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SJ Dec 2015
We don't have to have this silent battle  

I would rather forget you

Step into my mind and you'll see all the things you put me through

Your memory has left me shackled

Pictures haunt me as you stare at me with love

Said you'd never leave me even when push comes to shove

Looking around this empty room reminds me of your lies

I can't wait to wake up one day to despise your memory

Hate you for everything you never did for

Today's not the day though, tommorrow won't be either

My heart still wants you

Even though you were anything but true

One day though I will arise from a nightmare

Dark dreams will be of your memory

I will feel nothing but hate and in that moment I'll be free
SJ Dec 2015
Missing you
someone I barely knew
Walking that dark path
You walked it too
I was forever sinking to a place where the sinners go
Trying to hold on and not fall between the cracks in that broken road
Hearing voices screaming at me to not stray from my path
Thought you were a lost soul like me till the moment we crashed
Came running at me so suddenly in full speed
Felsh and golden eyes
That was the first moment I noticed your wings
Shaking me urgently pointing upward
I tried to tell you to speak in words
Your lips moved to speak but I could barely hear
Your mouth would open and the voices would scream out in fear
You reached out and took my hand holding it up so that I could see
My flesh was rotting like my soul
I was slowly losing the real me
I looked up in fear to gaze into your eyes once again
This time I heard the words you said
Your voice was something unique
Reached into my dark soul and comforted me
Spoke of turning away from my path
I cried and said there was no going back
You said, "Take my hand and I'll teach you to soar."
"I can't stand to fly." I yelled and started to cry more
Dropping to the ground and screaming out in inner pain
I felt the broken earth quake
Looking up slightly I saw your golden eyes wet like rain from the sky
Tears of the angel cried for someone as weak as I
Kneeling beside where I had dropped to my knees
Reached out with a swoosh of your wings
Consumed in a feeling that I had never experienced
Watching glimpses of all my past sins
Tears still falling freely as I begged for amends
Gasping as a booming voice yelled, "Your Forgiven!"
Released me so suddenly from your hold
When I opened my eyes I didn't see the eyes that were so gold
No broken path before me
I was where I once was before I lost the ability to see clearly
Strayed so far from what was right
You saved me from an eternity of no sight
I miss you in my weakest moments when I have the urge to give in
Picturing your eyes helps me to resist to not give into my past sins
SJ Nov 2015
Where did he go? Once was here and so close
Then all of a sudden he was called home
Rain splattered on the concrete that night
Masking my tears from sight
Sobs were lost in the howling wind
Storm of sorrow reminded that he wouldn't be back again
How does a bright day get consumed in darkness so quickly?
From happiness to sorrow, it surrounded me so swiftly
The Lord decided it was time for you to leave
Now im left here with a soul that is no longer complete
Sometimes when the storm fully surrounds me
I wish to just give in and end my misery
To be called home into your arms where it's warm
Saved from my sorrow so I'd no longer have to mourn
Memories of you haunt me everyday
I'm so tired of never seeing color, only a bitter grey
Before you helped me to look at the world vividly with open eyes
Now I try to look but what I see I can't help to despise
Everything you once showed me to love
Was taken from me when you were called above
Maybe one day I'll be able to look past this grief that leaves me broken and torn
I just wish I could stop time, rewind, and  go back to save you before the storm
SJ Nov 2015
Two bodies never felt so close as the night air seduced us into a ****** trance

