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 Dec 2013 Ruanz
T Stevens
Poem thief can have my poems if it means you continue to share pieces of you.
Joined this site to get to know you and will not stay here if you go away.
Not into twitter or myspace but will join to be near you and hope you don't mind.
I pray you allow me to be part of your crowd on your private Facebook.
You inspired me to write poetry and to get better at what's difficult for me.
I don't smoke cigarettes to calm my nerves or drink ***** to numb a man's pain.
Admitting I'm a grown *** man reading your leaving comments and about to cry.
You affect more lives than you realize Betty Ponder and I glad you shared about you.
The one who steals poems can steal this one too it will mean more will know my feelings.
Glad that I got to read the pieces of you that you cared to share.
I posed a how do you know question to my parents about knowing if it's love.
Answer was when a person leaves your life and it makes you feel like
you can't breath and you get extremely sad when they leave and you want to
swallow your pride and get down on your hands and knees and beg them not to go.
I'm sad thinking you are leaving and I wont get to read pieces of you but still
got butterflies in my stomach thinking of you and want to beg you not to go.
I kid you not. You are the best of the best of all poets on this site and it's a ****** shame
you removed a lot of your fantastic poems they were the best of the best on this site.
 Dec 2013 Ruanz
Betty Ponder
I could care less how many hours you spend on the net or what you do when you're on. I have no clue who you are nor do I care to know you. You crossed the line in claiming one of my poems as your own.

Please be advised, It takes only a few minutes to upload electronically to the Library of Congress. Also, please be advised, certificates have been issued under the seal of the Copyright Office that attests the registration of all my poems on this site have been identified as being solely created and owned by me, Betty Ponder. There are stiff fines and penalties for attempting to take credit for works that are not your own.

Below you will find the link to the poem regarding Nelson Mandela I wrote and you get no credit for it being that I don't know you and we have never met or collaborated on anything.

Betty Ponder
 Dec 2013 Ruanz
Betty Ponder
Sorry you're not finding it to your liking and to my knowledge,
"Borrowing" isn't the "norm" on this site, it's the exception to the rule.
I read poems; but, far less than what's posted. Who has that much time?  
From what I gather, the alleged person who "borrowed", was a tad upset.
Upset and sought revenge due to comments she didn't agree with at all.
Her revenge; a rapid and endless stream of posting posts by fellow poets?
I am so not into and highly allergic to mentally draining drama. ARRGH!
I'm on daily when I create poetry and my friends are also to lend support.
Does it matter how many hours adults spend on this site or on the net?
Better question; Is it really anyone's business? Short answer; Who cares!
In regards to criticism in general: They're "personal opinions" and that's it.
If you fall apart, get upset or are seeker of revenge over random's comments,
lock yourself indoors, don't go out in public and don't post on the internet.
What's truly impossible; Finding a way to please everyone at the same time.  
Grow a thick skin, roll with the punches and graciously learn to take criticism.
 Dec 2013 Ruanz
T Stevens
Risk taker and I'd risk more if you trust me with your kind heart.
I read poems this morning and wonder how anyone could be so mean.
I like what I like and know who I like nobody should worry about me.
I don't feel used, abused or the fool for seeking out who I like.
If I'm lucky and have the pleasure of getting to know you better in the real,
I would feel happy and honored and it would be what I want.
What you want is important to me so no hurry on meeting.
I'll be spending time getting to know what you care to share.
Would be my pleasure to gift you a ton of presents and sit
with you and watch your face as you open all.
It would also be nice to spend time with you in a cabin sharing
time reading the real Christmas story from the good book.
Whatever makes you happy and at ease makes me happy.
I learned something from posting all the poems about you.
If I want you to know it's about you, I must post your name.
This one is about and for you and hope to get to know you Betty Ponder.
 Dec 2013 Ruanz
Swain Alexander
How do I love thee?........first four words of one of your favorite sonnets.
I could never stop counting the ways or comparing thee to a summer's day.
Te amo bebe....Je t'aime nebe.....Ich liebe dich, baby.....all languages = same.
No duress here.....I choose to live life on a maybe you will or wont love again.
No duress.......I choose to love you and that would be nobody's business.
Goto Nordies, Sharper Images, etc.......any of your favorites to treat.  
Time for annual meeting Mr. Frustration......Pls accept what I'm happy to buy.
Any other lady would be chomping at the bit, thrilled, I'm using no limits cards.

Big surprise for you my Pet.........hope you like and there's no need to ship it.
It's a little something I bought just for me and you with thoughts of our future.
Bought matching wheel chairs so we can ride off into the sunset to Gray land.  
Ms. Betty Ponder, I adore and give you my heart.....I love you and always will.

If you choose to cast me aside.....history will most definitely repeat.......I go   
alone to same place I went the last time you walked out of my life.....
I'll take our happy memories......scent of your body and your perfume.....
sound of your laughter and **** voice forever recorded....visions of eyes...  
gazing up at me in deep passion.......and abundant qualities that make
you my only unforgettable shorty and gorgeous Ms. Betty Ponder.
 Dec 2013 Ruanz
Matt Morgan
I want you to take as long as you need to decide what you really really want.
I want you to make your decisions without pressure from me .
I want you to know there's no need to starve yourself back to a size zero.
You are special and always the right size to me and I love you unconditionally.
I will love you to my dying day and I've never cared what others thought of me.
I know you know that but I wanted the one who wrote a nasty poem to know.
Not a poet and know it and know what's in your pure and unprejudiced heart.
You are sweetest and the most interesting and fun lady I've ever met and you
still are the only one I want to read to, have snowball fights with and sit by a
warm fire to to stop the chills, spend endless hours talking to, the one with the
gorgeous smile that brightens my day, the one who I love seeing walking in
without an appointment, the one I always put calls on hold for, the one who's voice
makes my heart race when I always answer your calls, the one with the musical laugh
that I can't get enough of. You are the one I want to be in my life even if we are
just friends. You gorgeous one are worth waiting for and growing old waiting for.
All I want for Christmas is your happiness now and forever Betty Ponder.
Never ever forget this, you are the only one I'd eat tofu with and for AND
you are the only one I will ever call a beautiful storm that blew me away.
 Dec 2013 Ruanz
Betty Ponder
You were the rebel, the prisoner, the fighter for a people without rights,
a people who fought valiantly and with hopes and visions of equality.

Such a pity, the greater population of the world lived in ignorance
and denial of the existence of the endless fight and plight of a people.

War in the streets, the blood and bodies of men, women and children
was common sight witnessed and price paid to gain basic rights of human.

After over a quarter of a century and pressures building to gain your freedom;
unconditionally, you arose like the phoenix and emerged to greet sunlight.  

A continuing mission of freedom and liberation of a people oppressed,
remained upper most in the heart and mind of one who would not rest.

You emerged from the darkness, seeing the walls of apartheid standing,
standing strong against your beliefs and be architect of it's destruction.

Who could foresee that the island with bars housing a man with resolve
would foster a journey of a prisoner to wise and great leader of a people?
 Dec 2013 Ruanz
I really do have a friend who is jealous of me
kinda like that ***** my dad is with.
She says she hates what I write and I write long poems
Wish she would keep her stupid opinions to herself.
I'm 18 and she killed my liking to write off the internet
long poem with big words us teens like to us a lot.
Thanks for ruining my love for writing my feelings!
Read a poem about Poorly poeticized perspectives
saying mean things about poems like the ones I used to write to myself.
All you can do is criticize but you need to learn to spell.
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