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 Oct 2013 Sarah DeeSarah
Weak -- I called myself.
Breathing and walking, but I cant feel any energy of mine.
Am I...even moving?
I cant even help myself.
I keep saying "it's okay, let's try again, shall we?" too gentle to myself.
Somehow, people like that side of me.
Too gentle, too soft.

And people starts to waste me.
Hurt me. Smash me, **** me. Slowly
With their words, with their stare.
In silent, but with meaning.
hate, hate, hate you and more.

I knew, I know,
but I didnt say anything. Not because Im scared.
But because Im tired. I cant shut each of their mouth.
I cant please everyone.
I know I cant.
Because Im too gentle. Too soft.
I rarely talk.
Worst than ever, I cant express any of my feelings.
People will judge me
They'll say
Poor little girl, you're pathetic. Such an attention seeker
They said that.
I heard them. Even when they're not talking.
I can see it, in their eyes. Even if they didnt tell me what did they thought about me.

But still, I didnt speak.
I say "it's okay, let's try again, shall we?"

*(Ai, Oct 3)
The heavens did weep when they made thee
The most beautiful creature any man doth see
Skin that is, was, as smooth as a marble floor
Your voice as sweet as wine that I needed to hear more
Your gaze melted me like ice thrown upon a flame
My soul soared high whenever you said my name
But fate can be a witch, so violent and cruel
Pushing me around and making me look quite the fool
The gods envied you for your beauty and your love
So they trapped you in yourself, making a crow from a dove
They broke your spirit and wreaked havoc on your faith
And kept me from saving you by placing me in chains
Then they took you back to sit like a dog, poised at their feet
Taking from me the kindest soul I ever did meet
The gods felt great envy when they created thee
Envy so great, they stole my only goddess from me
 Oct 2013 Sarah DeeSarah
I don't trust myself
when I promise I'm fine
I don't believe I could ever let go of you.
I will never stop thinking
appraising possibilities in my mind
about what would have happened
if only I ... never kissed you
is it true that you would have wanted me more?
maybe if I were an expert
at some love mind game
we would be sitting by each other
instead of me lying by myself
writing this attempt of a letter
which by the way you will never read.
I don't trust myself
when my mind is filled with hopes
and in my dreams I breathe you in.
I don't trust myself
when you are nearby
because I'm afraid I might reveal
those angry, desperate feelings
that make you run away.
I don't trust myself
when I've had too much to drink
because I always blurt out this mess of a mind
and I'm always on the verge of either slapping you in the face or...
trying to kiss you.
I don't trust myself
when I'm around you
but it's all because of you.
You manipulate me with your words
but you make me fall in love with your eyes
when you look at me across the room.
I don't trust you
because everything you do or don't
makes me believe in a yes
but it always transforms to a never.
I don't trust myself
because every time I try to move on
you come around and clutter everything up.
You were supposed to care.
You were supposed to be there,
to hold my hand along the way,
to stay, make me feel safe.

You were supposed to dance with me at prom.
Hadn't we been waiting for so long?
You had to be there when I went to college that very first day,
reminding me constantly everything would be ok.

You were supposed to meet my first boyfriend and try to drive him out of town,
but I never expected it to be the other way around.
You needed to be there in my darkest times,
telling me grades are just numbers, I'd be just fine.

You were supposed to teach me how to drive.
Clutch, gear, brake! Don't worry, you'll survive!
You had to be there when physics started being senseless,
"yes it is! It's God's way to show us his Greatness!"

You were supposed to be there when I was performing on a stage,
feeling proud I was finally making a change.
You needed to be there to help me make desicions,
support me while I was transforming my life's vision.

You are still supposed to be here.
You are still supposed to care.
I'm not supposed to feel fear
every time I remember your face.

And I just know it all too well...

You won't be there on graduation
to hug me and show appreciation.
You won't be there when I get my first job,
cheer me up saying "you rock!"

You won't be there to walk me down the aisle
with tears in your eyes and in complete denial.
You won't see how your grandchildren look,
you'll never know if they resemble you.

You won't be there when I achieve my goals,
you won't be there to celebrate them as yours.

