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Oh sweet friend
I failed you tonight
I don't know how to say I'm sorry
For the feelings we hid in actions
You needed me to be selfless
You needed me to be different
You needed someone to prove to you that life is not the sad, empty space you see it as

But I was none of those things
I saw what I wanted
What I thought I needed
And all I did was take from you
The way everyone has always taken

My heart is so heavy
My brain torn apart
Because I love you so much my dear
But I did not act like it tonight
I don't know how to stay for more than a night
I don't know how to not runaway when someone's grip feels too tight
And I don't know how to lose my logic and love you with my heart

Because I do know goodbyes
I know no amount of new hellos can put a broken heart back together
I know the impossibility of moving on from love lost

But your voice sounds like forever
And your eyes feel like coming home
Your touch tastes better than any good thing I've never known

All I know is
I don't know a lot about love
But I know my fears grow silent when you take my hand
There is a box
On the top shelf
In the corner of my closet
That I have to climb if I want to reach it

It is filled with everything left over from us

I don't open it anymore
Most weeks go by and I forget it's even there

I hope you're happy
And I hope sometimes you think about me too
I thought people were so naive
As they were saying
"I love you"
In less than a month
So casually, so easily
I thought people were so ridiculous
As they kissed on the street
Parading around
For everyone to see

And yet here you are
All I want to do is kiss you
And in so short of time
I think that I love you

Look at what you made me
Took a serious girl and made her silly
We found each other again in my dreams
I guess my heart's still missing you
I still know every detail of your kind face
I know every tone of your soothing voice
I guess my heart just can't give up the hope that we're still meant to be

Time will only tell
If fate will bring you back to me
In an weird way
I owe you a thank you
Because when you broke my heart
I realized that there are still parts of me
That are soft enough to be broken
And that is a gift not many can give me
Maybe one day you will love me
But if not
Please know how thankful I am for your kind eyes and tender heart in my life
You know you're a poet
When dictionaries
And thesauruses
Bring you more comfort
Than people
How funny
I always thought about how lucky I was
That you loved me

But the truth was
You were the lucky one
To be loved like a girl like me
Truth is I have no idea how you are
I've come up with a million versions in my head
I guess I could call you and ask
I mean I used to call you all the time

But we don't talk anymore
And what if you're doing really well?
What will I do then?
If losing me didn't wreck your world
The same way you leaving wrecked mine
As they sat silently next to one another
She delicately slipped her hand into her old lover's

She smiled faintly and let out a small laugh the sounded more like a sigh
*"Funny isn't it? After all this time, you're still the most familiar thing I'll ever know."
You taught me the power of just being there for someone
No words could ever fix anything
And you were never able to admit you needed fixing
But I never minded just being in silence with you
Because that was all you ever needed
To know someone would still love you even when you ran out of ways to say you were okay
I do not ask that you understand my choices
You need not support them
Or agree with them

But please
Do not look so hurt
When I made it clear my dreams
And you refused to get out of the way
Maybe if you'd known
Maybe if you'd realized
The hardest thing for me to ever do was walk away from you
I could not bear the feeling of giving up on someone I loved
Let alone someone I loved as deeply as you
Maybe if you understood the torture that has ensued on my soul over leaving you
You would've never asked me to go

Maybe if I could grasp
Maybe if I could conceptualize
That the only one hurting in this ending is me
Walking away would be the biggest relief
I think we almost kissed
I think we almost touched too good
I think we almost got too close to the thing we spend our time pretending isn't there

I think we're almost out of almost's
He just wants to be friends.
I'm okay.
       I'm okay.
             I'm okay.
You're never enough.*
I'm okay.
       I'm okay.
            I'm okay.
Look at how broken you are.
I'm okay.
      I'm okay.
           I'm okay.
Stupid girl. Your dreams are too big.
I'm okay.
      I'm okay.
           I'm okay.
Silly girl, you can't hold your tears in forever.
I'm okay.
       I'm okay.
            I'm okay.
No one loves you.
I'm okay.
       Ill pull myself together.
                              I'm always okay.
Savannah Charlish ©
"You seem... different."

*"People change. You taught me that."
You brought back to life the pieces of my heart I thought the world had killed
I'm not sure I even know what I'm writing anymore

I think I'm just a tool
The middle piece between life and legacy

I watch my hand and hope the words come out in a way that sounds good and maybe helps some people along the way
They tell me that I will find him one day
But I've also heard that one day turns into today
So how will I know the difference?
When do I get to tell my heart to stop hoping because someday has passed?
I am so tired of being left
I've sat here
In this tiny town
My whole life
Watching people leave
They don't come back
They make promises they never keep
And I'm still here with all the memories that loom in all of our favorite places
I'm stuck here
With no way out
While time dangles the keys in front of my face
Taunting me with fresh images
Playing over and over in my head
I am so tired of being forgotten
*I am just so tired of missing people who don't deserve to be missed.
I wonder how many years will have to pass
So that I may forget February 8th
And what it meant for me and you
Does growing up mean that you are not allowed to feel?
Is it about covering up your scars so well that we all forget the burdens that these shoulders have carried?
Am I entering a competition to see who can tape together their broken pieces the best?
Does growing up mean putting a piece of duck tape over your stories to silence the sum of who you are?

