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Jayne E Jun 2019
worlds of difference made in our whirlwind days
the most lovely way that you say all that you say,
lends life, lifts my heart in most marvelous new ways
when you are gone even for the smallest of time,
the ache descends and with it unbends all my rhymes,
so I breathe for that next moment so sweet and so true,
when once more I am able to be with you...
I could go on and on and on and then on some more,
how this new thing has touched me, how I do so adore,
but mostly my dearest, your dearest dear true heart
moving me so deeply, my dear I know not where to start
your words, your voice, gifted upon your soft generous lips,
all these my lovely, do more than unchain my hips,
draw me in to you, make me the moth to your flame,
fill me with longing for that thrill that one more time
when once again, you sweetly whisper my name...

J. C. honey-baby ...undated.
This was a note, a comment left for my love,so I spaced it and a poem was born.
Jayne E Jun 2019
I want to bury my face in the musk of your lovely fuzzy belly
I need you to chart my body guided
by your map of kisses
I want your lovers caress's and how
they turn my legs to jelly
I need to hear your fervered breath feel the beat my heart missses

I want to breathe your scent feel your passion as it does rise
I need to show you my flower bloom see how you bid my colours unfold
I want you to plot your kisses course make landfall between my thighs
I need you to feel my ardour burning hot never cold

I want to feel our bodies connect as one burning like bright ash
I need to touch every inch of you
press my skin upon your skin
I want to give you 50 strokes
delivered by my lovers lash
I need you to lock eyes with mine my love, bodies entwined let's begin.

J.C. "honey-tiger" 07/06/2019.
#desire #lovers #body love #passion #my one true love
Jayne E Jun 2019
Night binds me blue in blackened silk
elemental sleep stolen by deadest dark
needing rest, comfort, kindness's milk
sifted tears & sobs do leave their mark

feels so solitary stark

no escape hatch though I crave release
as wants pull me unto vapoured arms
no succour here I will feel no peace
only bitter pills and swallowed harms

crested light brings harsher days
tattered remnants of coppered dreams
reminds me its the psyche that pays
as fragile silk tears joy at its seams

of winters mourn

dawns bring the bitten blinded sighs
a glassed in cage for wing clipped birds
oblivion obscura in the masses eyes
ears deadened to my silence unheard

oceans full of childs supple soft bones
his hunters blade glistens the breaks
the wind whispers tortured moans
the sliced knife tip just takes and takes

the sea swallows me down

Its serene to the point of painful, pretty
this forest where sprites could be at play
no lighter folly for this game is too gritty
secret lair to lead his new lambs to slay

as these vignettes proxy via my dreams
projector unspools reels sickly unsweet
his breath putrefies unpeals my screams
his scent petrifies my heart shale & sleet

a once fierce heart lays flayed.

J.C. littlebird 07/06/2019.
Jayne E Jun 2019
I am a seeker for the light
fighting to flee this blackened night
filled with dreams of nights gone by
tossing me restless, my heart a sigh
in these dreams
your beautiful hands are my slaughter
pulling, holding me under the water
my breath is ebbing fading fast
is this it, sweet release is it here at last?
battlefields play out in my sleep
you want me here, my soul to keep
with you here under the black rushing water
where you took your life in my name..
my eternal torture
drove your beloved Holden off the peak
of the Gorge into the wild Buller River
your body unfound for more than 40 weeks, all hope slowly did wither
at the ripe old age of 23, you chose
to take your life because of me
or so the note said, unrequited love
love not received yet given
but I DID love you, how could I know
you were so broken
by horrors endured, which remained unspoken
if you'd let me see your injured child
I could have helped, been gentle, more mild
but you knew who I was then, young, hungry
free spirited - wild,
isn't that the 'me' you fell for after all?
then surrounded yourself with a ten foot wall.
I never betrayed you, never dallied or strayed
maybe you'd have trusted more
if you had stayed.
It's all ancient history now, but you still haunt my dreams
I wake up in cold sweat, body shaking,
stifled screams.
Fighting my way back up through the
black water
fleeing your beautiful hands,
my eternal torture

J.C... undated.
Jayne E Jun 2019
Honest sweet intuition
feel no dark
in her good mind
grow more silent
to listen with my tear
is warm comfort.

J.C. honey-tiger  01/06/2019
This was written about my daughter when she was little.
Jayne E Jun 2019
with passing peers
faster pass the years
and shifting gears
not so smoothly run
in moonlights bathe
our sunset days
too soon over after just begun

J.C. honey-owl 05/06/2019
Jayne E Jun 2019
When the hands of time
get lost in the rhyme
when they pull you back back
and space does crack crack
it's torment in a truckloads ride
with fraught mind nowhere to hide

it's the real life boogey man
showing you just how he can
take you down down in one blink
then sleep is here & on the brink
of hell you teeter totter pirouette
the curtains shut the scene is set

back back you hurl back in time
to the darkest days & the darker nights
it's the ice cream truck that never comes
it's the cold blades glint as warm blood runs
it's the sun shining just over there
it's the monster creeping ever near

when the sun won't rise fast enough
his smooth skin hands bring the rough
and the dance won't stop only the clock
frozen in time backwards tock tick tock
it's the sickening taste of copper & dirt
& knife slices are the least of the hurt

when the scars dont heal just remain
it's the constant bleed the lingering pain
of a child's heart broken & left to rot
it's never enough & its an awful lot
see the world dissovle see trust rust
feed the need inside the want the must
try to grasp on tight a filament of hope
or contemplate swinging rough rope

it's these lines bleeding all over the place
searching seeking a familiar warm face
is it giving in or is it reaching out
or just more my sickened pen to spout
even after he's long & cold in earth deep
it's the knowing I am his forever to keep
my stolen child my innocence my hope
the faint scars left in skin of rough hewn rope.

J.C. 05/06/2019.
Ok so apologies for the 'darker' writes recently, its just how it is when past atrocities rear their ugly head, and thr monster comes creeping into your dreams/nightmares.
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