Between Reaches And twists, I lay My body For a moment Of rest And my Mind Slips Quietly Away To spaces Where senses Blend, Where words Tumble, Where my body Is left behind. And I startle When I wake And wonder What else I don’t Know I need.
My feet Planted, Belly Twisted, My fingers Reach Past What I can Know To what I can Create, If first, I make space. And my fingers And mind Wonder What that Will be.
My feet Planted, Hips lined up Just so, Arms reaching, I settle Into stillness And notice The twist Begin In my breath Before My body Joins. I follow, And belong.
I invite My Self To still And my mind Gets busy, Making, And mending And mapping, and may-being, While my body And I Watch And acknowledge Her Courage When she pauses And sees.
For a moment She is And notices The fun That comes With pretending She is Distinct And truly So, So long As she recalls The pretense And recognizes Who writes The role. And in that moment, She is love.
Finding My shoulders Set In clay, I invite My arms Open. Open, They invite My heart To shine. Shining, It invites My sides To lengthen. Long, They invite My knees To bend. Bending, They invite My body To fold. And I bow To greet The now Just As it slips Away.
I awake To a dream Much like That of sleep And find My way To my Self On my mat. I settle Into the nest I’ve created And feel My parts Separate Together. I don’t Dream In the In between.