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Saumya Aloysius Feb 2021
To Mahakanadarawa with love (ii)

You bring me
The elegance
Your exquisite
Calm me down

You nurture the
Fields of mine
You make my
People full of bliss

You stand for
My security at night
Alongside the moon

You take care of
Elephants roaming

You give my stupa
A majestic look at night
Really, a majestic look
You hide no water
Though there's drought
In dry September

You, the Guardian
Of mine, stand for me
The trust I kept on you
Is absolute
Mahakanadarawa Wewa is a large reservoir built during the Anuradhapura kingdom by damming the Kanadara Oya which is the main triburory of the Malwathu Oya river. This reservoir has been called Kana Wapi or Kanadiyadora. This was built by king Mahasen (276-303). It is reported that king Sena II (853-887) had built a weir at a place called Kattaththa and diverted water to Kanadara Oya through a 12 kilometer canal to increase the supply of water to Mahakanadarawa Wewa. Capacity is 36,250 acre feet (44,713,717 Cubic meters). Length of the dam is 2.8 Km.
Sep 2020 · 162
Bottom Of My Heart
Saumya Aloysius Sep 2020
Don't talk any longer, my love
just look at me & listen
you’ll realize
how I feel
Look into my eyes
and you'll see your name
my soul's broken mirror
I love you more than you ever believe
like you are my life
other half of mine
my angel
Look around you
has anyone loved you more than I do?
No, never cry, my love
'cause you'll make me bleed.
Always be happy
'cause your smile gives me life
I breathe when you breathe
But forgive me
for what I say
I know you feel nothing
Nothing at all
For you, I'm just a silly game
that you played with once
and now you hate and
even to look at
I'm sorry for my feelings
I know they drown you
they don't set you free
Come and tell me you hate me
that there's no other chance
no fake hope
Don't show me, but tell me
And then I will leave
I swear I will leave you
my endless pain
It's not your fault
I can't blame you
it's me who loves you
Tell me the truth
and you'll never see your name in my eyes again & again,
'cause I'll keep our past and my love
in the bottom of my heart
and I'll be gone & gone

-Saumya Aloysius

- While traveling to the University of Kelaniya for my masters
May 2020 · 169
I love to & I wanna
Saumya Aloysius May 2020
I love to
Sit on a Bench
To have a cup of coffee
With my Chumps
In the evening
While looking at
The sun setting down

I want to run
Along The Damascus
Alongside my Sweetheart
I love to Tie a ribbon at
The shrine Of John
The Baptist

I wanna be
At Azm, The palace
To see the beauty of the River,
Orontes I wanna take
A Selfie or two
I wanna swim to
Break the monotony

I love to
Get lost amongst
The ‘Pinus brutia’
I wanna play with them
I wanna hang around
Them both day & night

I wanna Serin, the Finch
to chirp Harmoniously
I wanna see him
Flying up in the sky

I love to fly a kite with
My friends next door
I wanna see it flying
Up in the sky
If the wind takes it away
We love to run behind
The kite

I love to ride my bicycle
Through the Streets of Aleppo
I wanna be there & meet
Up my mates for
A chat

… … … … … … … … … … … ..

Saumya Aloysius

The poem has been written from the perspective of a Syrian Youth.
A migrant Syrian youth wants Syria to be a place full of peace, harmony & beautiful. He has the intention to be there as soon as possible. He is lost in a country that is totally unknown to him. He has not forgotten the memories he has had in Aleppo, one of the cities badly affected by the ongoing battle. He just can’t wait in a land which is totally strange & weird. He hopes that everything will be good in Syria.
May 2020 · 318
Love's so amazing
Saumya Aloysius May 2020
My love for you is
like the violent sea
So powerful & deep
it will forever be

