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make me the night
cold and secretive
as winds that whisper quickly to the trees
before moving to the open fields
of long grass and wild flowers
asleep beneath the moonlight
like you
unaccustomed to the darkness
to the emptiness
that fills the sky so forcefully

leave me to the star-filled sky
to the ever present moon
circling behind greyed clouds
for it is here that i seek refuge

so make me what i am
and leave me to the loneliness of shadows
so i may walk in hand with them once more
you dug your teeth in like an animal
savage and deadly
your claws helping tear open the wound
as you poured in your poison
you used to be so kind
or at least it's how you looked in my eyes
but with every passing day
a piece of your mask faded
revealing the skin of a monster
and although i was warned
and told to run
seek refuge
i did not fear you
for i thought i knew you
but all you ever did was lie
and make believe you were the prey
while your predatory gaze kept a watchful eye

how quickly you sprang
how vicious your jaw
how easily i fell

and somehow it was my fault
somehow i was wading
****** and torn
in a river of apologies
unsure of the meaning
always searching

in time i learned your ways
and i froze
waist deep in the river
unable to swim to the shore
and become dry
because you cried
because you filled my ear
with sweet whispers of "i love you"
i believed you
so i stayed

but now as i lay freely
staring up at the sun
feeling its warmth
on my newly healed wounds
i realized that you never loved me
because love is not a violent word
7 months
we all grew up
differently than we intended
wild and tameless
until we got    
far from where we started off
but the familiarity still lingers
in old pictures
old faces
who haven't grown with us
those who have only lived to see
the beginning and the present
and the image of you that is expected
becomes shattered
and wiped clean
for you no longer represent those memories

hello, old friend
what was your name again?
I am back home for a few weeks in my lovely small town, and I have of course, run into everyone that I know from elementary and high school.
So. You like me as your pastime?
Hmm, please take another look
And see there's a person attached to it
With a full life and dreams, fool!

Being such the ardent lover of liver
She alit the bus and sat square across a damsel
Carrying happy burden; spontaneous loss
And on this day, witness to the leaking full......

Teeming thoughts rage on inside
Sees a man spitting ceaseless into a mug
Spitting, spitting, spitting...!!
Now a china teacup .... is all she'll have.

Frustration climbs the walls like spiders
Leave behind dangling webs of duplicitous ire
Spray its viscous poison everywhere
A smack, an outburst; ugly scene.

Hard to see where it ends, where it starts
Tumultuous energy always kept in check
Surreptitious trafficking in serendipity
Split desires sport with silken threads.

Embracing pain which dominates so
Heartache elemental dogs every move
See you leave, go off alone
Hide high grievance, suffocate.

Seems this loveware needs reconfiguring
Sittin' pretty, like a duck in the water
Ain't the way; keeps the target on yer back
Life's sometimes quite the storm..... in a Chinese teacup!

S T, 03 June 2013
Fancy some java?


My fave is Earl Grey, then camomile, green ....

Tea is a great (meditative) companion, not so.
I wanna live
with a cinnamon girl
I could be happy
the rest of my life
With a cinnamon girl.

A dreamer of pictures
I run in the night
You see us together,
chasing the moonlight,
My cinnamon girl.

Ten silver saxes,
a bass with a bow
The drummer relaxes
and waits between shows
For his cinnamon girl.

A dreamer of pictures
I run in the night
You see us together,
chasing the moonlight,
My cinnamon girl.

Pa sent me money now
I'm gonna make it somehow
I need another chance
You see your baby loves to dance

- song by my all-time favourite artist ....the inimitable NYoung :)

4 June 2013
Life is brillz with NYoung on the planet still :)

We are amazingly lucky to have this Canadian living legend....
I do fervently hope (as do some fine poets here) to meet the guy one day.

I must, must believe that it's possible!
Or probable....
Or perhaps, it could be likely that it's..... a possibility of a maybe! lol

Note: (alternate interpretation)

cinnamon girl could be ******, brown spicey substance, that looks like ******, ****** or ..... heroine is FEMALE cinnamon girl.
I could be happy the rest of my life with my bag of ******!
a dreamer of pictures, means nodding out,
you see us together chasing the moonlight means when he shoots up he feels beautiful and mellow ....
the ten silver saxes and bass with a bow could mean the price and a syringe.



'beyond chameleon love'

jumping so many hoops
to make things happen
yearn for the ability to make sense of
real space
beyond rusty masks

would hate to lose out
but would rather ye roam free
than ever feel confined
by anything.

wide open spaces
appeal so
fear sits tall, reigns
towers grandly
over all
a too wide umbrella
like the vast desert
under an azure sky
offering blossoms of heat
within the

together, rivers flow in earnest rush
once there, and come
mixing a never-before ....palette

such a range
zest springing so alive....

wait for it....
yes, believing the unbelievable.

(oh, yes yes yes!
you'd better believe that
'impossible' is but an envious expletive.
yes, we will sport in such myth-dismantling,
idea-befangled, silence-breaking ..... riding:)

.......uh-oh yessss!
Deep down inside, I have this feeling
Trouble lies behind those eyes
Do you need me to change my ways
For our dialogue to stay open?

Deep down inside, I have this feeling
Desire plays within your mind
Do you need to float on another cloud?
Seems you're writing your thoughts in the sky

Perhaps there's no place big enough for you
You crave more space, our kanvass is too small
So, I'm lying here on the floor
See your thinking bounce off the walls
Hoping you're still my true friend.....

S T, 4 June 2013
(an older song...of erstwhile years)

Can one stay friends..even as we change and grow?
Can true friends accept and embrace the things that the years teach us?
No-one really stays the same...we can't! lol

The only thing which remains constant, other than CHANGE, not so?

Just 'cos we're adults, doesn't mean we've stopped growing: sure, physically maybe...but, other spheres of growth...

What was that cool saying I read somewhere:
'If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent their growing.'
                                                                                                  - Coco Chanel


'letting grow'

love the giddying feeling
of the merry-go-round, yes.

love dancing
to that disco beat, yes.

love going out
and doing things, yes.

then, there comes a time
when we least expect,
yet need most of all:
a powerful lesson to learn.

love isn't really about letting go
...growing up ain't about being so serioso, **** it!

it's simple:
merely allow space for...letting grow,
ohhh yeah!

(comme la vie est belle, mes amis :)
There once was a ship a-sail
Out on the open sea.

Sails harness pure and open wind energy
See 'em flap this way and that-a way.

Sweet ride forever on, safely on to harbour
Oh boy, are we havin' some ssssswell fun..or what!

S T, 05 June 2013
No capsizing, ok.

Just a nod to all sailor-poets out there :)
Like you, Liam! Thanks a heap for fun inspiration....

Ultra-cool saying I read somewhere:
The mind is like a parachute.
When closed, it's useless!


"knee-scrapin' the edge"

yes, come on, baby
get on now, let's ride.

take you on the highway
go knee-scrapin' that superb edge.

yeah, lemme take you for a ride
only that way we can.

I'll make you scream and squirm
and let you fly on southern winds!

oh, how we feel that thrill ...together
harmonious crying out ....

oh yeah, baby...your hair flowing
we're sure outridin' the winds!

A lovely lilac smile,
with a fragrant kiss tasting peaches,
your gift, this morning;
how many more combinations all through the years?
Yesterday murmured within the earshot of today:
The past has posted  an encrypted message
on your wall, decipher it, take a careful turn,
the road is slippery, life is short.
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