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Sep 2022 · 391
To Ukraine
Build me a better nation
from Jeffersonian democracy ~ not where's Waldo.

As the Masonic
pillage another
of dead monarchs.

Borders of another nation~state,
invaded for the freedom of another nation~state.
Another sovereign nation
for another sovereign nation
and their mutual cause. 
Freeing its presidents, parliament, citizens.
{At least they have a state church}.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
February 28 2022
Feb 2022 · 314
While Jesus Suffers Still
Compelled to sin

by obligation

on the cross of the baphomet

where flesh is offered

as sacrifice

to their lord Satan

guiding them

to hell on earth

while having you


for judgement to hell

or rapture

as i reach for the Cross

aiming for the heart of the vampire


brain of the zombie…

Have your way upon the world—****** man.

Feb 2022 · 288
Another Revealed Religion
Allah pom pom club, pyramid formed, with Vishnu, his partner, in the peace after the riot; no Mohammed not now, the meteor is wearing thin; look its Buddha with a special message.

Blah, blah, blah, man cannot live on common grace alone. So, here, comes reprobate, to write another religion.

In the seventh hour of the seventh day in the seventh month, when the moon is three fourths full. There you will see the prophet - man, once again in the tree of knowledge. Serpent slither to another ear and say the fruit of their iniquity.

or is not
the gist

Naked in the wilderness they form
a ****** ****, of eaten flesh, pondering the wisdom of the world. You know that place, the one where man goes to die.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
The Black male image,
**** like the Tumblr 'blog,
the other guy,
or that doctor that said that I was "bi-polar"?

Who am I -
in an environment
and heredity,
with a self,
that makes me autistic
like Satre and Rollo May!

Television on
for social programming,
Eminem in my "mind"?
White man cant jump
to the one place
'they once used
for composure.

and Space force,
Barak Obama
and reparations:
Introverted or extroverted
seems passé in this dead century.

The Natural Order will suffice for the Christian--lest he/she falls to the Satanic trickery of the occult. Wanting a supernaturalism out of the context of ones relation with Christ.

Do not be confused God is supernatural but you are not. Those supposed Christians whom suggest that Natural Law is not enough are spiritually filled by the New Age.

New Age i have wanted an experience with the divine...and now i have it. As the witch places the flesh and spirit in the air -uttering the words of such epiclesis- their flesh and blood become christ.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
It is not synergy.
Trash man popery comes
to go to the dump for fulfillment, and still no return of old high church, as Reformed eat the corpse and defecation of Newman.

Too Catholic?
This Reformed Catholicism?
Your Westminster Confession is a lie?

In the trash for edification,
as the bread turns to the body
and the wine ~ blood.

'Popery gives their blessing mocking vestments, stained glass, ceremony, ritual, and liturgy. As the high Presbyterian church wonders...

Another victim.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Jan 2022 · 379
A heathen game of bingo;
take a chance
and twist your mind
or anothers;
to some sort of feeling or incident.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor

White Man


Catholic Wife


You have not done enough for the Black man,
and you do not care enough for the Black man...
be my homeboy.

White patriarchy
by anti-heterosexist
civil right
love affair.
Come have ****** relation
with your family,
and the World.
Come World have ****** relation with
and we will call it Jewish?

World peace
if not for bigotry
then whom?
'Not just for Bible study...

The degree from pastor's teacher
and thesis regarding the student or professor
has been blessed
and now the mind of God

Now being able to purvey
God's will
as the next text book topic is heeded,
this one eagerly expounded.

The inventive sermon like many,
exuberantly calls the listener to faith.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2021 · 358
Pilate Facing the Crowd
Romans 13
looks elsewhere
at the wide gate?
atop the temple?

In Hell as rich man looks upwards
for 13 sheckles
and Herod?

Pleaing he suggests, Barnabas, the thief,
as if he was a murderer.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2021 · 183
XXX "High Yellow"
you could say
pink maybe
brown also
but not
Octoroon or Quadroon,
she course
but not

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2021 · 668
More Animated
Summer time -

the romantic time -

for picnic in the park -

with obscene *******.

She has a smile -

that is not ***** -

but is clean,

and praiseful;

witnessing the heavens -

declare our glory.



Sin is puzzled...

Assuming wrongly it pauses.

