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I'm not sure how our story will end

But I'll always be your first
And no matter how hard you try
I will never be washed completely from your skin

No matter what happens to us
I find peace in knowing that
However many women might get the privilege of kissing you after me
You'll still have the faintest taste of me on your lips
In war
We are given a weapon and a shield
And I have spent my whole life being people's shield
And while weapons get all the glory
People forget that the shields take all the beating
She'd never admit it out loud
But all she truly wanted
For someone to look at all her power and strength
And see how terribly fragile she was
"I don't let anybody help me."

He paused. He looked at her fragile body and for the first time, he noticed all the scars too. He saw the nails protruding from her heart and the barbed wire that was wound to tightly around. And though he saw the answer, he needed to hear her say it. "Why?"

"Sometimes we go through things that make it so we're better off alone. And I, my love, have been through a lot of those things."
How funny it was
That as our lips sat inches apart
Begging to be kissed
We talked about our lovers
Without hearing each other's words
Or even knowing what we were saying ourselves

How funny it was
To be lost in your eyes
While telling you why I shouldn't be
It hits me in the weirdest ways

Like when I see a picture
Of you wearing a t-shirt I don't recognize

Or being asked questions about you
That I don't know the answer to

And while I've moved on
It never gets easier realizing that
*you moved on too.
Oh my religion makes you uncomfortable?
Well your stupidity ****** me off
Yet I have to deal with that everyday
Boys taught me if I wasn't beautiful
Then I was nothing
They abused my emotions
Until I did whatever the hell it took
To become whatever attractive was
I've been told that I am now
But I could never explain to you why
They always mention my eyes?

Boys taught me if I wanted to get anywhere in life
Then I needed to manipulate their desires
So they'd fall into a trap
And feel things that could never be fulfilled
They trained me to walk and smile a certain way
So I could get what I needed
As they held it in their hands

Boys taught me that my body is the greatest feature I could ever offer
Bottle up any emotions
Because they'd rather not deal with mine
Because feeling is scary
And girls are supposed to be easy
They'd make me dependent
Without taking any responsibility for my mental well-being

Girls are insane
But wouldn't you be too
If you had the weight of man's world
Suffocating you?

Girls are crazy
But wouldn't you be too
If your whole life you were taught that you wouldn't be hurt
If you were beautiful
But when you become beautiful
It becomes their greatest form of abuse?
To me
Relationships will always have an expiration date
That's why I am never in one
Because I've said goodbye once
And that goodbye
Will last for the rest of my life
There is no forgetting you
But there is letting you go
I am trying to learn with grace
To let go of those I loved
But who were not made of forevers
I had never seen her face like that before. It was so... heavy. Her blue eyes had turned gray. Her comforting smile was resting as lifeless lips on her face. It was as if you could tangibly see the weight pulling her down into a darkness one doesn't return from.

"That's what you do when you love people. You sacrifice. Even if it means giving up your world for their happiness and security."

She was silent for a long time. Then she cleared her throat and I could've sworn I saw water in her eyes.

*"We die for the things we love. Then hope those things miss us after we're gone."
She was untamable
Nor did she ever belong to anybody
Her spirit was intoxicating
And flowed through too many people to ever remain in one place
She loved to explore
Moving with the sky
And swaying with the ocean

She was untamable
And all he hoped is that she'd let him tag along as she conquered the world with
Her lion heart
I want you to be happy
Even if happy isn't me
I'm still happy for you
When I thought of happiness
You were always the definition
But now when people ask me
I smile and say,
"It's loving my own existence"
They asked me when I knew it was over

*"The day I stopped being able to sleep when he was laying next me."
You're etched into my bones
You took up so much space
You poured out of my heart
And into my veins
Rooting yourself into every inch of my body
Greedily soaking up every ounce of goodness
Until you were satisfied

Then one day you left
And my body still sees you in every place that you were
Wishing you dive back in
And take me over
So many
Send their love
To your grave

If only you had known
If only we had seen
All the pain that you concealed

Maybe you would still be here
This bandana wouldn't be in my hair
And we all wouldn't be attending a child's funeral
I guess at the end of the day
What I really wanted
Was to be enough for someone
For a person to look at me and think
"Her? I couldn't live without her. If not for her; none of it would mean anything"

I guess I just wanted someone to love me
The way that I had loved them
You see a girl who is...
Horribly honest
Obnoxiously opinionated

What you don't see
Is every man who stole my voice
Every person who made me feel small
Every encounter that belittled me
Made me believe I was nothing
That took away something that didn't belong to them
Who made me feel unsafe

I've been burned by countless people
And what you see now
Is who I've built with the ashes
So I will never apologize for who I am
Because I am fearfully and wonderfully
I'm stuck between
Feeling like I've done more than has been asked
And as if I've done absolutely nothing at all
"I've been through worse."* She stated so blankly. "It's not that big of deal."

"He laid his hands on you. It is a big deal."

"Not compared to everything else. On my list, he's one of the kinder ones."