Through gale, wind &
heavy rain
It will hold our
every pain

Our hearts are
so pure & sweet
I love you more
with every heartbeat

- Saumya Aloysius
Apr 2020 · 133
Workshop, a poem
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
The tutor came
I didn’t care
Started his lecture
But went on
Admiring Donne
The Greatest Philosopher
Went against Death
I asked,
‘Donne, is that the topic?’
With confusion
He got up and said
‘No but we ought to admire Donne’
‘Why?’, a girl asked
He removed spectacles
And looked at us
For a while
“Oh my god
I have a lecture
I’ve to go now”
He left us
Another came
The topic
Started doing
‘Boys can you hear me?’, asked us
‘Very well’
We all said
‘Audio-lingual Method
Was introduced
During …’
The mobile rang
‘Yes sir, I’ll come’
He answered
He also went off
Then began the noise
Of ours
One hour passed
An old man
Came with keys
To lock up
The auditorium
‘What about the lectures?’,
One asked
‘Postponed’, he said
With ignorance
No alternatives at all
But going back homes
Rushed to
Catch the train
But it had left already
Had to spent
Pocket money
To go home
The most hated word
Of ours still

- The Sunday Observer
Apr 2020 · 158
She walks in beauty
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
she walks in beauty
at night breaking
the aloofness

men hunger of lust
demand her
splendor and
beauty for
pence or two

having no Choices
to throw away
she obeys theirs
even if her tomorrow
would be darker

Apr 2020 · 148
easter attack
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
i could hear
the prayers over there
next to
my door

the man seated
on a bench
left the place

he was quick, fast &
he was good looking
& smarter

he was confused
he was guilty

he rushed in
the backpack

roof fell down
the clock
struck 9
Sri Lankan Christians gathered for prayers were assassinated by a set of extremist suicide bombers last year (21.04.2019). Over 250 people including children got killed. Still the relatives of the deceased mourn over the dead. However, there is no room for extremism right at the moment. We eradicated terrorism a decade ago.
Apr 2020 · 124
Make a Move
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
Rainy Days Have
Come To Make
Love With Bliss

Buds Awaiting
Bees To Dance And
Give Company

Thrush' Looking For
Worms With Gay With
His Pals

Tenderly Leaves
Awaiting Worms To
Dance With Love

Boy Next Door
Awaiting His Fiancee
At The Doorstep

Old Man Sets Fire
To Enjoy The Warmth
Of Rainy Night

Yet You're Unwilling
To Make Love In
Presence Of Rain

Oh! What A Waste
Come On
Let's Make Love

Apr 2020 · 114
Yet again
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
me alone again
i feel as if
your breath’s been stolen
by someone
but how can i believe it
it's hard to tolerate
love's crazy sometimes
but, but how much
i loved you
still, still i do love you
though you couldn’t
realize it

you're with  
me all the time, though
you're afar
it's unimaginable
just like the sky

Apr 2020 · 115
Nothing’s eternal for me
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
I sat on the sandy beach
Till your arrival
With zest
But you didn't ..... .....  

I was confused
And my tears
Rolled down along
My cheeks
When I heard
Your ..... .....  

Nothing's eternal
But you, mine' dragging
In absence of your
Love and warmth  

Apr 2020 · 147
Sad, but true
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
My eyes filled with sorrow
my heart an empty place,
your touch, smile and beauty
can only feel that space

sometimes I think there's no reason
to live another day
then I think of you
in my mind you linger
and again I'm feeling sad

I never thought
separation could hurt so bad
my soul's already taken
and you know it belongs to you
you're my life, you're my love
my heart belongs to you
Apr 2020 · 250
A soldier’s mother weeps
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
Day before
The poya day
You visited me
With your beloved
And left
You’d be back
For New Year
You promised
I believed
You came
Making your
A reality
But not the same
Manner you went
In a sealed box
Making us
All mourners
To whom should
I call ‘Putha’*
For whom should
I be awaited
At the fence
War, I curse you
You took mine off
Making me
An eternal mourner
And loner
My tears frozen
And no longer can cry
Yet I’m awaiting
And awaiting you
My dear son
Till my existence
At the doorstep

(May this be a tribute to our brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives for oneness of Sri Lanka)

