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30 · Aug 2020
Mikey Aug 2020
I can still feel the way your eyes burnt into me.
the way your lips traced every curve of my body.
the way you held me.
I can still feel you, and your presence
but to you I'm a stranger, and nothing more than that.
a stranger that once kissed you with ever ounce of passion they had.
a stranger that spent hours, days, months, years even, studying ever scar, ever mark, every way your body moved.
but of course, strangers do that.
I'm just the stranger that walks around with your deepest secrets.
29 · Sep 2020
Mikey Sep 2020
my fire was blown out by the words you carefully whispered in my ear each morning.
the day my fire went out became the day your chains bound me to your love, and held me in place slowly feeding me pain and heartbreak
29 · Oct 2020
my star.
Mikey Oct 2020
when you look at me every star explodes in perfect unison.
28 · Sep 2020
never perfect.
Mikey Sep 2020
i sit in my living room, surrounded by the people that find me utterly perfect.
but all i can do is think of how 'perfect' i was to you,
though there was always someone more perfect wasnt there.
cause if i was your definition of perfect you wouldnt be calling him that.
28 · Oct 2020
Mikey Oct 2020
the force of your spirit resides in me.
the strength in your voice,
the weariness of your hands,
the spark within your eyes,
the red of your cheeks.
you linger on with me, through poems, and old stories.
youre in my soul kiddo.
i miss you the most.
ill see you soon
28 · Oct 2020
Mikey Oct 2020
the flowers you have planted in my heart are slowly withering away.
i want to cling to the broken record of your voice,
and the worn out comfort of your embrace.
but as the flowers fade, so do you.
i mustn't forget you, i say.
but your flowers have turned into weeds, and i cant let them **** their way into me.
so forgive me for forgetting.
i just cant anymore
27 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
and all of a sudden i could hear your laugh again.
i could hear your voice, i could see your face.
i shouldnt have texted you.
but i couldnt help it
27 · Aug 2020
the losing game
Mikey Aug 2020
these are the days were the voices grow louder than my own thoughts
were the feeling of postmortem flutters through my head like a butterfly,
allowing my childhood thoughts to chase after it, with hope and light in their eyes
and all I can do is watch the light fade and the memories dissipate into thin air.
allowing myself to fall deeper and deeper into the thought

of postmortem.
25 · Aug 2020
White Daisy Passing
Mikey Aug 2020
I made a playlist for you once,
made of all the memories you have poured into me.
you've heard it before, not knowing it was made of my love for you.
the songs I sing to you, the words I quote to you, they all come from this simple playlist
consisted of the sparks you've ignited in me.
25 · Sep 4
Mikey Sep 4
i forgive you for what you did,
but i hope you dont forgive yourself.
i hope it follows you around like a shadow,
i hope it makes your stomach sink when you think of me,
i hope it echos in your ears,
i hope your next lover leaves when you tell them of your actions.
but you forgave yourself long before i ever even thought of forgiving you and they do not plague you the way they have plagued me, so maybe,
i dont forgive you.
24 · Sep 2020
the nerves
Mikey Sep 2020
as i laid there, my whole body shaking
struggling to breath
to talk
to hold my dinner down
you held me to your chest and sang.
and in that moment i realized
i fell even more in love with you
than the day i became,
the one you call your own
god i would do anything to be held like that again
23 · Oct 2020
Mikey Oct 2020
id risk my whole life for you if thats what you wished.
id lasso the sun if you needed a light.
id capture the stars so you can be among them.
id give you my lungs so you can breath the crisp winter air.
id give my life to you if thats what you wished.
because my darling, your wish is my command

— The End —