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The bathroom looks like a ****** scene
blood spotting the walls,
the floor,
the yellowing porcelain,

My brother calls me three times around midnight
I don't pick up
I'm off in la la land
chasing funny things
put to bed on the sofa
in my friends' dorm
too high to fall safely
drunk enough to take the risk

The bathroom is a ****** scene this morning
all of that blood once ran through veins
bringing oxygen to muscles and organs
keeping my brother ticking
and now it's turning the color of rust
on the bathroom floor
 Oct 2013 Sarah DeeSarah
when I was five, my parents gave me a book about a rainbow fish instead of the princess one I wanted. waterworks began.

when I was six, I checked out a book from the school library about the tooth fairy. I read it over and over again because I was too nervous to return it.

when I was seven, I started taking dance lessons. my teacher had bright blonde hair that she always kept in a ponytail. I wanted to be exactly like her.

when I was eight, I learned how to write in cursive. I made a point of showing my teacher how the lowercase 's' looked like a Hershey's Kiss.

when I was nine, I wrote an essay for school about a cat. my teacher told me I didn't have to revise like the other kids because I had already written it so well. I was ecstatic.

when I was ten, my best friend moved away and I cut my hair short. it was the first time I had to learn how to start over.

when I was eleven, I argued myself to tears on the playground, thus discovering passion.

when I was twelve, I almost tripped down the stairs after school every day because I refused to put my book down.

when I was thirteen, I made my way into a group of friends that had hearts of gold and eyes of steel. we felt invincible.

when I was fourteen, I watched as by best friend silently collapsed into a heap of tiny, broken pieces. I learned that the nicest people can be incredibly hard headed.

now I'm fifteen. I don't know everything, but I do understand that life never goes as planned. I understand that we are wonderfully accustomed to adapting to unprecedented circumstances. I understand that picking yourself up off the bathroom floor time and time again takes strength and resilience. I understand that you're good at being you, and that is always a compliment.
I was going to stick a metal rod in the outlet today
I was already vivid with the excitement
Of taking serious health risks
Imagine, just imagine what it would feel like
O, what sweet ecstasy the pain would be
Shocking, and locking my arm in place
No escape from the unconverted

I was so tempted to put the metal in the outlet
I didn't care what would happen
If it killed me, so what?
If it put me in the hospital, so what?
If it gave me super powers, so what?
The thrill and excitement built up within me
And like a dam about to burst, someone said No
Someone said no no no no no...
The voice in my head chimed in
The timid little good-doer in my brain
Said No

But my arm reached forward
The metal grasped tight between my bare fingers
Grown numb from holding on so tightly
The outlet was near
close close close
My smile was the widest it's been in years
My heart was racing faster than seeing Emma Stone
And then the timid voice came back
Stop being an idiot, Jared. Go back to rehearsing the play.
I threw the metal rod across the stage
And got up
And delivered my lines
Every once in a while I'm really stupid. Most times, I'm just normal stupid.
 Oct 2013 Sarah DeeSarah
I want to look at your face when you let your grin slip,
When you let the mischief go, and sink, serious, into your skin,
The skin you cut
The skin you hated.
I want to know what was in your head
The day you tried to die.
What of it still lingers,
Although your scars are lacy and fading,
And you glow with health
What lingers of the obsessions,
The loathing,
The pain?
I want to know
Because I want to love it out of you like venom.
More dangerous than you could imagine
That I want to show you love.
Perhaps I should be fighting the urge,
Burying it away
Because wanting you is safer
Than wanting to celebrate you.
But I think of what it must have been like for you
The confusion and anguish,
The hatred and the surrender,
And I want to hear every detail of your hell
So that I can help you stay away from it.
I want to steady you when you fall into fear or doubt or shame,
Because you steady me.
I want to give you something,
Is the thing.
And although I don't want to give you everything
It's probably still
A pretty dangerous thing.
 Oct 2013 Sarah DeeSarah
 Oct 2013 Sarah DeeSarah
A size zero

Is all I'll ever let myself be
Funny how much
A number defines my personality

Zero hope
Zero life
Zero want
Zero zero zero zero

Tiny waist
More like I'm wasting away

Wrist bones are prominent and cold

All I want to see is
My collarbones

And my brain likes to argue
With itself

you better eat or you'll go back to hell

I guess I haven't comprehended my surroundings
Because I'm already here

Heaven is a tiny hole on the roof of my hell
Light shines through rarely

She inhabits me
I am gone

The wind doesn't even miss me
You slipped your tongue past my lips,
clawed your way down my throat,
and buried yourself in my stomach.
You ripped the humanity from my skin, tore it off with your teeth.
Your fingers burned roads across my chest, and immolated my earlobes.
Every inch of my body was yours, and you plunged your way into it as
deeply as you could.
Between my legs, you grunted, and pushed further into me,
ignoring my face, imagining someone else. I let you paint a picture over me,
and I let you kiss her instead. Tears soaked your pillows, as you had me face down,
taking all you wanted to give. Blood dripped quietly onto your black sheets,
as ignorant to the stain, as you to any true feelings.
You made me your destructive portrait,
pouring your self disgust all over my back and face.
There was nothing left for you to hate.
You purged yourself endlessly, taking another chunk of my humanity with each bite.
All I wanted was a sense of wholeness, a sense that my body was used for your self discovery,
not a shack where you could throw away your hate.
I'd stare at the rain through your window,
and will it to wash away the mess you'd left on me. It never did,
and I would have to settle for the rhythmic breaths from you,
floating over the empty space between us.
It’s late and I want to be charming
and say that I’m still up because I’m
thinking of you, but I’m not

it’s just my brain chemistry has
been so off lately that if I let my
mind focus on emotion for even
a second, I lose control

so I’ve been pushing you to the
back of my mind because you
bring out the most life in me,

too much life.

so I’ll be up all night pretending
I’m not a hopeless romantic, smoking
cigarettes out of this 8th floor hotel window,
wondering how much I’d feel if I let myself fall.

- S.G.
I have never been the victim
when my *** bubbles over everyone
comforts my mother
when I cry my family laughs
when my sister cries and I tell her
to **** it up because that's what I
was taught, I am the heartless *****
my mother still has the nerve to
remind me that I would have never
lasted a day in the house she grew up in
I want to remind her that she never
calls her own mother though she
lives only 15 minutes away
misunderstood is an understatement
when I take 25 Tylenol everyone comforts
my mother
Turn these scars
Into something beautiful
I am tired of staring
At the mess on my wrists

Take my hurt and
Kiss it all better
I bet if you tried you could twist
My scars into pictures and photographs

Cause this mess that I've made
Is a disaster of rage
The price that I've paid
Is too high to trade

And I am lost in the razors
That's I hold so dear
My safety will be
The death of me

And I'm sorry
For only being half of
What I used to be
And I'm sorry
For only being able to
Give what's left of me
And I'm sorry for all the
Mistakes that I've made
The thank you's I've not let free

I'm sorry
For being there
When I'm not
This is another song. Cried while writing it and I cry even harder when I sing it. Three four time, pretty melody and an even prettier piano and cello piece in my head that I can't seem to write.
I'm sorry for glazing over and I'm sorry for pretending. I'm sorry for the cuts and I'm sorry for slicing my heart away.
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