And it hit me, she has seen darkness that I could never understand. There will be pieces of her I'll never know, and that was heartbreaking
all on its own.
In all the pain that comes with missing you
I smile and breathe
Because you'll never be able to escape the story of you and me
I know your answer
To every question they could ever ask

*"Her name was Savannah."
She made him a better man
But they fell in love too young
For him to be more than just a boy
They could've been "meant-to-be's"
But he wasn't ready to have already found the one
I am gently teaching my heart to move on
There are nights she still asks for you
Moments when I have to remind her why you left

She asks me often how we lost you
And every time I softly whisper,
*”You are not the one who lost in this story.”
My being alone is a choice
I refuse to settle for someone simply because they present themselves to me
I will never be with someone out of emptiness for I am whole by myself
I cannot give in to mediocre love merely out of physical attraction and try to ignore how his company makes me feel more lonely than when I am just alone

My only problem is
You set the standards incredibly high
You make every one else seem mediocre
And I am having a hard timing loving anyone who tries to follow your footsteps
Sometimes poetry can be
Finding the right word
In the worst time
There you were
Standing so perfectly
With a smile that flipped my stomach every time it turned my way

"Are you okay?"
You asked,
pretending to be concerned.

What was I supposed to say?
Because no,
I was not okay
Pretending like we never happened.
*And acting like I never loved you
Is the hardest thing
I've ever had to do.
We're just a bunch of drunken kids
With hearts that got too broken
And no concept of how to heal
And just like that
She up and left
She took all she had
And everything that she was
And she disappeared

I think this place became too much for her
There were too many reminders bumping into her on the streets
Too many people who had hurt her
Too many people she had hurt

We all see the spot she used to fill
Looming around us like a tender ghost

I wonder if when she left
She stayed herself
Or if she left so she could become someone new
I like to think that if I found her
I would still know her

I hope that when she left she realized that she was already everything she needed to be
It was just us that didn't know how magnificent she was
How positively twisted is life
That for years I spent writing you letters thanking you for being the love of my life

And now only a year has passed
And I am writing poems for strangers to tell them all that I have become in your absence
Every single day I wonder about you.

How you are.
Are you well?

                 Who is loving you.
                 Did she make you forget about me?

                                                             If your happy.
                                                             A kind that you have never felt before?

Every single day I wonder about you.
And hope that you wonder about me too.
Savannah Charlish ©
I loved you not because you loved me...

But because I was a hurricane            
And you loved to dance in the rain.
If we never talk about it
Then I won't have to realize my greatest fear that

*You don't love me anymore
It wasn't a boy
Or the envy of others
Or even the experience of success over failure

It was me
Next to the ocean
Completely undone
And stripped dry to the bones
That's where I discovered
Peace truly exists
There is a small scar
To the right of your bottom lip
A faint white line
Begging to be kissed
I let his lips touch me where yours used to
I let his hands grab what belonged to you
I let his arms hold me the way you loved to

I let him lie with me the way you promised we'd lay forever
I let him whisper nothings that I didn't listen to
I let him

And that's the worst of it all
It was him,
Not you
And I let him
Her arms felt like summer grass
And her body was as strong as mountains
She had oceans for eyes
And whispered like the wind

She was Mother Earth
Holding her precious ones close
Trying to show them the beauty of the world
And the grace in letting go
I didn't know how to handle
All the broken pieces of my heart
They all left
And I believed that I was all alone
But then I looked up
And there you were
Carefully picking up every piece
And smiling while you did it
Like you were honored
To be the keeper of my shattered heart
Savannah Charlish ©
I love you
I am hopelessly and desperately in love with you
But I love my well being too
And the last thing I want to choose between one or other
But I will if you force me

And as much as it saddens me,
I won't be choosing you
You said you wanted to be a part of my world.
But my world has too many demons for someone as beautiful as you.
You let me see the most wonderful parts of you
And even when that person ceased to exist
I couldn't let go
Because the hope that he might return chained itself around my heart
You have to understand
It is easier to suffocate myself with wine
Than drown in my tears
I wish that I could hate you
But unfortunately
I love you too much to do that
And yes,
You failed in a lot of ways
But you were also wonderful to me in a lot of ways

You loved me too good to ever hate you
I laid there
So bare, so vulnerable
I didn't know how to be this way
But then I felt your fingers caressing my skin
Tracing each and every line of my body
Your breath trickling down my neck
And your eyes were a way they had never been before

You're beautiful

You drunkenly whispered to me
Your sweet nose
Touching my ear
And when my shy eyes met yours
I finally understood all the reasons for the scars of my past
And you,
Are worth each one of them
Many men had whispered to her
That she was the kind of woman that men sat around wishing for
That she was the dream type

But as she opened her heart to the love they promised to fill her with
They realized that she didn't need them at all
People will tell you not to fight for love
They will say things like "set it free and if it's yours it will come back to you"
Or "if you have to fight for love then it's already over"
And "you deserve better than having to fight for someone who doesn't appreciate you"

But these things are not right
Love knows no boundaries
Sometimes people need to be fought for
Life is distracting and has a tendency of keeping us from listening to our hearts

So fight
Pour your entire soul into reminding them of the love that has been shared between your intertwined souls
And if then
They still don't remember of the magic of your smile
You can let go
And you will not be burdened with any regret
Because you fought
You gave it your all

*And if they are willing to walk away from someone who loves them enough to fight for them
Then they were never ready for your love
And there's nothing wrong with you
The tragedy rests solely on them
You asked where it all fell apart
And I replied
"We both loved you the most"
I listed
Out loud
All the things I loved about you

And in return
All I got was your silence
Words don't capture the depth of love I feel for you so I won't even try to explain it; just look into my eyes and then you will see how much there is for you.
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