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 Apr 2013 Samantha
Cecil Davidson
Hate reminds me of him
Hate reminds me of them
Hate reminds me of foes
Hate reminds me of woes
Hate makes me beat my brain
Hate makes me go insane
Hate makes me act out lewd
Hate makes me say things crude
Hate tells me to act out
Hate tells me it's good to shout
Hate tells me to be bitter
Hate tells me I am a quitter
Hate could not be more than right
Hate makes me a person I spite
 Apr 2013 Samantha
This black hole to nowhere
appears underneath me
from out of the blue
just to swallow me whole.

The longer I fall
the less I can see
the faster it gets
before I am consumed
e n  t   i    r     e      l       y
to the darkness.

*I am my own savior, yet I cannot save myself.
Star speckled fervor.


This honey spice fathomlessness

give in to this sweet serenity

I'll pick myself up

regret it later,

but I let you.

Melt to nothing.

shatter every bone in my body

I may crash to the ground

because I am lifted when i am with you.

And I wont care to stop it.

Paralyzed in grandeur

I am thrown 5 thousand feet from the air

the wrinkles in my blankets,

as my sheets drip unto the floor.

I transcend the simple worries

I am flushed.

you are divine creation.

seems chimerical.

Turbo speed, you jet engine

submerged in the ethereal

subaqueous in metallics

sinking in a daydream

sinking my ships again

build me from the ground up

flow right through me.

not trying to tip toe,

vanished in it.

your breath on me

like the first gust of summer

I wish I could bottle it.
 Apr 2013 Samantha
most of all, i want to listen to your voice. anything you have to say. recite your grocery list, what you ate for breakfast. what’s your opinion on the weather? remind me about how you like the snow, but hate the cold. how you couldn’t fall asleep because the wind kept whistling through your broken window. tell me the story about how you broke that window again. again. again. how you hit that baseball too hard and it went soaring. tell me about that moment. the moment that it looked like that ball was flying. how’d you feel when it crashed? no, don’t tell me about that, i know it’ll make you think of the crash. how i crashed down on the concrete when we were walking that one night. i was barely conscious, so tell me about how you carried me a mile to my apartment. if you have to, tell me about why you left me there alone. how you’d asked me on the walk because we “needed to talk” and you had to do it that night, because she’d given you an ultimatum. don’t tell me about how you’d stayed with me that last month out of pity. or if you do, let those be the softest words you speak. softer than the things you whispered to me months ago. softer than the way you touched my cheek before you left me on that bed. tell me again how touching me made you sick those last few weeks and please assume that i felt the same. because every time i think of the truth, every time i think of how it wasn’t over for me, isn’t over for me...i love you. i can’t breathe. don’t let me speak. don’t let me speak. i only want to listen to the sound of your voice. keep talking. say anything. tell me all about her.
 Apr 2013 Samantha
Megan Grace
 Apr 2013 Samantha
Megan Grace
If I could
go back I
fall for you
instead of
wasting my
time on
You once
told me I
made you
feel safe
and I'm
so sorry
I left you
alone like
that. I
forgot the
sound of your
heartbeat for
just a second
and heard
else's at the
wrong time.
sorry, I'm
 Apr 2013 Samantha
They say you fall in love.
But you don’t just fall down,
Scraping your knees.
Love smacks you
Right in the face,
A huge
All over
Your soul.
 Apr 2013 Samantha
i. this poem is not about that thursday afternoon
you spent holding me in your arms, swaying
back and forth in the middle of your bedroom
because i mentioned that no one understood me
and you told me you liked my dark hair and
my olive skin and the fact that i wrote poems about
confused teenagers in love and that i had a heart
that was just as confused as yours was

ii. we whispered sweet nothings to each other and
kissed under your navy blue duvet for two years
and the reason i still cry over that is because
you knew how much i detested dancing and that
i hated when my peas touched my potatoes and
that i never went to bed before two in the morning,
but you never learned that i am an iceberg

iii. i asked you to describe me and you failed
to mention that i'm afraid of the dark because
it reminds me of a sky without stars and that
my favorite song is skinny love by bon iver
because it reminds me of the relationship that
i shared with you and you never understood
why i liked sad things (it's because i like the
way rainy days and sleepless nights make
me feel something worth writing about)

iv. this poem is not about love or heartbreak
but it is about you, and i must admit that it
feels awkward to write about you without
feeling any ounce of admiration or hatred
pulsing through my tired veins. this poem
is not about me missing you, or how i wish
that you still thought about me, because i
am glad that i no longer float across your
mind whenever you watch a baseball game

v. you were like the titanic and our feelings
were the ocean that carried you closer to me.
you saw the surface of my being, consisting
of all the things you liked about me and the
things that you could put up with. but your
ignorance became too much and every
quality you failed to pay attention to came
crashing into you all at once and i
absolutely destroyed you and i don't know
whether to say i'm sorry or
you deserved this
 Apr 2013 Samantha
david badgerow
i remember that night on your front steps
smoking cigarettes and talking with your mother
i cradled your heart and
you cried on my chest

i remember middle school english class
and your first thong,
pink and white and blue

i remember we made that bourbon summer
last until december

i remember bottle rockets and champagne
the morning your brother died

i remember carrying you home
in the rain
the day after you escaped from the hospital
and you cried then, too.

i remember lying on the cold ***** tile
of your mother's kitchen
whispering Neruda in your ear
shivering & sweating with you
that night we took ecstasy

i remember the first night
you let me slip an honest prayer between your lips
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