Urging us to give into our deepest need
Begging us to do a sensual dance

Hot and thick the summer heat added fuel to our fire

Sweat dripping off of our bodies as we gave into the desire

Stripped me bare right there where anybody could see

Whispering naughty words that would make the old me flee

Something about the night, the thick summer heat

The way the moon was glistening, never had I wanted more to feel complete

Laying down on the cool ground

Our needy heart beats were the only sound

Nothing else mattered in that moment, everything else was drowned out

Touched me gently where I held all the heat and I tried desperatly not to shout

Bending down to ******* heat with your mouth, claiming the need to explore

I screamed as you continued to **** sweet honey and begged for more

The summer had never meant so much to me

When you stopped your exploring and finally made us complete

Thighs tickled as you slid in between

Breaths mingled as we finally fulfilled our need

That night we came together not caring if we were seen

Wrapped up in desire that surrounded us like the summer heat
SJ Nov 2015
Her innocence caught a wild heart off guard
Stealing my breath as I tried to resist not to fall too hard
Her optimistic view of the world was everything unknown
The darkness in me needed her to take a glimpse of the world I had been shown
The untainted part of my mind screamed for me to stay away
Steady beat of my once quiet heart wouldn't let reason have the final say
She was everything I'd never been
I was her passage way into the world of sin
Untouched so far but a few scratches here and there from trying to fit into today's society
I had already clawed and fought my way to where I wanted to be
Beauty is something I would've called her then
Now I value her more than I ever did
She was everything I didn't know I needed at the time
The faint beat grew more steady with each day I continued to call her mine
There came a night when cold and smoke surrounded me
Looking into my window I saw my angel asleep
I felt my heart swell with an emotion that seemed to be more than I could take
Frightened the side of me that was still consumed in past mistakes
She slept so soundly as I crept back in quietly with the plan to get away
Gathered up my stuff and ignored the sound of something in me shattering as I left her there to lay
Cold was all I felt walking away from her
Time is something I now wish I could reverse
I would go back in and stay inside
Wrap my arms around her and vow to never leave her behind
In the past I had carried myself proudly and seemed so sure
Who knew i'd be brought to my knees by someone so innocent and pure
Only my stubbornness kept me from returning that night
By the time I had realized my mistake she had dissapeared from my sight
I search for her even now
The girl who made my heart beat loud
It's a unsteady sound without her near
She needs to be found so that she could hear
Love that radiates within my soul for only her
Need to find her and make things right with my world
Now that she's gone my arrogance faded and allowed me to admit that I had been blind
My fear ruined me for the girl that was suppose to be mine
SJ Nov 2015
His recklessness was something that drew me in
Wrecked my senses, falling deeper once again
He was everything that was bad for my sanity
He very quickly became a everyday fix in my reality
Arrogance had never suited one so handsomely
The dark creature carried himself with more than just authority
Respect was something he always received
Never had to cower or bow to anybody
Not like me having to bleed and claw my way through life
He had already earned his right
Already had bled to get that he had received
Worked hard everyday to succeed
When we first me he would smile at me, a cheshire cat grin
Telling me how to never look back on your past sins
Fearless was what this man was
Afraid of nothing but to Love
Which I found out eventually on a late spring day
When I woke up to a empty room with nothing left but a cigarette bud in the ash tray
I couldn't seem to regret loving the man
For somewhere deep in my mind I had always knew his plan
He grew up in a place that would make even the devil shudder
It only made sense that he wouldn't know how to deal with a true lover
Only knowing sin and people who had betrayed his trust
My lover only really knew of lust
He was born in a world well the good leave
Where you tell white lies with the intention to deceive
Angry I am cause I know that his memory won't fade
As I gather up what is left and exit the place where our love was made
Deceive me he did in more ways than one
So goodbye my Lover I guess our time is done
SJ Nov 2015
She lay so still and silent right next to me

Mama laid on her bed made of straw unmoving
Mama stayed quiet as I asked her to speak
Mama didn't acknowledged my presence
Mama had bruises that were faded all over her pale skin
Mama freed herself of papa's blows
Mama did leave me all alone
Mama looked so lonely in her red stained gown
Mama stinked up the barn as she continued to lay
Mama had her hands wrapped tightly around the dagger in her chest
Mama finally moved when strange men carried her out of this place
Mama wasn't here when the strangers came again
Mama didn't see them take me away from papa and his fists
Mama wouldn't know I was angry that she left
Mama couldn't see me crying over her memory
Mama needs to know that I think of her everyday  
Mama wanted to be put out of misery
Mama thought she had no choice but to leave me

Now I see all she wanted was to be free
This is a really old one. It was written probably sophomore year in highschool. :)
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