. Retreat.

Whisper frustration into bedsheets like a lover,
feel the warmth you radiate imitate another, to
take reward in the title "savior", to be reborn
in your listlessly pulsing head, and sing your solo
song, song, song,
Reborn, born, born
in leery echoes.
You say you have moved on
So why do you still haunt me?
Thoughts of happiness and laughter
Happiness and laughter without ME
I tell myself im over you
so why do you still haunt me
I dont hit you up like i use to
does this mean im over you?
i dont dream of you like i use to
does this mean im over you?
sometimes i feel i'll NEVER be over you
what must i do what must i do  to be over you?!!
Sad to say but i still love you
and what angers me the most is i'll never stop
you'll forever be a part of me....but apart from me
and it bothers me
stuck in my head like a sweet sweet melody.
For Eternity.
As I lay here in bed my only thought is you. Hoping, just hoping that you're thinking about me too I just want to text you and tell you how I feel. But rejection is a motherfcker , a feeling too real. So I suppress my feelings and a friend ill stay because I don't want to be the one to scare you away. Deep down wishing you felt the same ,but I know you don't , probably never will am I to ? For putting myself in a situation when theres nothing to gain. Wishful thinking got me here. Being optimistic got me here. Being naive got me here. The words " I want you" I've been longing to hear. Your sweetest touch I've been dying to feel. When I'm not with you I want your near, I know we can never be so why am I still here ? Maybe I might just love you ,something I fear I know nothing can never come of it, so why am I still here ?
You tell me you want me
I can't see why
You tell me you love me
I can't see why
You tell me you need me
I can't see why
You tell me I'm beautiful
I can't see why
You tell me it's over
I can't see why
You tell me I can't expect anyone else to love me until I learn to love myself
I begin to cry....
Sometimes I wonder .... where we went wrong...where do we find the missing lyrics to our song...? I met you so quickly....and just as such...You were gone...we still keep in touch...But somehow to me it doesn't seem like much. Deep down I still feel there is something between us could it just be an aesthetic lust? Could I be obsessing over something I should've left in the dust? I hit you up from time to time but it feels like that could never be enough. What do you need from me? Temporary insanity. Pride, ego, fear of rejection all in play. Guess I'm just waiting for the day...When you say... Hey...can we start over?
You know what i want....more than anything? is to hear the words "Babe,you are all i need" from the lips of that special human being.I want that feeling of what is it...... "meant to be?" ..... i want to tell you i love know like...past the moon. I want your lips on mine and i cant lie.... i want them soon. I'll make love to you everynight as if it were our honeymoon and you can bet while im making love to you.... im playing your favorite see the miles id walk to meet the person that'll walk for me are ...infinity... but you know i have that feeling...true love doesnt exist...people are so quick to and forget...that they often forget...something so delicate...Why are we here? you see i'll never give up on love....why? because it never gave up on me and i know for a fact that there is someone out there made just for me and if i have to wait i'll wait for eternity because i know for a fact that there is someone out there waiting for me !!
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