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Ryan Croft May 2014
I notice that the hair is gone
so did the frog.
I can help to hold the tears back
I know its all my fault
the cigarette stains on my fingers are back
I washed you the dishes and put them on the rack.
you wanted a full commitment and I failed.
You cried you eyes dry
I ran and ran and ran.
i didn't know it was this bad
I ran and I ran.
I'm horrible at this poetry
and I read yours just now
you deserve that colata ring that i saw at jeweler
you should know that my heart will never mend
If I had one more Chance I would never let go
I would consider it sacred all the way to the end.
I lay here on the floor
no bed nesscisary
im afraid to get up
it just to scary
you say that I'm so smart
I think im so dumb
maybe just I drink or hit or just one
until it all goes numb.
If you were able to come back
we could build a snowman
And I would be a real man.
Ryan Croft Jun 2014
At the bar
in the gym
passing me in your car
holding hands
A quick kiss
watching bands
at the beach
watching a movie
At the store
in the park
you all seem to want more
on you porch
with you pets
holding hands
a game tied at two sets
I sit and watch
and see your quick glimpse
know I wont ever feel that again
I grab the bottle
take a sip
take a chug
you all are happy
I am not
I say good bye
and take one last shot.
Ryan Croft May 2014
I sit on my computer
legs so sore I can hardy walk
head hurts from the nights last shooter
but combined pain doesn't compares to our previous talk
it started so sweet
let me take you to the heavens and show you the stars
while listening to Pandora
George Straight "I got a car"
we stared at each meteor
wished on each one
two hours later
you said our love was done.
Rage took me over
As you cried your sorrowful tears
you went to the bedroom
I pounded there beers.
You left the next morning
As a tear fell from your eye
you walked out the door
I still wont say goodbye.

— The End —