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 May 2014 Saranghae
Kurt Kanawa
this bed feels so cold
with only
one body

this body feels so old
with only
one heart

this heart feels sick,
so ill
with emptiness
and regret

a thousand thoughts
falling like
shards of glass,

falling in a place
where time
does not pass,

how long
does it take a man
to die of loneliness?

to die of longing
to be truly loved
even just once

even if it be
just for a second
or two,

just to hold on
to something
and true,

to hold on
to a heart
other than
my own,

to melt a heart
made of
and stone.

how long
does it take a man
to die of loneliness?

a lifetime,
it seems.
 May 2014 Saranghae
Ryan Jakes
Come every morning you're up with the sun
with hundreds of questions before breakfasts done
like what is a rainbow and where is the dark?
what's that? and why's? can we go to the park?
the beach? the woods? as I sit here and dream
must we have cereal? I want ice cream!
You sit at the table, eyes wide, mine half shut
and chat to the cat about dinosaur stuff
how you like pterodactyls but school, not so much
you rummage through cereal in hope of a toy
one way to amuse such a curious boy
the cat swipes  the box, makes it fall to the floor
"there goes our breakfast!" as sweet laughter roars
you slurp at your juice as I sip at my tea
so it's ice cream for breakfast for you and for me.
Morning with a 5 year old, never dull!
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