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 Dec 2016 m i a
 Dec 2016 m i a
I want you
I want the good things
and the bad
I want your soft and sweet
And your hard and jagged edges
I want you happy, sad, and angry
I want all of you
for as long as you will let me have you
 Dec 2016 m i a
Chloe Zafonte
**** is a horrible disgusting crime!

But for Muslims it's fine? Hmm

Shut up you're being racist

But we're not talking about a race.

You're the oppressor that everyone has to  face.

But I'm only one person!

You're a white male!

That's being racist aren't you against that?

Excuse me sir! Did you just shame me for being fat?

This has nothing to do with anything.

You may find me unappealing but get down one one knee and give me a ring.

You just seem to really dislike me though

Did you just address me as a ***?

Where is this coming from?

How dare you violate me? What's next slip drugs in my coke and ***?

I'm starting to believe you've had enough to drink.

Are you saying I'm uneducated and incapable to think?

Well I'll admit I thought it since there are words you can't comprehend.

When will this patriarchy come to an end???
 Dec 2016 m i a
rose petal lips
candle wax fingertips
never thought the night
would come to this
you ache and you break
give me all I can take
when the evening is falling
it's time to awake

gentle flicker
I miss her I miss her
never thought I'd have
the guts to kiss her
she's the sunshine that weeps
a promise to keep
for the morning is dawning
and it's time for sleep
for El
 Dec 2016 m i a
My Heart
 Dec 2016 m i a
It was labeled fragile,
And it was left broken,
But over time,
People have been picking up the pieces,
And putting it back together,
Just so you could feel it beating,
So now i've rested it in your hands,
And hope you take better care of it.
 Dec 2016 m i a
Thomas Newlove
‪It's hard to care about women and their silly, little crushes when most people are so painfully boring and you are so transfixed on your own‬
 Dec 2016 m i a
Thomas Newlove
We are waiting at the same bus stop, but only for one fleeting, heavenly moment, before we depart, apart. I dream it's soon stuck in traffic
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