I'm looking for magic
Seeking wisdom with the mysterious
nod of an Oracle,
trying magically to change the hearts of the heartless
Searching every flux of human illusions,
of feelings, of human connections, of human desires
And like you my precious one, searching for the tender
Abracadabra of just plain being
Delving into times knowing about the magical rhythm-ride, in time, that passes into the future with you
And yes, I'm quite aware about life's magical-wand of fate change that strokes you with gentleness and at times smacks you with callousness
What hypnotic mysteries lay ahead like pulling from life's hat the timeless night-blinking of our celestial roof, a broken
winter silence stirred by a canine's far distant call
And childish charismatic smiles of children
Just as all of life's surprises the magician's puff of smoke
appears as every sudden joy and sometimes sudden sadness
into a surprise bravo
And to all my beautiful seekers of wonder, prepare yourselves by knowing where there's hope there's
Watch closely as your curtain call of life rises
And experience the screams, tears and cheers of the audience seeking, like you, MAGIC!