How do you define life?
Oxygen? Breath? Or does life entail adventure, danger, adrenaline rush? Do you need to cheat death to feel alive? Or do you just pinch yourself from time to time for some reassurance? What does it mean to be alive? Why does it take near-death experiences to make us appreciate the life we have been given?
Wake up, take a breath, say thank you for life. Give thanks for the many gifts and blessings you have been given.
Stop comparing yourself to others. Their goals are not yours. Their lives not yours to live. Turn inward, find life within yourself. You are alive you are the most important aspect of your life. Take care of yourself, then take care of those around you. You are your own best teacher.
Take notes out of others’ experiences, but learn the lesson for yourself. Take risks. If you don’t try you will never know. Look your fear in the eye. Make it your friend, take it by the hand and have some fun together. You’ll both be surprised of what life has to offer.
Laugh. If you can’t find anything to laugh about, laugh at yourself.
You are your own worst critic. Give yourself some slack. Look yourself in the eye and tell that ***** to give it a rest. Then, smile and take each day as it comes. Congratulate yourself on a job well done. As long as you live up to your own standards, it’s good enough. ***** the rest.
Then, breathe .................................