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587 · Nov 2017
Little Old Lady
Samuel Adafia Nov 2017
The sun blazed and caused a significant amount of precipitation to ooze out of my skin. The woman who sat next to me filled  space enough for two but paid for one. Me, the unfortunate one who sat close to her was praying that no one else boards this atrocity of a  public transport vehicle. The sweat on our skins made our contact uncomfortably more intimate than it was required for two strangers. It made my skin curl with disgust.
The little old lady stood at the bus stop with a silver wash basin half filled with her catch, fish. She signalled and the trotro staggered to a stop.
475 · Nov 2017
Heart theives
Samuel Adafia Nov 2017
You were playing with your hair
Then that perfectly woven bunch came undone
You saw me see you struggle to fix it
I smiled - You smiled back
Then I started laughing - awkwardly
I laughed so hard a bubble of **** escaped.
Then you joined me in laughter
We laughed so hard
To the point where all gaurds were down
Then our eyes interlocked
And almost immediately we looked away
As if it never happened
We both knew
Our hearts belonged to another
But in that stolen moment
We lost our hearts.
389 · Dec 2016
Samuel Adafia Dec 2016
I was hewn from you
The maker,
He carefully crafted every curve and intricate detail
With the very fragments that form you, He moulded me.
But I was dead and cold

Then I felt a life force move slowly
It was outside at first.
I wasn't supposed to feel anything
But I felt it.
I don't know how but I did
It was warm and peaceful    
Yet overwhelming

Then that warmth got inside
It got into my chest, then it was everywhere.  
I mean everywhere
The hair on my skin was up
I could feel the wind
My eyes opened
And all this light was rushing in
White, that's all I could see
Then my cornea started to adjust
As it did, I could see what grew out of you
The same you I was made out off.
You have a life force of your own
So I wasn't soo dead after all.
Then what was the warm flowy thing that invaded my space and opened my eyes.
That thing that made me alive
the Creator said, My Spirit.
I have two life forms merged to form me        

But they had minds of their own
They wanted different things
What the Spirit wanted killed the flesh
And what the flesh wanted killed the Spirit
Whatever they wanted killed me
Because I was both the Spirit and Flesh
I am bad for me
I was toxic
I was my own Kryptonite

— The End —