- The Sunday Observer
Scene given in the poem had been common a couple of years ago. Hundreds of thousands of the youth had to report to the frontline. Only a few could come back home. The others got either killed or injured. Moms were impatient till the arrival of their sons. They used to make prayers for God both day & night. Sometimes sealed coffins were brought home. Just think of the situation. Really, it was tragic.
Apr 2020 · 104
the day i saw you
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
still haunts the things arose
in my heart
the day i saw you
your eyes were filled with me
what did you wanna let me know
i didn't know

whose, and who and where you from
how could i get to know
when and where would we meet again
me not aware over it

i would send you my love written
on a melodious song
if i met you once more time
i would smile once more time

still haunts the things arose
in my heart
the day i saw you first
your eyes were filled with me
what did you wanna let me know
I didn't know

- The Sunday Observer
Apr 2020 · 104
Left lover
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
Hard to imagine
Your impulsive move
What went wrong?
Who went wrong?
I don’t know

You made me a lover
And took me to
A world of ecstasy
To which I’d never
Been before

Not worried over
The break-up at all
But worried over
Mine for trusting
You that much
Even if you’ve
Got another along
With you, I don’t
Want to be so
For I love those days

Apr 2020 · 121
World is beautiful
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
World is
More Beautiful
In presence
Of you

World is
More colorful
In presence
Of flowers

World is
In presence
Of love and

World is
In presence
Of warring
And soldiering

World will
Be more gorgeous
In presence of
Peace n’ harmony

Apr 2020 · 105
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
as long as we're
region ‘not an issue
at all
it ‘just a fact we can
as we've conquered
the rest

making love' just not
a matter
of place, yet it' all about
togetherness love
and care

whether it' East or West
my place of living'
your heart
I've no place other
than yours
trust me for it' True

A Sri Lankan Sinhalese boy loved a girl who was Tamil by origin. The parents of the girl did not like the affair. Thus, she wanted to quit it up. The message was given to the boy. The boy ignored it & decided to proceed ahead. Ultimately, they got married.  Parents of the girl were against it due to the tensed situation of the country.
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
If you do love
A lass let her know
And feel it
Otherwise you’d be
In vein

Once you give
Her heaps of hopes
Break them not

For hers would
Get wounded
No treatment
Could cure hers

Give her no tears
And fears
Assure your love
To her in a way
She could be happy

Be closer to her
For DISTANCE could
Make her separated
At least for awhile

Be not argumentative
Or quarrelsome
For she’d be shocked

Do what she wants
You to do though
You like it or not

Gently touch her head
Till she falls asleep
For her DREAM’ be you
For sure, My Dear Friend
Apr 2020 · 92
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
Gigantic waves
Of yours
Jumped over
The city wall
In the twinkling
Of an eye and
Rushed back taking
Loads of ours
Making the City
A place of mourn
And anguish

Still offspring
Mourn for parents
Parents mourn
For children
Some are benumbed
Over you,

Kovils and temples,
Wherein the guardians
Of ours exist
Remain Unharmed
Yet ours are no more
For the rest in peace
Still you remain
Calmly though
You’re the force
Behind the
Sea, how
Could you be so?
In presence of
Azure sky and
The shining sun,
You took away
The ones who
Loved you most
You took away
The ones who
Cared and nurtured
You most

How cruel
You are?
How destructive
You are?
How unfeeling
You are?

What’ve we
Done wrong
To be annihilated
This way
Giving more
To generations
To come?

Admires your
Elegance, majesty
As they did before
Though they want
To do so
For you’ve
Taken away
Our contentment,
Aspirations and all

You are no more
The preserver or
Guardian of
Yet the
Destroyer, killer,
And all
Sri Lanka was badly affected by the Tsunami tidal waves. It took away over 35,000 lives.
Apr 2020 · 113
Land of worriers
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
Men lend me your years
You have been trapped
In a world
Rules everything
Religion, culture
Have been neglected
Due to
Infection of others
Is forgotten
Hatred and jealousy
Being forgotten
Due to
Cruelty and selfishness
Warring and soldiering
Peace and harmony
Making the land
A land of worriers

-The Daily News
Apr 2020 · 132
Awaiting spring
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
When winter ended
My expectations went higher
As it hinted me of a new life
With buds and birds
I waited with impatience
To welcome the elegant spring
The following day, the day after
The days passed by
No rain, no buds, no birds
Except the dust
And desperation
Is this the spring?

