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There is no more than the scent on my sheets, but i'll be on yours, for some time.
Some nights will pass and the universe that existed with us together will be slowly drowned,
out by the busy on-going hum of the people living around us.
we will slowly let the moments that brought us so close unravel,
no more will a vivid quilt exist to keep us warm, just the unfamiliar pieces,
pieces that without time, careful work, and magic, mean nothing.  
We can salvage the mess and design something new and brave,
but like a lost letter re-written, you can try your hardest and never recreate the same meaning.
There is no more than the tire marks in the snow leading you out of my driveway,
Had my tire marks traced yours that day, would I still be writing this?
as you spoke those words
a red vineyard
began to bloom from my wrist
you swore you weren't an alcohol man
however you took the time
to ensure my red vineyard
grew strong.
pruning and thinning
my patience and trust
using palissage
to train me into believing
my feeble mind
would believe simple kind
words said from my angel dressed in navy
my viticulturist, my sweet
you have taken the time
to acquire a taste for me
but in that
you have ruined my taste
for everyone else
aspersion played a role
I thought you'd never allow
and in that
you have turned my saccharine wine
into bitter blood
inspired by van gogh's "the red vinyard", 1888, and a boy who lied
Take me back to the days
When we were artists
With the clouds as the paint,
With the sky as the canvas;
Who sang their hearts out
In front of the electric fan
Which became the microphone and auto-tuner.
Take me back to the days
When we were adventurers
Who ran outside after morning showers to
Find the end of the rainbow
Hoping to meet a fellow
Who can grant our greatest wish
That tomorrow would be sunnier than today;
Who balanced between life and death
Every grocery shopping with our mothers
As we carefully tried to avoid the lines of the tiles which
We believed was made up of deadly red lasers.
Take me back to the days
When we were heroes:
Scientists who calculated the intensity of the rain
In the race of raindrops that
Roll down the car window
In the pouring traffic jam.
Ninjas who would wake up early to
Catch the floating dusts that swim in the sun's rays
When you open the curtains of the wide window.
Generals of an army who built
Mighty forts of cotton and feathers and
Found safety beneath warm pillows and sheets
On dark and windy nights.
Take me back to the days
When we were
Astronauts, and
Take me back to the days
When we were
*Who we wanted to be.
Dear love I write to you
From lands composed of foreign tongues
Praying home is rife with sun
And that your eyes still hold stars and you are well

My journey away from you
Continues with you in my thoughts
And oh, the wonder my travels have brought
Will I be home soon, only time can tell

May your tender lips pray on
As my travels carry me near and far
May my dreams bring me to where you are
Whether I go by land or by sea

By this letter that I write
Know that your love longs for your arms
And to return to them safe from harm
Oh my darling, please wait for me
I would pull stars from the sky
Swim the deepest ocean blue
If it gave me just a little piece
of more time spent with you

Do you want me to slay dragons
Beneath the mountain high
In order to spend time with you
or just pull stars from the sky?

Whatever it takes to win your heart
That's all you have to ask
Whatever it takes to win your heart
Just give me a new task
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'll sail the ocean blue
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'd do it all for you

How high, how much
How many, how low
just tell me and I'll do
I'll spin straw into gold
just to spend more time with you

how fast, how far
how quick, how slow
ask me something new
i'll make diamond out of chunks of coal
just to spend more time with you

Whatever it takes to win your heart
That's all you have to ask
Whatever it takes to win your heart
Just give me a new task
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'll sail the ocean blue
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'd do it all for you

I'll catch a star from the night sky
I'll navigate the seas
I'll go on an adventure
If you'll spend your life with me

I'll climb the highest mountain
I'll fly into the sun
Whatever it takes to win your heart
And hear that I'm your only one

Whatever it takes to win your heart
That's all you have to ask
Whatever it takes to win your heart
Just give me a new task
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'll sail the ocean blue
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'd do it all for you
It was a night like this
That the world changed forever
Some say for the worse
Some say for the better
A child arrived
The King of Kings
The world would be different
So the Angel sings

Unto you a child is born
The Son of God by name
Some were happy he was here
Others not so that he came
Wars are fought in the belief
That their Lord is the one
But, truly isn't each sides Lord
Our God's only son

He never travelled far from home
His message and his word
Were spread throughout the many lands
His silence not deterred
He spoke the word of God himself
He performed miracles for some
He'd do so in His Holy name
And his end would swiftly come

He never made age  thirty four
Thirty Three  up on the cross
He gave his life for his beliefs
Would you do that cost?
His birthday, do we celebrate
Each year, at least we try
School plays portray the Saviours birth
Then retailers tell us buy

The season is not retail based
It is the Celebration of The One
The importance of the season's lost
When the Christmas plays are done
This year, please take a moment
Think about what Christmas means
Think about The Son of God
Before you try on those new jeans....
We sat on the couch
You had the **** in one lighter in the other
I was thinking to myself maybe this is right
You looked at me with your amazing hazel eyes
You said
You look very pretty this evening
I looked at you and smiled
You took your hit and blew it into my mouth as we kiss
You held me tight
I told you I never want anyone else
You said we don't need anyone else
As we lay together
We fall asleep
I had a dream
We were holding hands on the beach
You look as handsome as any man could
You told me I was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen
I gave you that little smile you love so much
As we walked down the beach
You stopped me at sunset
Got down on one knee and proposed
I was so excited I said yes jumped into your arms and we kissed
I love you we said to each other
Forever and always
As we woke up he took me to the beach
My dream became a reality<3
My heart swings forward
across the line.
The doors lock behind me.
Now there is no choice but blue skies or rain.

Then I wonder what heart "means."
I wonder why the sky is blue,
and why things bother to grow at all.

But "growth" continues its bored stretch,
irregardless of my inability to understand it,
and I have better things to think about now.

I have her.

Her and that little grin that grabs hold of the corner of her mouth
then turns toward me and opens.

She knows that I lied,
before I do.

She makes me feel like a little boy that ****** his brand new shorts,
and a man that's found a woman I know

I will love,
whether I want to
or not.

I still sweat in my sleep, and grunt when I move.
But she is there sometimes now (when schedules provide).

When I wake in the night,
a boy that thinks he's a man
just because I'm not afraid of the dark.

And the light breaks through the bull,
that electric touch,
"The Spark,"
she knows it in her deepest sleep,
her deepest dreams,
as they bend my own dreams into,
a new future.

I touch her where she is covered in my paint splattered sweat pants
and her arms open to hug me
before she wakes.

I feel the love like a child,
like it was always there
like it just might always will be.

Like God has spoken, but we cut him off 'cause we already knew.

We will **** and we will laugh like we have and like the others,
but there is something else in this.

She will change me.
I know this.
Into what, I truly do not know.

Our planet spins and circles.
Wars begin and end.
Multitudes suffer.
Microchips shrink at an exponential rate.
American politics deteriorate, dwindling down Democracy to a joke.
The Giants lose.
My money runs out.
My leg hurts.
The fridge is empty.
The house is burning.
The fabric of our reality is splitting in two, and in three minutes this world will end and we all will die unremembered.

I don't give a ****.
I love her.
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