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A giant has been messing
With me.
It played with my
Like a cat toys
With a
When I hopped up
It knocked me down
With a flick of its
I played opossum;
It picked me up
And patted my head
When I forgave it
For hurting me,
It left me clinging
To the phone
Like a teenage girl
Waiting for her
It never showed
That night.
The next day
It delivered unapologetically.
Yet it stole my faith
When it
I hate giants!
In retrospect,
I learned a giant
May be strong
And even have
A huge heart,
But on the flip side
It creates huge piles of
The Giant Auto Dealership in Franklin, Pa., is the object of this poem, but I hope it works metaphorically for many situations. DO NOT GO TO The Giant!! It was the worst new car buying experience of my life!!!!  I feel a bit better now. Thank you!!!
I never told


I love you


I don't
A man of few words

as I
know so few


He said so little

and yet

no words were

Morning blooms grey,
even the birds are quiet.
I broke two more hearts this week
and all I want to do
is hear your laugh.

You put strings in my joints

Your wooden face still hangs on my door
and Buddha squats on my granite nightstand.
Tastes of you are everywhere I look.

You shoved it in my face

******* and fighting
my way back to me,
I'm shedding skin
and growing teeth
and breaking bones
and doing **** my way
and loving it,
really loving it.
Still I hate every second
I am not with you.

*The coldness of your nothing
I am going to make love to myself, to remind myself of
What I feel like.
I will hike
To the summit of my
And entirely
On the ****** of my
Your skin
My skin.
The luminosity of curiosity twinkling within.
When you touch me,
Do you feel me?
You could heal me
My sins.
-from every angle-
Are you able
To shed skin?
I will shed you
Of the evils
You harbor within.
I will harbor
I will harbor the DNA you shed on my skin,
I will anchor on the harbors of your depths deep within
-you could heal me.
Tell me again;
When you touch me,
Do you feel me?
When I look at you,
I don't know what to look at first.
You're so visually inspiring its
You're eligible for
the heart aches

i allowed myself to feel
one very last time for you.

the sun was settling,
silhouetting the city

it felt like
the burial site of massacred dreams.
Sprawled out across his back.
Contouring the bean bag chair into something shapely beautiful.
Knees expelled in opposite directions,
Expelling my imagination into a furious sea of frenzy.
Except for the constant clicking of the video-game controller.
The constant flicking of his fingers soon lead my imagination
The traffic-jam of words inside of me soon slip uncontrollably to thoughts
As I sit behind him.
My heat undecoded.
Legs crossed, just as a lady should.
Girls from all over must tell him he's beautiful.
But beauty in itself is a limitation.
I'm not sure if he is aware that he is beyond
The liberal definition.
I find myself soon forgetting the awkward of the situation,
Instead savoring the surreal reality of such a moment.
"Are you winning?" I shortly ask him, breaking the heavy incredible silence.
But I had to know.
He can miss as many goals as he likes. Laugh it off.
Because inside of me he's scoring.
who will ever understand boys and video games?
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