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Sarah Jan 2016
we were tangled up in
our shyness, the silence of a forever
so definite, so ours
stretching languidly before us
a promise between the quiet we shared
my fingers were trying
to piece the same old words
into poetry i love you i love you you you
when you said to me

i wouldn't trade you for the world
present tense and lightyears apart
now, she must be a ******* nebula
is her breath stardust all over your neck
her eyes galaxies your own cannot resist
? i was your flower
my precious little love
is she your star?
its still not quite the way it was
Sarah Jan 2016
you are an old melody
do you remember when you were on
the tip of my tongue, the name singing in my head
a tune i've shoved down my throat
so there is a little silence in my hands
i've forgotten the words
that strung us together
symphonies of destinies i couldn't keep
music is for the musing
for the loved and the loving
for the lucky
my fingers belong crushed into walls
away from harp strings, heartstrings
same ******* thing
i can't hear my heart beat
this quiet won't break me
the way your silence did
don't listen to a single word i've said
Sarah Jan 2016
there were so many stories i wrote
between the lines trembling faintly across my
palms like the roots of trees, desperate
to entangle themselves home
around my wrists

so many stories without you
my lost little muse
i was a poet before you
after you
i can't recall a single word
like you
Sarah Jan 2016
i think my heart is broken
is it working right
i feel so light, i can't feel
i can't write
Sarah Dec 2015
it's all a tint of grey these days
poetry tastes so bland when i'm not bleeding
in colour
i'll be the shipwreck that takes you down
Sarah Dec 2015
there are pretty clouds and there is
hanging fog
the rain is spilling through the
spaces between my fingers
splashing at my feet like the
things you used to say to me
i can't hear you anymore
you're in love again
some other girl some other name
i don't want to hear a single ******* thing
if you're happy why are you watching me
in my familiar misery
it rains wherever i am
you're so lucky you are far away
please don't tell you'll stay
my fingers aren't working right
after clutching onto you so tight
am i supposed to say goodbye
without venom and spite
it's a little difficult, forgive me please
you used to be my anchor
and suddenly
ground shifting, earth quaking
and now you are the reason i can't breathe
underground seventeen feet deep
you didn't save me
you barely even tried
kicking screaming softly speaking
Sarah Dec 2015
they've all got silk for voices
measured pauses, pretty words
pain they know how to articulate and there is me
fading into the audience, happy to act
like i've never written a poem
all my life
as if i can listen to their art without
feeling my fingers quiver and resonate to the very words they say written
all over the hands i've hidden away

i like my fists in my pockets,
i like feeling safe
but they are up there naked in the most spiritual way
i can't look any of them in the eye
without hearing the poetry they wear
like a definition of the souls they've learnt
how to chain to the bones they claim to loathe so ******* much

i think of standing up there;
reading the things my fingers have whispered
over paper on nights i can't even remember,
and then i can't breathe
this poetry is my saviour please
words fade faster the louder you speak
my secrets are on paper i don't even keep
why should i trade in the only air i know
how to breathe for pity i'll never deserve?
i was drifting on the ocean tide
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