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"The starfish were twisted and knotted up for a starfish loves to hang onto something and for an hour these had found only each other." …
23/F    Love begets love
Kara Jacobs
Mariana Nolasco
"I'm not much a poet but a criminal"
Zowie Georgia
'Everything Is Always Touched By Something' -Zowie Georgia 'A poet can survive everything but a misprint.’ - Oscar Wilde
California    Fiction is the closest I've ever gotten to the truth
Andy Cave
27/M/Hillsboro, Oregon   
Devon Haley
22/F/New Jersey, USA    college student, aspiring poet, avid procrastinator, hopeless romantic
Brandon Webb
I'm a High School senior from the state of Washington. I've been writing for about 9 years and have never edited any of my poetry, …
Lucky Queue
bones and earth    "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Nietzsche
New Jersey   
Promethea    i feel therefore i write. “ Something happened to him which perhaps never happens to a man until he is out of his own world: …
Conor O'Leary
Me: [noun] An old-souled kid, with a pen & paper, snatching bits of universe in ink. [Synonyms: writer, stargazer, wanderluster]
learning by mistake
The amateur poet
Wantage, NJ    Poetry is my way of venting. While finding my way through these odd high-school years, I write when I don't have anyone to talk to. …

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