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Oct 2020 · 70
pray; tell
zumee Oct 2020
I have been blessed
with more words
than I will ever use
I have no need for yours

what does your Silence have to say
Oct 2020 · 67
Timeisof: The Essence
zumee Oct 2020
It all began
when the alien artisan
a masterpiece
Sep 2020 · 80
pretty song
zumee Sep 2020
but will you make it
into my funeral
Aug 2020 · 59
cats & dogs
zumee Aug 2020
once upon a time
there was a dog named cat
once upon another
a cat named dog

in the one
dogs were always cats
in the other
cats were never dogs

and all the other dogs
and all the other cats
were named
Jul 2020 · 82
zumee Jul 2020
...what you say is
what you think is
what you love is
what you are is

the breath

of a life
of an act
of a thought
of a word of...
Jul 2020 · 52
wealth inequality
zumee Jul 2020
rich get richer
poor get poorer
and poorer and poorer and...
talk is cheap
Silence: most can no longer afford
may you win the lottery today
Jun 2020 · 53
meanings of life
zumee Jun 2020
to run a race
alongside a beetle

to tell a joke
to a tree

to hear a secret
from the ocean

to buzz a ballad
for a bee

to read the stories
of a feather

to sail a smile
on a breeze

to boil patience
in a kettle

to be appeased
by a pea

to gather courage
at a mountain

to eat a strawberry
with the leaves

to forgive
a mosquito

to find your self
and set it free
in no particular order :)
Jun 2020 · 74
zumee Jun 2020
the instant
truth that
hits you
in the

Jun 2020 · 89
A Tale of Two Meanings
zumee Jun 2020
there was once a zealous poet
with an endless word supply
who waged an apperception war
against his very eye

the poet sought to demonstrate
to his instrument of sight
by power of articulation
the meaning of this life

trains of thought were conjured
swarms of sense made manifest
still the poems failed to capture
the essence of the mortal quest

the poet's mind was stilled in wonder
its silence cast a knowing spell
the spoken word had lost the war
the naked eye could tell
with every new poem I come blissfully closer to retiring my pen
zumee Jun 2020
screen-fed cattle
the glass is greener
on the other side
Jun 2020 · 126
zumee Jun 2020
seven thousand languages
in this very moment
spoken by our kind
seven thousand pillars
of meaning
a little
sunny skies
flowing water
giant mountain
ensorcelling eyes
where is Mommy
anyone out there
can you help us
we are hungry
pain for food
make it end
let me rest
take it all
this life
I want

and not a single one
to truly mean
the liquid hold
of a tear-shaped eye
technically it's more around 6500 but hey
May 2020 · 82
zumee May 2020
it's a tired war
for some raging piece
May 2020 · 69
zumee May 2020
when will forever happen
where was everywhere born
whom does everyone complete
what could everything become

y  r  u , i
infinite words
in dying letters
Apr 2020 · 56
not interested
zumee Apr 2020
in your name
definably You

live me your meaning
let me live you mine
Apr 2020 · 67
no vision in sight
zumee Apr 2020
seeing is believing
to an eye that ever tries

showing is deceiving
when the unseen never lies
no Truth is as insecure as to require your belief
Apr 2020 · 79
Homo nyms
zumee Apr 2020
Roses are read
Violets are blew
is this poem gay
or written by an ESL student
Apr 2020 · 89
Study in Duality
zumee Apr 2020
Good & Evil
Right & Wrong
Strong & Weak

Motion & Repose
Apr 2020 · 67
what houses a window
zumee Apr 2020
Lies are beautifully stained
attractive, dispersing
singularity of light in-
-to theaters of color,
dramatic iridescence

Truth is Other
see-through, immaculate
never thing unto itself
humble as a pane
that bids the eye
to the open sky
Apr 2020 · 69
giving down
zumee Apr 2020
Every master
of the art of losing
was once
a rookie winner
Mar 2020 · 59
zumee Mar 2020
when all is divided
all is connected
when all is One
there is nothing
to connect
Feb 2020 · 57
You showed me
zumee Feb 2020
the Black difference
a heart full of promise
gorged on a dream
and one empty
as a love note
left in white ink
Feb 2020 · 65
Tag the Grim Reaper
zumee Feb 2020
Everyone born
into the game
catches up with Death

A nimble few
at the speed of Now
run alongside Death
as equals
Feb 2020 · 61
holy books
zumee Feb 2020
through the minds;
indescribable joy
on a rough draft
Feb 2020 · 82
everything to unlose
zumee Feb 2020
comes a time
in every life
when the safest option
is to risk it all
Feb 2020 · 58
moment madness
zumee Feb 2020
time again
time against time

