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  Apr 2014 Crystal Kelly
Writing is my most
Selfish act

I don't write for anyone
But myself

I don't write because
It's a want
I write because
It's a need

But I did once write
To bring you back
Crystal Kelly Apr 2014
I have no confusion
I know what you can do
you are in my sight
you are in my eyes
what you don't see
does not exist to me
all that's falling
you take in
pieces whole to you
fixed is boring
you talk lightly
I hear nothing else
you're not from here
it's different
you're different
teach me
your luminosity
I want in
I'm like
all the others
find in me
a bend a buckle
single me out
high up
I am alone
high up
I will laugh
it will all seem
Crystal Kelly Apr 2014
I have all the pills
that fill
that ****

that settle me
each time I spill
restore me
when I'm ******* ill
warm me
when I feel a chill
nurse me when
I'm crying still
carry me when I
don't have the will

my pills patch up
infested wounds until
my fettered heart no longer thrills.
Crystal Kelly Jun 2012
Eyes are lifeless, limpy sack
Shells are barren, print-less tracks
How uninteresting you are to me
You stand there, departed
Like the bark of a tree.

You’re lacking in that something good
No rough patches on your silken wood
You touch me, dull, and frozen stiff
It’s not my intention to be insensitive.

But you leave no lasting impression
With your expressionless expression
And I laugh and cajole
Try to set fire to your soul
And yet not even a hint of aggression.

I try my hand at CPR
It doesn’t get me very far
You’re silent and empty
It kills me, you don’t care
It shouldn’t have to be this hard.

911 help me I’m clueless
How can one be so useless?
I fear that this pain will surely remain
And make this sad song become tuneless.

I’m fighting in vain
Buckling under the strain
Denial now my enemy
You’re just a dead brain.

And I scrap, battle, blow
But unlike the tree,
You have no capacity to grow
I really am afraid
You’re a dead brain.

And it dawns on me
You have no place in my journey
And you don’t even see
You’re the dead brain on the gurney.
Crystal Kelly Jun 2012
I see you from a distance and it seems to be surreal
So bizarre how just one glimpse can finalize the deal
There’s no wonder what it is that captivates me so
Picture perfect body with a flawless soul.

Skin so soft like the touch of burnet
Eyes so blue you can’t ever forget
Hair waving carefree like the ocean
Lips curling up with a secret notion

You walk with confidence and pride
Your face so expressive to how you feel inside
But never arrogant nor superior
Yet hold yourself steady with the poise of a warrior

And all I see is perfection
An exquisite little confection
Of rosy cheeks, and when you speak
I feel a bone-deep connection.

Arms so sturdy, however yields to an embrace
Never have I ever seen a lovelier face
Don’t pass me by, please look my way
Please give me hope, please, won’t you stay?

I can see from the distance between you and me
From tip to toe you are divine
I can hardly wait to make you mine
No more distance, pretty please?
You’re so utterly lovely.
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