Beefsteak lollipop creamhorn,

and chocolate cake,

cherry bon bon,


with coffee.

Shocking the sordid and sullen, as they look for wickedness to relate to.

The warmth of God upon us...

Elohim, Adonai, Tetrgrammaton, Jesus!

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
It was a Spring day and she sat on it, and there was no lust, and nor malice. {A.J.B.}
Feb 2021 · 148
Up Yours
Slow-poking [his way to her heart],
she thought that she was coming to an assault:


bad girl - no more
(Now confident)

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2021 · 268
Fatal the interpretation
of Revelation
as the Elect
expecting end of history
with man
attempting adjustments.

Futile it seems
to its master
the Calvinist
and who ever else will come along
in contempt of time.

No mystery
having wrote it with God
at Dort.
A court of sorts
with Melanchthon
making the grade.

Still Calvin
claims innocence
-thief at the left of Jesus
at Calvary
-chance for them,
but an opportunity for others,
to perfect Eden's transgression
at the Cross.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2021 · 277
Via Media Tale
Where Is The Third Way?
'the real Protestant sort
we'll line up the Anglocatholics and take them to the port.

Off to Rome
heave **
or back to the college class,
to conceive another insincere theology,
insincere Anglican
or at least half and half?

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2021 · 194
Computer God
In between the blue light
and electro magnetic field
black man
on the radio (waves)
and t.v.
-the show
does not need no lucifer
and *******
the Church
benine futurism
and no Antichrist
those older IBM computers
not DNA
but what is a mind
when the brain shrinks?

Cellphone, microchip, and android...

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
they are

As I watch them
from the street corner.

They look
i am found.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Thor/Triune Loki/Allah
Vikings /Valkries

Odin/Hashem (The Poem)

Loki the bad son
Thor the faithful gaurdian
for his dad

Assorted misfits
wait for the payoff.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Jan 2018 · 421
Boy Wonder
GPS capibility cell phone
Vigilante vigilence
Hold the order
Keep the chaos at bay
Blacks wilding
Large immigration gathering
No ones the watchmen of the park
{ I guess youll have to be
see you at the vigel }

Hiding in the bush

Day 3
On stackout

Staying for ******* interval

Day 5
Now mad from liaison

Day 6
Hoping to **** christ

Day 7
Observing the resurrection

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Jan 2018 · 380
Oh Kitty
Furry animals of love
Kiss on kitty head
Pet its neck and under its jaw
Puuring heavy as i ******
Then kitty rubs its head all over
Posing with tail

A further reflection....

I find your sounds to be the utmost in conversation.
I wonder
why God made such an amorous creature.

©S. Wesley Mcgranor
Jan 2018 · 576
Throw ‘em in a hole
Mohammedans, Free Masons, and socialists.

Why can't inclusion be?

Look to the future
Mohammedans, Free Masons and socialists.

The sum of democratic ideals,
rationalized even in you.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Jan 2018 · 490
Jan 2018 · 513
James Earl Ray
(Thank You Brother)

for a purpose
not of this world.

The knight slays the Black foe,
as the world turns - its back...

Standing alone
he doubts only himself.

The anguish
not his,
but those haunting, testing,
to see
if he will break...

As James Earl Ray hears the confessions of the flesh,world, & the devil, seemingly Ray arrives to his conditioning:

No, no, Black, no Black i do not see you! No, no, Black, no Black i do not know you!
[Mr. Ray's reflection]

©S. Wesley Mcgranor
The Judaic vision,
like Moses,
and Hebrews
--*** backwards--
without the Cross
and Christian history.

The Church mistaken about herself no longer
but absolutely guilty:
as the last Sister of Selma is buried

with incorruptible flesh.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
I will not deprive God of his sovereignty

by using my will--

free or not.

At the debate court they seek to undermine Arminius;

with a theology that does not include points represented by him,

thinking he to be God.
Oct 2016 · 923
World to Come
Oh global pork,
seen in the sewer;
with the rest of your destinational derivatives.

The smell of your bathory abounds.

Giving the social workers
their architectural dung.

The Mind of the civil g-d,
incomprehensive and deranged.

That g-d itself
needs assistance.

Scores line-up
to help-
-the never-do-well.

Soon their g-d will appear again
without giving its name;
only exposing its composition...