When wins
Jan 2020 · 54
grace grotesque
zumee Jan 2020
even a lie
is beautiful
when pregnant
with the truth
Jan 2020 · 71
cosmos hunter
zumee Jan 2020
unreleased, unaimed
bow undrawn
position unassumed
target unaquired

moments repass
as we unwatch
our arrow of time
approach its mark
Jan 2020 · 82
beauty Is the beast
zumee Jan 2020
if giving birth
were gentle
as parted lips
n   e   w   b   o   r   n
into existence

every god
would be a Mother
Dec 2019 · 336
Once up on a Time
zumee Dec 2019
Time will come
crashing down
happily ever after
Dec 2019 · 102
zumee Dec 2019
some make art
some make art
Dec 2019 · 139
at the Space theatre
zumee Dec 2019
Time is an actor
never seen
zumee Dec 2019
I thought of you
so long
the thought grew old
of natural causes
zumee Dec 2019
I scream
You scream
We all scream
b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶s̶u̶g̶a̶r̶ ̶a̶d̶d̶i̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶w̶i̶d̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶i̶g̶n̶o̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶r̶i̶v̶i̶a̶l̶i̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶l̶t̶h̶ ̶c̶r̶i̶s̶i̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶

my sugar-free milkshake brings all the diabetic boys to the yard
Nov 2019 · 451
zumee Nov 2019
tummy tummy, why so mad
I gave you all the food I had

I gave you food that's super yummy
you're acting weird and kinda crummy

c'mon tummy this isn't rad
what is making you so sad

could it be the roasted cricket
but god I only barely licked it

Jesus tummy, is there a dad
I'm pretty sure there's no such lad
Nov 2019 · 137
this little lover
zumee Nov 2019
This little lover went on a date
This little lover stayed home
This little lover had a honey to cuddle
This little lover had none

This little lover vowed never to love
ever again
all the way home.
Oct 2019 · 238
Karma's fuel
zumee Oct 2019
Hamsters running
around the wheel
Generate : Reality
Oct 2019 · 287
Spit it out
zumee Oct 2019
When larynx lays a toxic trap
that words can't help you out of
Palmed into a cosmic clap
without a way to wiggle out
when flawless lips are watching
whatever you do
do not
swallow the phlegm
Sep 2019 · 118
zumee Sep 2019
A baby sentence
will meet its fate

sudden death
at the hands of life

Will it reach eighteen
pass twenty ones

twenty threes
in the blink of a line

Will it learn
to speak its name

Does it die
in its prime

Will it ever count
seven times seven
Sep 2019 · 182
Loving You
zumee Sep 2019
in the Parable of the Sower
Son of God relates
the less-than-fortunate fates
of seeds fallen
by the wayside,
on rocky ground,
in thorny fields

Has nothing much to say
of seeds sowed
in fertile earth
utop a volcano
Sep 2019 · 350
zumee Sep 2019
the Universe
a flower
in time
Sep 2019 · 156
twice x 2
zumee Sep 2019
Missing the bus
isn't the end of the world
unless it's the bus
to the end of the world
inspired by the line in the movie
The Beach ***
Aug 2019 · 321
Single Duality
zumee Aug 2019
to a severed soul
heaven burns
just as cold
as hell
Aug 2019 · 208
3 lies and a truth
zumee Aug 2019
is a special kind of weird
comes from outside
deep down
all we want is to be normal
or was it 3 truths and a lie
Aug 2019 · 211
Burning for a Savior
zumee Aug 2019
Mother heaves
a tortured breath
her lungs on fire
For the first time
in a long time
she falters
We kneel
heads bowed
hands clasped
in typing supplication
emoticon prayers
to silicon embryos
for signs of life
from e-God
in the womb
between our fingers
Aug 2019 · 143
a feeling
zumee Aug 2019
some thoughts
we think we love
were never meant
for thinking
Aug 2019 · 167
zumee Aug 2019
The particles
in howsitgoings
The aggregate
a few-others away
from boring one of them
with a thought
through the eye
before evaporating
into the blue
zumee Aug 2019
Check it out
if you feel so inclined
And then, if you're even more inclined
(without hurting your back)
Fill it out
Jul 2019 · 360
zumee Jul 2019
inhabitants of Earth
a different planet
in orbit around the others
Jul 2019 · 446
i contact
zumee Jul 2019
a big bang blushes
the cheeks of a neuron
when a child universe
looks another
in the black hole
Jul 2019 · 595
a costly pair
zumee Jul 2019
pushed her on
by the boots

he sighed
the crunch of a dry thought
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