Because if that's what this is...
I beg of you,
Please do not make me do that.
I swear
I'm going to do something
Huge with this life
I'm too passionate
To just float by
Without ever making
A dent in the current
There's something about him
That catches my eye
I don't know what it is
That makes me think about his smile
Every time I close my eyes
But all these feelings
I felt them once before
I'm so used to being alone
I don't think I could remember how to love someone
They way that they deserve
He really is something special
And I hope that he finds someone who will love him truly
With no restraints on their heart
Because even though I love him
I would tear him apart
I walked back into the room
Ready to fall apart
And there you were
Simply cleaning
And all of a sudden it occurred to me
That that is how you love
Little acts of kindness
When I'm ready to break down
Not by loud actions
Or soft touches
Just by doing the little things
That never get done
And you do them
Because you love me
And I wonder how
I ever doubted your love before
There is not a limited amount of beauty
In which people have unequal amounts

Beauty is not a limited resource
Which only a few get to enjoy

Beauty is what happens when the heart teaches the mind to love the body that encapsulates them
Take as much air as you can
In one inhale
Then let it go
And try to let everything else go with it
Even for the split second you're exhaling
Just so you can see
Even for a moment
How simply beautiful it is
To live with out all these heavy things
That make breathing so hard
Maybe being this lonely
Isn't a bad thing

Maybe that's what being a poet it all about
The greatest writers were always alone and crazy anyway
I watched one am turn into two am
And then three crept around the corner
That's when I knew I was a poet
Because poets are slaves to the night
Oh restless heart of mine
What must I do
To quench your greedy lips?

Oh anguished soul of mine
What must I do
For you to stop plaguing my helpless mind?
At the end of the day
I can write a million times
How much happier I am without you
How terribly you treated me
Or how many new lovers I have who are better than you

But I'll miss you
In the quiet
When I'm alone
I'll always miss you
Despite the truth that we are not meant to be together
*I will always be missing you
She made it really easy to forget
That behind all her confidence and hardness
Lay a broken heart that had been shattered one too many times
My words are drunk
But you are the truth said
When courage is given
To the speechless.
Savannah Charlish ©
Oh baby
Didn't you know?
There's no erasing me
I am hoping for a day
That my thoughts don't find you worth the words
It's bad that you just want to hook up

It's bad that you're in love and my body makes you want to give it up

It's bad that you try to make it my fault

It's bad that I'm telling you no and you wish I'd say yes

It's bad because I am not some girl you can just "hit and quit"

It's bad because I am so much more than you're making me out to be.
I don't know
I don't know what I feel for you

All I know is being around you makes me want to be a better person
And the bad days don't feel as hard when you're smiling at me
I spent my entire life trying to escape
Only to find that my soul finds healing
In the very place I refused to call home
I'll never understand what you saw in her

But what does it matter?
Because whatever it was
It made you believe I was worth leaving
You were a good thing for a wonderful period of time
And then you were a terrible thing for a long period of time

And it was this
Watching you change and our tangled lives slowly unweaving themselves from each other
Which taught me the beginning of the complexities of human beings
"Thank you."*

I whispered to the universe,
As you pulled me into your chest tighter while you were fast asleep.
What hurts the most
Is that I would move mountains and conquer worlds if you asked me to
And the one time I become brave enough to ask something of you

You said no.
I don't know how to explain the bizarre reality
That you went from being the person I spoke to
Everyday for years
To now,
A dead silence ringing in my ears
Trust me
High school isn't the best four years of your life.
Whoever said that,

I never understood sadness
Until there was no reason for it
And I still felt it
In the city that never sleeps
Does it ever get quiet enough
For you to hear your heart missing me?
I miss you, a lot.
All of the time actually.

Your goofy smile.
The way your cheeks turned red when I caught you singing.
Hearing you call me intelligent before anything else.
How your big, strong body didn't scare me,
I only ever felt safe around you.

I never realized how much I liked you until you left.  
It hits me every time I want to tell I miss you but I don't know if your girlfriend would see.
It's very rare I find myself liking someone,
So I don't have a lot of practice turning off these kind of feelings you left me with.

It's been awhile since we talked and I wonder if this friendship meant anything to you
I know things between us got complicated
And it's probably for the better that we keep our distance

But if you're ever wondering
I miss you, a lot.
And I won't call you,
But if you ever miss me,
I won't hesitate to pick up.
Poetry written
On the corners
Of napkins

Scribbled down
The thoughts
Of the soul
We were visiting your parents for the weekend
We're adults but they made rules anyway
The first night you snuck into my bedroom and broke their rules anyway
The gentle pull into your chest and intertwining your legs with mine woke me up
We laid there a long time
Our lips less than an inch away from each other
Just breathing

You softly whispered to me
"You're beautiful"
Your eyes were closed.

I asked how you knew if you couldn't see me
You replied,
"I don't need eyes to know you are the most extraordinary woman I have ever seen"

I had never liked being called beautiful before
But coming from you it sounded so different...

I think I can get used to this.
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