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 Mar 2013 Narayan
 Mar 2013 Narayan
Dreams in the desert

Desert of dried roses

Roses soaked with blood

Blood of weeping eyes

Eyes with entangled images

Images blurred with time

Time flowin to horizon

Horizon with all illusion

Illusion of shadows

shadows turnin blue

Blue the color of deep lake

Lake full of fire

Fire of desire

Desire turning hunger

Hunger to lose the soul

Soul surrounded in tribulations

Tribulations in sea of tranquility

Tranquility seems beautiful

Beautiful hatred

Hatred turning love

Love that taught dreams

Dreams the fragile Dreams.....
 Mar 2013 Narayan
The last rain!
 Mar 2013 Narayan
I Felt the heavy downpour in darkness

pain with  pen is sweeter than with a blurred image

feather flying in the wind of storm without a shadow

light was dim the fog was thick

the wheel of life the compass of sailor locked

the blue waters embraced the sandy beach

the darkness engulfed the darker shadows

scary silence always sickens me

bunch of roses or the bunch of twigs hanging

decaying leaves n weeds engulfing the green fields

the lightening of thunder refused to go away

the old sun had to come out of eclipse

the bustle of autumn promised to open the door of spring

chirping of birds n morning light woke me up

the leaves were washed and the fragrance eternally fresh

it was the last, the last rain.....
 Mar 2013 Narayan
Dream Walker!
 Mar 2013 Narayan
Splash on the silent waters

i thought of finding the pearl again

oysters frightened

the ocean was deeper

name written on sand

but the tides were high

the distant dream

yet the horizon seemed near

just a dream walker

i m here to walk the thorny road

the mirror s fake

face on the other side is always happier

windows open

i m still suffocated

thick fog of smoke

always tries to clear things up

oh Cinderella its not 12 yet

n i beg don't leave your sandal again

dream bell has rung

its time to sleep again

i will wake u up when my dream ends....
 Mar 2013 Narayan
You and me !
 Mar 2013 Narayan
When the fire in me burns

I want the solace of your shadow

when my life is a frozen desert

I want the rainbow of your sunshine

this time again the sun is hidden beyond the hills

clouds eclipsing like a black veil

stars yet to rise

with distant silences and the music's demise

so you talk and say love is an illusion

I say its my only religion

you say your heart broke into pieces

but i' m good at fixing

and u cried a river of tears

those were pearls spent to break free

now look the winter sun wants to be happy again

a single glimpse of u smiling n bathing in its warmth

the last drop of rain s dying to wet you

flowers are at the verge blooming

waiting that began is waiting to end

bricks r lining to be in the castle of sand

the time was right then is right again

For u n me to be in the same love lane .....
 Mar 2013 Narayan
Rivers I cried thinking about the pearls of your smiles
for darkness I called looking up above the skies
Rain poured too slow to wash down my pain
I ran faster to lose my shadow away again

The bustle of leaves were humming our tune
inviting those birds in their bosoms that June
The melodies of my unsung tunes in same old lane
waiting to be washed by the last drop of rain

My spring covered by blinding snow so white
I chase my salvation in the train of the night
The darkness had engulfed candle so dim
my mind still drifts in those darker realm

Chasing the dream and dreaming the chase
end of the highway or its just another maze
Running forward is my only way out
shower me your unflinching love n i too shall sprout....
 Mar 2013 Narayan
 Mar 2013 Narayan
I asked the driver why are we so slow
Floyd in your ears he shoot
I want to quote a Rand here
but ****!
shining through the ark
I wait for my pen to rise
I have been listening to this song for ages
sleep , incomparable beauty
thanks to insomnia!
Racing thoughts and a window of sleep
I go reverse
climb up the hill.
Oh driver wait; the signal says
he chooses to change the track
animation in reality
I wake up to the puff of winter wind
greenery surrounding my mind
As always uncomfortable silence
screaming without a sound!
 Mar 2013 Narayan
Emma Liang
this is a poem about love,

             not boys, for once, or lesbians –
                           but roomie love.

my roommate is my other half,
like when we were little and chewed halves of gummy bears to make two-flavored ones with different colored heads and feet.

3:30 am on a Monday night,
all of our classes the next day, no homework done –
who else will stay up with me to read over each other’s oldest emails,
all disgustingly useless,
all marked as “sent with high importance”

who else will write poetry with me in the looming shadow of Chemistry tests
help keep the Spring terms exams and US History APs at bay
with jokes that aren’t funny but I laugh at anyways
because you are stupid and you think they are –

and everybody in the dorm thinks
we are insane, but that’s okay with me because we have

enough inside jokes to live on for a year
                    each other
 Mar 2013 Narayan
I m finding it hard to hang from the moon

and the sun is far away from the dawn

Roses are smiling bathing in the moonlight

inspiring thorns of hope in the fragrance of night

I fail to find whether i m sleeping or I m awake

either way the world is relative

manipulative suffocative and intrusive

Steel hearts with metallic beat

breeze of jealous air nowhere to retreat

The demons of night or the angels of dawn

Take me to the beauty of another world

To the carnival of holy ghosts in merry- go- around

where life s created and celebrated

Far away from eclipsed minds yeah far way from the eclipsed minds......

— The End —