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 Jan 2014 Sarah
moon kitten
 Jan 2014 Sarah
moon kitten
how do you stop the voices
the ones that never leave your head?
the demons that constantly whisper
the flaws that make you wish you were dead
how will i stop the voices?
they're screaming in my ears
they're telling me to end it all
they say i need to face my fears
how can she stop the voices?
they're getting even louder now
one last cry out for relief
and the room fills with empty sound
she dangles from the ceiling
chair tipped over on the ground
 Jan 2014 Sarah
Rawad Salhab
I'm truly sorry for my words and actions
I'm sorry for everyone I've ever hurt,I know how it feels to be hurt
I'm sorry for changing
I'm sorry it had to be that way but I won't apologize for who I am
I'm sorry for the trouble that I put you and your heart through
God knows that I'd do anything for a part 2
I'm gonna try to give my mother and father what they expected from me
I'm sorry for not being that son you hoped I'd be
I'm so sorry for not being there for you.. When you needed someone, the most.
 Jan 2014 Sarah
Jordan Frances
I wish I could break
Shatter into a million pieces
Of sharded glass, waiting to be stepped on.
Causing you to bleed wouldn't hurt me
Because I would already be broken.

This universe doesn't give a ****
Whether we're moving
Or camping out on life's sidelines.
The doers, in the end
Meet the same fate as the dreamers.

I want you to break me.
Work me until I fall apart
Until I can't take it anymore.
At least then
I will overdose on my need for perfection
Before I die of it.
You can take my needle from me
Before my heart stops beating.
Before it turns my blue vein black.

Then maybe I can stop craving
Everything that hopes to **** me off.
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