- The Sunday Observer
Apr 2020 · 101
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
You recognized
Amongst the thousands
My aspirations went
Mine fell
In love
With yours
In a flash
You vanished
Breaking the
Blissfulness of mine
Keeping just
The fragrance
I keep singing
For you
Apr 2020 · 110
Forgotten with Ease
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
Hours seem
Like days since
The day you
Left me

All I do
Is looking skyward
With my tearful
Eyes and
A heavy heart

You don’t answer
When I phone
As you used to

Guess want to
Be left alone
In her heart

Hard to be alone
But if it’s my destiny
I ought to
Apr 2020 · 105
I loveth the way
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
I loveth the way
thee behold at me,
i loveth the way
thee kisseth me,
i loveth the way
thee maketh me joyous,
i loveth the way
thee sayeth, "i loveth thee,"
i loveth the way
thee toucheth me,
i loveth yond
thou art with me,
and fain yond
thou art mineth

The Shakespearean style :) :)
Apr 2020 · 94
Feeling alone
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
I am feeling
A wrecked seraph
I am feeling
Listen to my heart

I've loved you
Don’t give tears to
My eyes
Without your love
I’m depressed
And lost

Come and save
Me before me
Breathe my last
Wherever you’re
I’m by you till the
End of mine

You don’t know
That you’re my
Life and all
Come back to me

Apr 2020 · 102
Make a Move
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
Rainy Days Have
Come To Make
Love With Bliss

Buds Awaiting
Bees To Dance And
Give Company

Thrush' Looking For
Worms With Gay With
His Pals

Tenderly Leaves
Awaiting Worms To
Dance With Love

Boy Next Door
Awaiting His Fiancee
At The Doorstep

Old Man Sets Fire
To Enjoy The Warmth
Of Rainy Night

Yet You're Unwilling
To Make Love In
Presence Of Rain

Oh! What A Waste
Come On
Let's Make Love

Apr 2020 · 114
I entreat
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
I entreat tonight
the sparkling Light
surround you

I entreat
by day
that, come what may
no dark thing confound you

I entreat before tomorrow
an end to your grief
May seraphs
sing, and astonish you

May this be a real prayer for the little children & moms of GAZA

(Let us stand against killing people of GAZA)

Apr 2020 · 106
To Mahakanadarawa with Love
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
My Dearest Mahakanadarawa,
What a joy to
Have a friend like you
For giving me strength
The way you do
For lifting me up
When I am down
And putting a smile on my face
When I am wearing a scowl
Thanks for being there
And helping me grow
Your companionship means a lot
For me,
My dearest

(Mahakanadarawa is a huge water reservoir located 15 km away from Anuradhapura. A lot of people whose economy is based on farming and fishing depend on the particular reservoir for years. It gets dried up in absence of torrential rain, but has been able to keep some water to meet the needs of such innocent people.

A fisherman happened to tell me the story with great sense of attachment and love while having a look at the reservoir with a heavy heart. I wish he could pen down his words, but he could not write a single word. Accordingly, I had to express his love and attitudes towards the
Mahakanadarawa Reservoir on behalf of him).