Made of assorted care-takers
of its origin.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Oct 2016 · 618
Alternate Monotheism
Reason his gift,
expanding it by faith;
god of Deism
come forth.
As the Jews
accept Washington's prayer
in the synagogue.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Oct 2016 · 949
For All Saints Day
Glory be to God for avenging the ****** of William Laud!

Refusing the reality of the Spiritual Church?
Though not altogether disjointedly?

As Puritan dreams
turn to happy meals
vast parking lots
of freedom of choice.

America that Church
with their Jeffersonian natural religion and
their Masonic philosophies.

Where human rights/freedom are the Gospel;
as Christendom falls to human nature
for exaggerative innuendo and condemning councils
to further intellectualization of faith
in Jesus name.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
What will you do when the flesh shrivels.
When the lines form.
When the cosmetics refuse to cover.
When the ****** becomes fickle.
When the baby comes.
When the abuse you feel.
Oh darling flesh....
When will you yield?

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
Religious Haiku #1
Protestant stand,
pick up your cross and liveth -
in the East.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
Religious Haiku #2
The Lord is
not Jewish; yet he was so
at the Cross.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Suppressing the reality of the Fulfilled Jew in the 'postmodern era', is clear in the internet searches. As if this was not already answered.
Oct 2016 · 532
Demure she was to me;
demure she doesn't want to be.

Needing drink,
she excites unduly
with spirituous liquor,
confident or not;
sitting on it
she ponders...

She with fortitude swallows with valor.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
The technocracy gathers the museum pieces categorizing ideally to undermine and de-emphasizing objective understanding for the sub-categorized priest-craft, drafting a temporal framework for God. In bargaining as it accentuates its void for evangelism.

This classification, this legal ordinance, this academic dissertation and that context of its time.

Then Mary...

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2016 · 466
"Longer Than It Seems*" #2
As the Baptist
heads for the Roman Catholic alter.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2016 · 425
"Longer Than It Seems*" #1
Catholic Convert
the run-way.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2016 · 1.6k
The Two Body Eucharist
He has not been received;
he has not been fully received.

As the priest presents the Host:

Oh the glances
of sought site,
let me see oh Lord
this light
not for me,
nor mine.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Infidel and traitors to Christ!

Dreaming of a utopia with Pope Frank
and the devil.
Mocking individualism,
and parading around with indians
for liberation.

You don’t make sense.

Organized religion now dead;
due to your deeds to now.

Idealists still not satisfied in hell.

New thought, new thought, new thought.
Here is another one, tired of the same ole one.

Divine science.

Look for the self & God
Do you see it?

Hail Nathaniel Hawthorne
And Edgar Allan Poe!

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Oct 2015 · 875
The Angel of Harmony
Master musician plays
a song,
instruments almost playing themselves
as if ordered.

the confusion,
as the band leader
overtakes them.

Stern expressions of obedience culminate as the band plays.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Oct 2015 · 810
Hitler Hole (Revisited)
crawling out of the hole
into redemption
following the light
of salvation
the false condemnation

of Christianity

the chain
of existence
a pretended trangression
of suicidal social justice
to keep buried
the mass grave

of a self-consciousness
too much
to bear
that cross
once autonomous
now another
interconnected organism
of the bio-sphere

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Mar 2015 · 910
*Wash Up & Change Clothes
I thought... you were dead?
Oh White man arise!
What does it mean?
The Christian message was clear.

I thought... Martin Luther King Jr. and 'Malcolm X' died
and made all the same..?

Social heresy doctrine your gnosticism
will not stand.

At the church of exoskeleton
they realize... there is biology & consciousness.
Where pre-Christian non-Whites and their allies realize
that there is a difference.

White men tremble at the burden that they must face*.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Are you on Drugs?
In the D.A.R.E. carnival ride s.u.v....

Passing out bubble gum and baseball cards
helping the children in need.

There is a treat coming to your school:

Story time statistics of the (dead) letter of the law.

Uninspiring the children to a life of drug abuse.

Since they know not the (living) spirit of the law.

Drugged for childhood,
the self-abandoned --
immature in their nihilist chemistry.

In the D.A.R.E. carnival ride s.u.v.,
passing out bubble gum and
baseball cards; helping the children in need.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2015 · 713
Is This Lutheran?
Go to the link to see the photograph that i am referring to. It is an actual question.
Feb 2015 · 738
The Changing Face
The age of Ecumenism
has established
its worldly victory.

