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 May 2013 Samantha
Ted Hughes
He loved her and she loved him
His kisses ****** out her whole past and future or tried to
He had no other appetite
She bit him she gnawed him she ******
She wanted him complete inside her
Safe and Sure forever and ever
Their little cries fluttered  into the curtains

Her eyes wanted nothing to get away
Her looks nailed down his hands his wrists his elbows
He gripped her hard so that life
Should not drag her from that moment
He wanted all future to cease
He wanted to topple with his arms round her
Or everlasting or whatever there was
Her embrace was an immense press
To print him into her bones
His smiles were the garrets of a fairy place
Where the real world would never come
Her smiles were spider bites
So he would lie still till she felt hungry
His word were occupying armies
Her laughs were an assasin's attempts
His looks were bullets daggers of revenge
Her glances were ghosts in the corner with horrible secrets
His whispers were whips and jackboots
Her kisses were lawyers steadily writing
His caresses were the last hooks of a castaway
Her love-tricks were the grinding of locks
And their deep cries crawled over the floors
Like an animal dragging a great trap
His promises were the surgeon's gag
Her promises took the top off his skull
She would get a brooch made of it
His vows  pulled out all her sinews
He showed her how to make a love-knot
At the back of her secret drawer
Their screams stuck in the wall
Their heads fell apart into sleep like the two halves
Of a lopped melon, but love is hard to stop

In their entwined  sleep they exchanged arms and legs
In their dreams their brains took each other hostage

In the morning they wore each other's face
 Apr 2013 Samantha
I knew I was hooked
But I couldn’t stop
Whenever I got up
I started falling
It broke me
It cracked every little piece of me
To a finer powder of despair
I needed help
But there were no meetings
For addicts like me
No one to help me
No one to help me get over my addiction
**My addiction was you
I'm in love with the idea of you.
So let me know if that idea is true.
What's behind those eyes of baby blue?

For the image you keep is quiet pristine,
Handsome, strong, and squeaky clean.

So while you have all the check marks on my list,
I need to know the true you if I may persist.

I don't want these feelings to be merely a crush.
But boy, that smile of yours turns me to mush.

With your golden locks and casual air,
Try though I may, I can't help but stare.

I just want to hug you and run my fingers through your hair.
And if you don't mind, call you my big teddy bear.

Crushes are stupid. They make me feel lame.
Because getting your attention just seems like a game.

A smile's worth a hundred points, a wave plus two or three,
But minus ten for when you look away without even noticing me.

Acquaintances barely friends, that's all I am to you,
But I still hope that one day, I'll find out what's behind those baby blues.
Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy, greed
The allure of lust confused with need

Fear, fear of floating or falling
Crying to feel the sting of your bawling

Anger, anger, joyful or sad
It hurts so much
*But it's not so bad.
 Apr 2013 Samantha
 Apr 2013 Samantha
Every argument,
Is sink or swim.
No compromise, ifs, ands or buts.
And the winner is whoever can talk louder,
Shove their opinion farther down the other's throat.
Talking to you is hardly sinking though.
It's drowning,
And rather quickly.
What if all you believed was a lie
What if everything was an illusive deceit
Would you commit suicide, continue to believe or investigate the truth?
What if your life depended on it
What would you do?

There is paper trails wrapped up in illusion and like a picture framed
You only see what is there,
At least what the camera shots.

Charisma is subtle
It’s a quality I despise, why?
It’s the traits of politicians,
They tell you sweet bitter lies,
A fool enthralled, you eat it up like it was pork chops and salads
An appetizer
A delight.

Conspiracy theory elaborates truth as well as lies
What are we to believe when the world is built on bluff?
And we are all blind; give me a pair of glasses so I may see the world more vividly
I do however; believe I need more than that.

What holy war is upon us, when will the Jews have some solace?
When will the fat aristocrat evacuate his couch and out of the kings palace?
When will the rich exchange shoes with the poor and vice versa so
They might know the shackled ******* life as well as champagne and caviar.

We question the possibility of what takes precedence
I may Google the net, read a thousand books
Dive in all sorts of information
But I guess my appetite wouldn’t be satisfied because my eyes and ears
Had enough to realize and acknowledge that the world is built truly on illusion
If you don’t believe me, take the movies,
They use graphics and all the technology at their leisure for things to appear real
Actors and actresses like wise
We are all plunged in by theses perceptive beliefs
That precipitates a reality that conjures fictitiously real.

All rights Reserved.
Christena Antonia Valaire Williams.
April 17, 2013
 Apr 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH
Walking along the aisles, thinking about stuff
All of a sudden I turn the corner and BAM There you are
Looking at you made my stomach churn and made my hands cold
Moments like this you don't prepare for
Anthony I saw you but made sure you didn't see me
Risked myself by talking quietly cause I didn't want you to hear me let alone see me
Times like that you don't prepare for. I know I didn't
Haven't seen him for a week and then BOOM He shows up when I am already happy with someone else WHY MUST THE WORLD BE SO cruel. But I won't let him get to me even if he doesn't mean to.
Hey*  you
That’s all that needs to be said as his hand explores my face
As he climbs into my bed
And whispers all my worries in comforting kiss
Kills my heartache in the simplest kinds of bliss
He lent me persistence in physical presence
And provided sanity soft as his lips
Dripping with sincerity echoing
In all the silence preceding and fallowing
His simple statement,
Hey  you
Colliding with my emotional dissonance
His caring limitless intentions
Scandalous and seaming compellingly  guiltless
Pulling me close and killing the lonely
So much, he shows me in utter darkness
And he says so much in such simple utterance.
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