- The Sunday Observer
Apr 2020 · 137
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
thousands of miles hence
human beings just liketh thee and me
art being bomb'd to death
news of mourning families
art being telecast
by hourly news and albeit
w'rld agnizes syria's
up-to-date condition
v'ry few has't seen the pictures of
blood and drops of sorrow and deep t'rr'r
ign'rance at its most wondrous
the west at its most wondrous
can’t we best committ'd
rath'r than reactive
wherefore doest t taketh so much timeth
people to realizeth
yond massacre is occurring
and liveth art being t'rn apart
as we sitteth tranquilly at our dinn'r tables
abundant with pea soup
and roast'd chicken
and want of caring
Apr 2020 · 97
Day I became a lover
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
it was last summer
you promised me
your love in presence of
thousands of
flowers & stars
you’d been the dream
of mine since that day
just imagine i couldn’t
sleep at night for
you’d stolen my sleep
both day & night
celebrations all around
with my dudes for
my bliss had reached
its summit i looked at
the surrounding, but
i could see nothing for
you’re everywhere
unlike those days
i could hear the songs
of ROBIN all the time
just like me it was
happy as well
i got tuned my guitar
& played it while ROBIN
was dancing on a branch
just over me
i sang songs of love, beauty
& harmony
i was overheard by
lasses next door
they gave me their company
showing no jealousy
i gave the news to
the boy next room
i was blind with love
and overjoyed
couldn’t imagine
the dawn of the next day
for it’d been the moment
you’d promised me to
meet up
i knew it’d be
i knew that i would be
the moment i would
hold your tighter
it’d be the moment
i’d hug & kiss you
a song unending’s
being sung, but its
melody was unknown at all
for sure for i’d lost in yours
i got into my best clothes
and ambled towards the
park which was filled with flowers
i was full of excitements
for it was my first day
as a LOVER
‘at last i’d got my fiancee’,
i felt & i knew that
my life which was full of
fun would be over
for i had been a LOVER
at last
Apr 2020 · 195
August Wind
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
You blow
Sweeping away
The dead leaves
Sweet and bitter,
Making both
Nature and I
The Sunlight
To soak up
The wet
The land
A wasteland
Beasts running
Behind mirage
In quest of
Water until
No more
Rainy clouds, buds
And bees
No happiness
The barrenness

-The Daily News
Apr 2020 · 98
Children of North
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
They don’t like to see the darkness
Since the Darkness brings their
Eerie memories back
Making them eternal mourners
They don’t want people
To photograph them whilst playing
As they aren’t happy
Though they pretend to be so
They don’t want outsiders to disturb them
Since they want to be alone with their own
Until the dawn of a new world
Wherein there is no soldiering and warring
They hint us the plight they’ve undergone
Yet never ask us to be worried over theirs
They yearn for love and affection
Though they hardly show it to the outer world
They yearn for love and affection

- Sooner after the war
Mar 2017 · 586
as Much as we argue
Saumya Aloysius Mar 2017
As much as we argue
As much as we fight
We always turn it around by the end of the night

I really do love you
I really do care
I really hope you will always be there

Saumya Aloysius
Aug 2016 · 294
Saumya Aloysius Aug 2016
Though we’ve got
To say 'Good bye'
in a second of time
I want to say
How much
I love you

Emptiness won't
Rule you at all
As long as
My love'
With you

Till my arrival
You’ve my
Warmth and

We depart
Not for ever
But for a moment
True you miss
Me a lot
But I ought to
For it' my duty

I’ll send
You all my love
And kisses sealed
In a letter

I’ll be the
Dream of yours
Throughout the

So shed no tears
For your tears
Give me fears
My dear
A beloved husband leaves her husband for a while, but his sweetheart fails to tolerate it. Thus, this is his consolation. Do enjoy it.
Saumya Aloysius Aug 2016
You’ve always been
My gorgeous queen
And you’ve always been
The loveliest woman
I have ever seen
For me you are
My life’s celebrity
You’re the one
Who got me this far
You’ll every time be
The one who makes me blessed
And you’ll always be
The impeccable life companion for me
And you’ve made mine full
Happy birthday
My dearest Pras

Saumya Aloysius
She has been the light & shadow of mine. I love her a lot.
May 2016 · 398
August Wind
Saumya Aloysius May 2016
You blow
Sweeping away
The dead leaves
Sweet and bitter,
Making both
Nature and I
The Sunlight
To soak up
The wet
The land
A wasteland
Beasts running
Behind mirage
In quest of
Water until
No more
Rainy clouds, buds
And bees
No happiness
The barrenness

May 2016 · 973
Meet me in an ecstasy
Saumya Aloysius May 2016
See me where
the palms scrape the skies,
where the exquisiteness of life
cannot be deprived of
Sense me between
the sheet s of dampness
Love & adore me in the
hot waves of
a midsummer gust
I want you around
I want you here & there
meet me in an ecstasy
where we can
spend our time together

Saumya Aloysius

— The End —