The ordainment severed,
now satan is joined
with our lord.

The past a problem;
not a history lesson.

Come oh benevolent dictator
and take our Lord
to Rome.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
The Sacrament of Penance
As opposed to the observance of Resurrection.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
A Protestant's Grace
Feb 2015 · 2.2k
I.P. Cameras
Home surveillance
accessed by cellphone
as the exhibitionist
walks the halls.


Multi-camera action,
one of the more positive aspects of your Orwellian achievement.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Nazi Trooper
or aloof gestapo.

look shocked,
or... waited apathy.

As they jubilantly run off
to implement the last resort.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
Your Democratic Tradition
Bring on the media bombardment
of personality based self-help
groups and
get connected to the electricity,
eye meditating, colorful journey.

A ****** cliche and innuendo  
to repress your inquisitiveness.

Responsible figures on the Black show;
White ***** on the other.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
Frankenstein Tetragrammaton
Just more flesh;
man created God,
for his benefit.
Because he knows no better
without biological and psychological structure
--no longer a threat--.
Goes the monstrosity
with its guileful regulation:
suddenly God is made anew.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
Feb 2015 · 766
Pogrom of Glory
Throughout history
in a Diasporic condition
and through the pagan
another Jew sacrificed to the flesh
the World
and the devil.

Not in hiding
but seeking
the purge--
only comes
after death.

For the next generations renewal?
Woe unto those limits of human freedom.

Let those seeking salvation convert; or let God present a sacrifice completely consumed by fire: burnt offering.

While Jesus suffered still...
those elected to **** Christ; as Judas was also chosen.

Compelled to sin,
by obligation,
on the cross of the Baphomet.

Where flesh is offered
as sacrifice
to that lord satan,
guiding them,
to hell on earth.

While having you hope
for Rapture.
As the Jew takes the place of the Church and Christian.

I reach for the Cross
aiming for the heart of the vampire
and brain of the zombie -- pogromed of glory.

Have your way upon the World especially ******.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
{Note: I am not advocating for the Eastern Orthodox but do suggest conversion i.e. the Fulfilled Jew. Although Protestantism is in shambles due to such among other issues; although this being the greater gain. Also such a religious observance and professed guilt has prohibited Catholics -- the Jews historical bed partner from ever disguising themselves as Christian again (A Roman Catholic is allowed no fundamentalism but secular Judaism). So many Protestants after the destruction of our institutions and societies have succumbed to joining the Eastern (or Oriental) Orthodox as a lesser of two evils. And as this video suggests the Orthodox are seemingly free from the ailments that others suffer. Never-the-less this temptation should not ******, as we need to get our own house in order. And remember the Reformation ended any light within the Orthodox as well. It is my understanding that the Orthodox are an underling of Roman Catholicism. We Protestants (both Mainline and Evangelical) have killed ourselves as God awaits atonement for our transgressions against him. The Jew, in an older but now no longer giving attention theology, asked why God would allow such; and came to the conclusion that it was punishment (wrath). Now it is generally understood in a Christian context as a pagan resentment. And in a Jewish context as evil from goyim.}
Feb 2015 · 802
Seat of Satan On Earth
On a throne in Rome is where satan is seated; eating the flesh of man; like a pagan Caesar being fed grapes. He sits, awaiting man, to kneel before him: kissing the ring.

Drinking the blood of man, by his royal cup; that which he never touches with his own fingers. King of all kings, lord of all lords; pope, pontiff patriarch and arch-bishop of all Christendom -- rejects you Rome.
From the schism to the Reformation, yet the prey are tempted as you ****** a bogus return. To/from an institution steeped in crises; openly admitting its satanic infiltration. Men adorn you with biblical claims of negative revelation. As if your satanic throne was of divine establishment. Claiming a unity that never was. Your foes thinking 'denominations' are a division of Christ's Church. While you knowing that 'a house divided cannot stand'.

Awaken your souls hiding among the farther Eastern 'Church', or those farther West. Separated brethren --or-- imitation Christian may your throne be carried on your shoulders by those observing your divine monarchy. Hail Popery! As you in self-pity's pedestal sight Peter. While the post-Protestant ecclesial coward prey sight Judas.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
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