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Sarah Spang Mar 6
And now there is no vestige
No trace, no artifact
Of what once was behind us
Where time won't circle back.
A decade or a century?
A lifetime thrice, perhaps.
Each cycle different versions
Though the bones remain in tact.
Sarah Spang Feb 22
Tell me so that you may
Keep me or cast me
Off to a place where I can
Forget, forgo
A life of missing you.
Sarah Spang Feb 13
In me, you are quiet now,
The silence in the snow.
if only I could keep you there
So flowers could not grow.
Sarah Spang Feb 11
Leave me please.
Leave me in this last way.
Remove every shard-
Even the ones that will bleed me,
Leave me gasping like the wake of a severed limb.
Take the parts of you that are no longer Distinguishable from the parts of me,
So I might heal around the edges
Or unravel one last time.
Sarah Spang Feb 11
For months I dreamed, (or so it seemed)
That I had lost Orion.
Eyes to the skies on summer nights,
Across the dark horizon.
I raked the skies, the hidden lines
To find that midnight archer.
And yet the stars, silent and far-
Did seem to grow much darker.
Sarah Spang Feb 10
Am I the void
Or one who feeds it?
The writer-
Or the one that reads it?
The whimper
Or the sigh that follows?
The hunger
Or the yawning hollows?
Sarah Spang Feb 10
See you soon, December Moon-
But I will see him sooner.
Behind closed eyes, somewhere in time,
If sleep shall come to humor.
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