So I won't be there when you need me the most.
I won't be there to catch  you when you fall.
'Cause you were supposed to care,
to be there and hold my hand.
To act like a real dad,
to the daughter you once had...
Don't be fooled by the mask I create
For it is all a lie
Underneath my calm sophisticated facade
There is nothing but lies and sadness

I need you to help me
I need you to reach out
Wipe the blind stare of the living dead away from my face
So that my heart can grow small but feeble wings
I need you to breathe life into me

After you find what a wreck I am
will you still care?
They placed my love inside Pandora’s Box.
The box they placed atop a golden plinth.
The plinth inside an empty room was locked.
The room was hidden in a labyrinth.
They built a palace on a desert dune
And sunk it underneath the ocean spray.
The truth behind the myth forgotten soon:
Atlantis: built to hide my love away.
Encased the myth inside a grain of sand
And left upon a lost pacific beach.
I feel the sapphire water in my hand
And dream about my love, far out of reach.
Awakening, my lonely body lies.
Brush the sand out of my weary eyes.
Happy National Poetry Day Everyone :D
 Oct 2013 Sarah DeeSarah

My  spirit cries         
     in grief              
and in  dismay.    
 The   reality  of  
what  you purpousfully have done  to   me.
I  reflect upon
the intentional hurt and hate    
from you   to me
That's when I see...
Where you've gone out of your way
to make sure things were extra hard for me.
When your the one who is supposed to
Show me love Unconditionally .
I see where you
the  remains            
of   an already          
fractured heart . 
There is agony in every  salty tear,
That fills the open wounds
as they streams down from in sorrow.
                          The  shards of  malice         ­                for years            
piercing deep          
into my very soul      
and embeding          
their sharp.            
slivered tips            
just like the nails that          
penetrated the hands and feet of the "Son".
As you spew like lava the words
roll off your forked tongue.
Only after their  burden I carry the weight  'across'   a
rough and rugged path as they grows heavier  and bigger
I make my way to where finally, stripped of any last
shred of dignity, left hanging there up high upon your
wicked, evil, vengeful lies.
Am I....
I am THAT Iam
He runs out of the bathroom after a 20 minute shower
leaving puddles of warm water trailing through our home.
"Smell me!" he says as he pushes his head under my nose.
"Smell me. I smell great!" I do and he does.
"I used everything in the shower. EVERYTHING!" He is so proud.
Later that night, as I take my shower I find:
all 5 bars of soap still partially lathered,
every shampoo and conditioner bottle opened and askew,
and all of my sample envelopes ranging from Healthy HooHoo to acne cleansers,  botanical shampoos to magnetic hair rejuvenation creams,
all tore open and empty.
For this, I fall in love all over again with a 12 year old kid.
And he smells great!
Fire and brimstone are nothing compared,
To the hell that I see, that I live, that I am.
You see, Hell is not a place where the ****** are condemned,
But a place in my head where Regret is the king.

It's a place where everything I wish I could've taken back,
Is played over and over and over again.
Torturing me and who I want to be,
With the image of who I was in the past.

Regret is the king, but Satan is me.
I am the accused, the shamed, the opposer.
The struggle is defining who I am today,
In the midst of the memories that I refuse to believe.

Demons are the memories that haunt me.
Beckoning me with false justification.
Chastising me with the whip of ignorance.
Killing me with the truth of my actions.

Hell is not the domain of evil.
Hell is not the source of all wrong.
Hell is a place inside of our heads.
Where we refuse to go and never want to be.
 Oct 2013 Sarah DeeSarah
If a poet ever tells you
Writing is easy
Writing is fun
If they say this to you
They are lying
Lying a ton
Being a poet
Isn't easy
This is hell
But writers have a place
To call home
To dwell
Where they live comfortably
Is a dark place
A dark cave
And the only ones who enter
Those who love
Those who are brave
Poets are deep creatures
Endless thoughts
Endless pain
If one lets you see inside
Don't injure
Don't be vain
Just quietly sit there
As their soul
Takes you as part
And absorb what you can
As their words
Come from the heart
9/7/2013 & 10/4/2013
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