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  Jan 18 Sally A Bayan
i tried to find
a song
a poem
a piece of art
something, anything
that felt like
or sounded like

i looked
and searched
and wondered
yet no matter what
i tried
there was nothing
that came close

for you
my platonic soulmate
are one of a kind
a light in the dark
warm, soft
kind, loving
a best friend

i couldn't find anything
nothing is like you
Sally A Bayan Jan 17
Restless, useless murmurs
poison the airs
journals and a bead plate stare
back at me, they connive, as i wait.
On the coffee table,
rough drafts lay parallel
sunlight and clear citrine spears
refuse to create shining tears.
Ideas dangle, then crumble...penciled,
then crossed out, darkened...the mind
is a lonely mannequin in a dark space,
no fire or warmth...only cold stares, pizzazz.
There's no glitter or sparkle
to excite an opaque mind,
to sharpen dulled senses,
my beadworks
need candor and splendor.
i need my swarovskis...n o w.


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    January 17, 2024
People say that
A soulmate is the one,
That thing that makes you feel alive

If true,

I think  I’m in love with coffee ☕️
I just love the way it smells and the way it tastes
For sure we’re meant for each other ;)
Sally A Bayan Dec 2023

A little disorder in the hair:
a curl goes on its own...astray,
some loose strands
escape from its bun,
like a new style, it stuns,
as if it was styled that way.

A bit twisted collar, with a stain
of tiny brown dots...conspicuous,
but, a fine distraction, for its wearer
boasts of a perfect fair neck.

Ankle-length pants...hide
a shoe lace gone awry
during rushed moments, yet,
passes, "just like normal,"
almost unnoticeable...

Some freckles on the face,
a few pimples, yet, a wee
sweet smile compensates,
erases all what others see
as carelessness, or disarray.

Some shiver even on a slight
trace of mess...others find delight
in imperfection, a kind of  grace
felt from within, and appreciated
with a smiling face.

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
  December 23, 2023
  Dec 2023 Sally A Bayan
(when first I learned my
intellect paled by compare,)

did not weep,
for my eyes
with love keeps

reminding with
every glance,
my intuition
is where my
value lay…


of course, it a genius creative choreographer,
Lar Lubovitch,
to remind of the obvious
I forget
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