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Don't cry, this kiss is a kiss goodbye.
Don't cling, it's time to part.
Don't look at me nor ask me why
I've taken back my heart.

No questioning, no pleading;
No door remains ajar.
No doubt your heart is bleeding
Now, and wounds of love will scar.

Don't hope to ever turn back time,
Nor resurrect the flame
Of what became a pantomime
Of love, in all but name.
© Marcus Lane 2008
Dark whisperer, uninvited
You have come
To know my heart
To ******* lips
To claim my soul
As a traitor to the sun
I turn and desert the world
All I’ve ever known
Comforted by the sound
Of a silent beat
The rhythm of eternity
Pacifying uncertainty
As we walk a nameless path
That none have ventured
To fathom
Copyright 2009 Chelsea Rose
 Apr 2012 Sarah Aubrey
David Watt
I cannot see a path before me,
Nothing but a pestilant haze.
Bathing all resistance,
Hiding hope from my lonely eyes.

You the focus that holds me steady,
I fabricate a story that makes you love me.
Without you there is no reason,
To hang on parched in this dryest of seasons.

Dreaming up the missing mornings,
Filling in the longed for nights,
Your face and voice the origin of my delight.
Every morning alone heart strings tight.

I beg for my own salvation,
Set me free from this beautiful imagination.
Tell me to leave you and no longer love you.
So free and heartbroken,
Drifting like feathers over a seamless ocean.
I.  Attributes
She's quiet,
she smells good
People don't notice her
She loves like it's something to be guilty for
She's willing to let you go
In exchange for just a few seconds,
Even a passing glance
It would be pathetic
Except for the tragedy
She drips sorrow
It's painful to even watch
She's elegant,
reminds me of silk
And expensive lace
A whiff of jasmine perfume
She's leaking at the edges
With unrequited everythings

II.  As I Watch
You turn away and
With your back toward her
You don't see
or appreciate
The fragile smile she assumes for you
or how
It  breaks
In the fall
halfway between the floor
And her lips.

III.  Objections**
Can you be so cruel?
You don't even notice her!
She's a person!
She's more real than you
How can you be so inconsiderate?
You should be concerned
As if your life depended on it!
Because hers might
And you are stuck

So ignorant
This urge consumes me-

made necessary by circumstance

and misfortune,

made real by the real fear that follows me

down all of the streets,

around the corners I hide behind.

It is not a thing I desire,

not a thing I want to experience,

or face in a dark alley-way;

yet it is always there,

the travelers road-

waiting, listening

for signs of weakness.

It is the touch of madness in my mind,

the dark pits beneath my sleepless eyes-

the deep loathed wisdom in my bleeding heart

that speaks to me in the depths of night,

waking me from my already tainted sleep.

What it says are things I already know of-

no surprises or lies are contained inside its insidious whispering.


I fall ill and devoid of courage,

and the travelers road appears,

with seemingly all the answers,

the only option.


I resist,

straining against my own scared irrationality,


but just barely.

This is not the way I would have picked to go,

nor the scenery that I wished to see;

a tornado would have made a prettier mess

than the life I have laid to waste.

In the end,

there is no escaping my fate,

no fixing the past;

but perhaps I can linger longer this time,

and erase this traveler's mark.
You cannot drive your dream

Into another’s mind

One way thinking egos

Meet failure every time

You cannot take a man

And hook him by the nose

He’s on his own volition

That’s how free will goes

It's mutual affection

That must enjoin both hearts

They must commit two wills

As one right from the start

The fairies don’t affect it

Two humans plant the seed

If love is one heart short

It never will succeed.
Copyright Louis Brown
Call a                          doctor/ plumber/ priest
My heart is               broken/ leaking/ deceased

My life is                   worthless/ so much better/ over
I'm going to              **** myself/ tell your wife/ Dover

How could you         leave me/ not know/ lie?
I hope you                return my stuff/ come back/ die

I'll never                   forget you/ forgive you/ go away
I need                        closure/ a DNA test/ to tell you I'm gay

Your                           face/ crotch/ top of your back
Is                                so beautiful/ lumpy/ unusually slack

Your                           ex/ mother/ best friend from school
Always made me      great coffee/ feel inadequate/ drool

I will                           miss you/ **** you/ stalk you forever
That way we can      be friends/ get away with it/ be together

I'm sorry                   you did this/ I did this /we failed
I promise to               pay you/ dye it back/ get you bailed
Please don't               leave me/ show the Polaroids/ write or call

(*delete as appropriate, just delete it all.....)
I am not the worlds' best poet

I only write the way I feel

If you judge my words for approval

Maybe need to critise them as well

I can not write up to expectations

When fighting back my own depression

I will not conform to how you wish

Not for a long time

I do not deserve to face any understanding

I write and write for my friends to share

Even the greatest poets were misunderstood

Over the years people became to cherish them

Read them and see the tortures souls in their words

I would never bring a friend or enemy down

Never turn my back or mock them for who they are

Not for a long time

Yes I have made my share of mistakes

And I have seen America come and make history

A first step in the fight against racism

I have seen them embrace a man for what he stands for

To see past the very colour of his own skin

And to see this happen makes me feel proud

Something I thought I would never live to see

Not for a long time
Only just rediscovered this, copyright Chris Smith 2009

— The End —